Trumps Incompetence Is Being Laid Bare For All Americans To See Just In Time For The Holidays

President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

The markets have been down since the day Trump fired his first shot in his trade war and you want to blame something that has not happened yet.

What a good little sheep

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that should've been done decades ago
gota have some pain when you want to get better

want to get better than what?

Better than 110 straight months of economic expansion?

Better than sub 4% unemployment?

Better than more jobs than people to fill them?

Better than the record setting markets before the Trade war?

Which of those will Trumps trade war make better?
I guess you like America getting screwed by these other countries??
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

The markets have been down since the day Trump fired his first shot in his trade war and you want to blame something that has not happened yet.

What a good little sheep

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that should've been done decades ago
gota have some pain when you want to get better

want to get better than what?

Better than 110 straight months of economic expansion?

Better than sub 4% unemployment?

Better than more jobs than people to fill them?

Better than the record setting markets before the Trade war?

Which of those will Trumps trade war make better?
I guess you like America getting screwed by these other countries??

How is 110 straight months of economic expansion getting screwed?

How is sub 4% unemployment getting screwed?

How is more jobs than people to fill them getting screwed?

How is a record setting market getting screwed?

Can you do anything other than parrot talking points?
Hail to the Chief
he's the POTUS--against all odds
he's rich
gets lots of sex
and you are posting on USMB

he's 'potus' because of putin
he's rich thru criminal activities & fraud
he pays for sex
he tweets like a teenager
& YOU are posting on USMB
i am getting off the board now so i can join my husband at the dinner table.

have fun!
he's got the $$$ for sex--who cares?
does he pay hot mama Melania??
or his other hot wives??hahahahhahahaha
yes I am posting--but I'm not saying Trump is a dumbass-
he tweets to tell it like it is---not like your scared/double talking/etc politicians
I will have fun

lol... incels like you need 'men' like trump to make you feel good about yourself.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”

my fun will be when mueller nails trumpco to the wall. :popcorn:
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
So the democrats cause the problem while the Republicans had control of the congress and presidency. That's going to be a hard sell.
Flopper, it is not all that difficult to wrap your brain around.

The POTUS does not control every aspect of the US economy.

Trump warned that the Federal Reserve would kill the stock market if they raised interest rates too much, and they have almost doubled it.

Trump also warned that failing to make the tax cuts permanent would hurt economic growth, both of these were easy calls.

Sabotaging Trumps economy then blaming him for it is classic Dimocrat shenanigans though.
We live in a bubble ecconomy , which any sitting potus does not instantly inflate or deflate.....all of Trump's legilsation will take time to manifest

President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
So the democrats cause the problem while the Republicans had control of the congress and presidency. That's going to be a hard sell.
Flopper, it is not all that difficult to wrap your brain around.

The POTUS does not control every aspect of the US economy.

Trump warned that the Federal Reserve would kill the stock market if they raised interest rates too much, and they have almost doubled it.

Trump also warned that failing to make the tax cuts permanent would hurt economic growth, both of these were easy calls.

Sabotaging Trumps economy then blaming him for it is classic Dimocrat shenanigans though.

That is basicly high treason acts and should be dealt with the same
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

The economy roared under Trump. As soon as Dem's take the house the economy heads south, shocker.
Its the constant mind changing that keeps the country in an up roar, 10 days ago Trump said "I am proud to shut down the government" " I will take the mantle, I wont blame you" today he says " the Democrats own the shut down".
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?
So the democrats cause the problem while the Republicans had control of the congress and presidency. That's going to be a hard sell.
Flopper, it is not all that difficult to wrap your brain around.

The POTUS does not control every aspect of the US economy.

Trump warned that the Federal Reserve would kill the stock market if they raised interest rates too much, and they have almost doubled it.

Trump also warned that failing to make the tax cuts permanent would hurt economic growth, both of these were easy calls.

Sabotaging Trumps economy then blaming him for it is classic Dimocrat shenanigans though.
When a party controls the government, they own the successes and failures that grow out of that control. You can take responsibility for all successes but voters will hold you responsible for all the failures.
Its the constant mind changing that keeps the country in an up roar, 10 days ago Trump said "I am proud to shut down the government" " I will take the mantle, I wont blame you" today he says " the Democrats own the shut down".
And tomorrow, he will take credit for saving the government and getting funding to build his great beautiful wall which of course will be far from the truth.

The power of the bully pulpit, allows a president to convince the public of the existence of a crisis when none exist and allows him to take credit for leading the country out of the crisis with equally nonexistence actions.
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
Joseph Goebbels
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You trusted these people to handle the U.S. economy? Really?

It’s been particularly instructive watching CNBC, whose corporate stooges led with the loudest whoops for that supposedly booming market through 2017, as all of these paper gains—affecting tens of millions of individual retirement portfolios—have now suddenly evaporated into thin air. All of them, at the time, seemed genuinely okay with the fact that a proven incompetent con man, who built his entire life ripping people off, was at the helm of the U.S. economy. What could possibly go wrong?

Trump's incompetence is being laid bare for all Americans to see, just in time for the holidays

Trump is kinda like a SHIT SANDWICH but with attitude.

If a shit sandwich had attitude it would likely be thinking, I smell like shit & I smell GOOD.

That is our POTUS; Trump is proud to smell like the shittiest smelling shit sandwich in town.

After all, when you elect shit, what do you expect; caviar?
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

So the Fed is too blame as well as the Democrats. Is that your reasoned evaluation?

If so, you're nuts.
Yes indeed. Trump is the hero of America and the world He has exposed the deep state guilty of high treason which could start world war 111
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

Jan 2018: $572,840 - Dec 2018: $498,334; thank you Donald Trump.

You right wingers elected bozo to run the country, and still don't have the ego strength to admit you made the biggest mistake ever.
President Trump warned us that giving Dems the House and raising interest rates would wreck the economy.

He was 100% right, and yet you are blaming him?

Jan 2018: $572,840 - Dec 2018: $498,334; thank you Donald Trump.

You right wingers elected bozo to run the country, and still don't have the ego strength to admit you made the biggest mistake ever.

Yet unemployment is at record lows. What’s more important, the stocks of the top companies that outsource overseas, or Americans getting work again?

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