Trump’s lawyers kicking butt so far in this first hour, pointing out Dem lies and hypocrisy

The are showing a ton of
Video proving what lying scumbags and hypocritical traitors the Dems are. It has almost been a solid hour of providing video and social media evidence of Dem lies.

Seriously? And you can say that shit with a straight face? by claiming cops were beaten up all last summer? They're trying to compare apples to oranges, in short, alternative facts....LOL
Over 200 riots by DNC/BLM/Antifa in 2020. Burning, Looting, Murder in democrat cities around the country. And you are trying to make a mountain out of a minor skirmish that you cannot even point convincingly to one side or the other. The only fatality caused by this skirmish was the murder of a US veteran that was in the capitol with a camera--and she was murdered by the capitol police,
Just like the southern sheriffs pointed their police dogs to peacefully restrain the civil rights marchers.
That's all you got, pointing to racial violence? I gladly accept your surrender...
I thought you were smart enough to see the parallel, but I guess I have to spell it out. Police dogs, like the mob that Trump invited to washington to "stop the steal" on January 6th, who as pointed out already planned nad prepared to take over the capitol. Just like police dogs are trained to attack,. All that is required to trigger them into action is a single command. For Trump it was sending his mob to the capitol, and the result was inevitable.
Democrats are gonna regret opening this can of worms.

Trump's toadies and lickspittles are beginning to acknowledge that their Cry Baby Loser's Big Lie failed.

Cry Baby Loser has befouled the Republican Party whose approval level is now down to 38%.

The GOP is determined to recover from the infestation of Trumpery.

140,000 Republican voters across the 25 states that make such records available changed their partisan affiliations in January, with movement away from the GOP accelerating in the immediate aftermath of the January 6 riot. In Arizona, 233 Republican voters switched their registrations during the first five days of last month; in the week following the Capitol Hill insurrection, that number swelled to 3,317. Another purple Sun Belt state, North Carolina, saw 3,007 Republicans change their registrations in the first week after the riot, and 2,850 more do so in the week after that.​
Hyper-partisan Democrats are hoping that the RINOs of Trumpery will persist in infesting the GOP, but existential imperatives will dictate. To recover, Republicans will have to jettison the toxic pantload.

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"We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn't have,
and we shouldn't have followed him, and we shouldn't have listened to him.
And we can't let that ever happen again."

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Not coming to defense of the capital is proof that he wanted the Capitol mobbed and attacked. Proof of intent to incite.
No it isn't you moron.
Trump took an oath to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

And then when he saw the capitol attacked, he did nothing for two hours.

The guy from Philadelphia sounds drunk or confused. Talking real slow and slurring his words. And his refusal to answer questions which reflect badly on the President makes him looks shady and incompetent.

I listened a little coming home from work and was surprised that he raised the founding father James Wilson, and his views on impeachment. The problem with using James Wilson is that he was opposed to the very existence of the Senate. And better yet, he was opposed to the electoral college and believed the president should be elected by popular vote. So, if James Wilson had his way there would not even be a trail in the Senate, the action of the House would have sealed Trump's fate, and besides, Trump would never have been elected the first time, let alone even be up for re-election. The sad part, probably not one of those Senators even knows who James Wilson was.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Yawn. We've listened to your BS for four years. Now it is time for you to defend your incompetent selection. Good luck with that.

That should be easy. What amazes me is this continued willingness to support the LOSER Trump. I mean look around. The country is more divided than ever before, at least since the American Revolution. Trump was a failure of Buchanan proportion. The economy is in shambles even with trillions of dollars in stimulus that amounted to an increase in personal income despite the massive unemployment. An increase in income due to transfer payments. The reaction to the Coronavirus was a complete failure, almost every nation in the world handled it better. Our international reputation has declined to depths not seen since prior to WWI. The Trump taxcut was an absolute failure, the corporate tax cut resulted in more rent seeking than any wage increases for the American worker. In fact, all the wage increases we have seen can be attributed to a shrinking labor market more than any fiscal actions by the government. Running the numbers unbiasedly and it turns out, Obama did more for the American people during the Trump administration than Trump. The decrease in medical inflation more than offsets any GDP growth, and that declining labor market is a direct function of the ACA, as is that decrease in medical inflation.

The one real success Trump achieved was making the American people dumber than ever before. Fueled by propaganda posed as news and a social media without any real filter, the American people are inundated with disinformation. It would make even Aldous Huxley envious.
The country is more divided than ever before
After four years of democrat pushed division, I have to agree. And it won't go away anytime soon either. The democrats opened their own can of worms this time and they are going to regret it everyday until they quit dividing. Male/Female, White/POC, Straight/LGBTQXYZ, law-abiding citizens/DNC-BLM-Antifa rioters, looters and murderers. The democrat way.
The economy is in shambles even with trillions of dollars in stimulus
The economy was doing just fine, thank you very much--until the democrat/Chinese virus and the democrat governor's shutdowns. Re: stimulus. The democrats doubled Trump's debt to provide a stimulus to kick start the shut-downs. Your dems are responsible for $5T of new debt in this stimulus. Watch what happens to your purchasing power now--$15/hr ain't shit. Careful what you ask for moron--you got it.
Not coming to defense of the capital is proof that he wanted the Capitol mobbed and attacked. Proof of intent to incite.
No it isn't you moron.
Trump took an oath to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

And then when he saw the capitol attacked, he did nothing for two hours.

The guy from Philadelphia sounds drunk or confused. Talking real slow and slurring his words. And his refusal to answer questions which reflect badly on the President makes him looks shady and incompetent.

I listened a little coming home from work and was surprised that he raised the founding father James Wilson, and his views on impeachment. The problem with using James Wilson is that he was opposed to the very existence of the Senate. And better yet, he was opposed to the electoral college and believed the president should be elected by popular vote. So, if James Wilson had his way there would not even be a trail in the Senate, the action of the House would have sealed Trump's fate, and besides, Trump would never have been elected the first time, let alone even be up for re-election. The sad part, probably not one of those Senators even knows who James Wilson was.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Yawn. We've listened to your BS for four years. Now it is time for you to defend your incompetent selection. Good luck with that.

That should be easy. What amazes me is this continued willingness to support the LOSER Trump. I mean look around. The country is more divided than ever before, at least since the American Revolution. Trump was a failure of Buchanan proportion. The economy is in shambles even with trillions of dollars in stimulus that amounted to an increase in personal income despite the massive unemployment. An increase in income due to transfer payments. The reaction to the Coronavirus was a complete failure, almost every nation in the world handled it better. Our international reputation has declined to depths not seen since prior to WWI. The Trump taxcut was an absolute failure, the corporate tax cut resulted in more rent seeking than any wage increases for the American worker. In fact, all the wage increases we have seen can be attributed to a shrinking labor market more than any fiscal actions by the government. Running the numbers unbiasedly and it turns out, Obama did more for the American people during the Trump administration than Trump. The decrease in medical inflation more than offsets any GDP growth, and that declining labor market is a direct function of the ACA, as is that decrease in medical inflation.

The one real success Trump achieved was making the American people dumber than ever before. Fueled by propaganda posed as news and a social media without any real filter, the American people are inundated with disinformation. It would make even Aldous Huxley envious.
Blah, Blah, Blah--you're a moron and your entire post is pure lunacy.
The are showing a ton of
Video proving what lying scumbags and hypocritical traitors the Dems are. It has almost been a solid hour of providing video and social media evidence of Dem lies.

The fabricated evidence montage was better. I had no idea that so many tweets and speeches were completely faked.
Tipsy ! If their mouth is moving they are lying anything you see or read on MSM is biased and probably a lie. Controlling the Media and what "We the people" "get to know" is the key to totalitarian rule. He who controls the media controls the Political Theatre. The last few days have been really "bad theatre". If Political speech or any speech for that matter regardless of how offensive is censored then all speech can be censored. No evidence of a Crime just rhetorical speech
Finishing by Showing that fat ass Nadler saying why Clinton should not be impeached, in direct opposition to what he says now was perfect.

Dems are lying sacks of shit, and we just watched an hour of their hypocrisy.
The problem with our Democracy is...….. These same dumb fucks who got us a 22trillion dollar debt are the people who haven't had an answer in over 30yrs. but keep getting elected. Term Limits are a necessity. Even George Washington knew that power once gained is a hard thing to surrender. Power is like crack get a taste and it's addictive . Yeah Term limits would be good for the Country
Let me augment that timeline

1:09 p.m.: Chief Sund asks House Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael C. Stenger to declare an emergency and call for deployment of the National Guard.

1:34 p.m.: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser requests via phone that Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy provide an unspecified number of additional forces.

1:49 p.m.: Capitol Police Chief Sund requests immediate assistance from District of Columbia National Guard (DCNG) Commander Maj. Gen. William J. Walker

1:59 p.m.: Chief Sund receives the first reports that rioters had reached the Capitol's doors and windows and were trying to break in

2:12 p.m.: The first rioter enters the Capitol through the broken window,[29] opening a door for others

2:20 p.m.: The House adjourns and starts to evacuate.

On national TV the capitol had been breeched, and the floor of the house and senate taken over.

2:24 p.m.: President Trump tweets,
"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

After watching the violence, hearing his VP was evacuated, and the insurrection having stopped the counting of electoral votes (an hour and a half into the breaching of the capitol.

2:38 p.m.: President Trump tweets,
"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
Oh how nice. That's even better proof than my own that your claim about doing nothing for two hours was false.

Thank you.

Trump finished speaking at 1:10 p.m. The entered the Capitol at 2:12, according to you, and according to you, 26 minutes later, Trump called for peace.


Why didn't Trump tell the National Guard to get over there? His tweet was weak and lame. Trump had to be forced to say "Stay Peaceful". His staffers have reported he didn't want that in the tweet.
Not coming to defense of the capital is proof that he wanted the Capitol mobbed and attacked. Proof of intent to incite.
No it isn't you moron.
Trump took an oath to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

And then when he saw the capitol attacked, he did nothing for two hours.

The guy from Philadelphia sounds drunk or confused. Talking real slow and slurring his words. And his refusal to answer questions which reflect badly on the President makes him looks shady and incompetent.

I listened a little coming home from work and was surprised that he raised the founding father James Wilson, and his views on impeachment. The problem with using James Wilson is that he was opposed to the very existence of the Senate. And better yet, he was opposed to the electoral college and believed the president should be elected by popular vote. So, if James Wilson had his way there would not even be a trail in the Senate, the action of the House would have sealed Trump's fate, and besides, Trump would never have been elected the first time, let alone even be up for re-election. The sad part, probably not one of those Senators even knows who James Wilson was.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Yawn. We've listened to your BS for four years. Now it is time for you to defend your incompetent selection. Good luck with that.

You joined this board 3 months ago, and you haven't listen to a word anyone has posted since you've been here. We told you before you elected this clown that he was unfit for office and a danger to the Republic. You didn't care. Elections have consequences, and these are YOUR consequences for electing an amoral, criminal clown as President.

Donald Trump is the incompetent who is on trial here. Trump and those Republicans in the House and Senate who enabled his assault on the legally elected government. No one else.

Reading your posts here, it has become painfully obvious that NONE of you watched the impeachment managers. That's pretty much what I would expect from the people who voted for Donald Trump and cheered his destruction of the country.
Last edited:
Let me augment that timeline

1:09 p.m.: Chief Sund asks House Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael C. Stenger to declare an emergency and call for deployment of the National Guard.

1:34 p.m.: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser requests via phone that Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy provide an unspecified number of additional forces.

1:49 p.m.: Capitol Police Chief Sund requests immediate assistance from District of Columbia National Guard (DCNG) Commander Maj. Gen. William J. Walker

1:59 p.m.: Chief Sund receives the first reports that rioters had reached the Capitol's doors and windows and were trying to break in

2:12 p.m.: The first rioter enters the Capitol through the broken window,[29] opening a door for others

2:20 p.m.: The House adjourns and starts to evacuate.

On national TV the capitol had been breeched, and the floor of the house and senate taken over.

2:24 p.m.: President Trump tweets,
"Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

After watching the violence, hearing his VP was evacuated, and the insurrection having stopped the counting of electoral votes (an hour and a half into the breaching of the capitol.

2:38 p.m.: President Trump tweets,
"Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
Oh how nice. That's even better proof than my own that your claim about doing nothing for two hours was false.

Thank you.

Trump finished speaking at 1:10 p.m. The entered the Capitol at 2:12, according to you, and according to you, 26 minutes later, Trump called for peace.


Why didn't Trump tell the National Guard to get over there? His tweet was weak and lame. Trump had to be forced to say "Stay Peaceful". His staffers have reported he didn't want that in the tweet.
His " Staffers" are all trying to find jobs in a very hostile environment. They would probably Identify their mothers as being part of the protest if it kept them in the good graces of the team in power. First question on every job application at the Capitol. Were you in anyway tied to The Trump Presidency. Q#2 Are you willing to "say anything" to get this position???
The country is more divided than ever before
After four years of democrat pushed division, I have to agree. And it won't go away anytime soon either. The democrats opened their own can of worms this time and they are going to regret it everyday until they quit dividing. Male/Female, White/POC, Straight/LGBTQXYZ, law-abiding citizens/DNC-BLM-Antifa rioters, looters and murderers. The democrat way.

You are absolutely freakin insane. "Democrat pushed division"? Foolishness and ignorance combined. McConnell spent 8 years doing nothing but opposing Obama. The first four years it was all about preventing his re-election even at the detriment of the country. Then Trump gets elected, not by uniting the country behind a vision. but by fanning the division, a divide and conquer strategy. Even his campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again", was little more than a poorly veiled nod to white supremacy. It was insulting because it begged the question, "When did America suddenly become "not great". The racial divide was primarily fueled by Trump's inept and racist response to the initial protests.

Nope, Truman famously had a sign posted on the executive desk, "The Buck Stops Here". The state of the nation was Trump's only responsibility, and yet he and his minions refuse to credit him for anything negative, and create pure fantasy to give him praise, like the whole magically decreased drug prices with an EO that never went into effect.
Even his campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again", was little more than a poorly veiled nod to white supremacy. It was insulting because it begged the question, "When did America suddenly become "not great". The racial divide was primarily fueled by Trump's inept and racist response to the initial protests.
Join us, brothers and sisters.

#meme #Trump #RacismSucks #jimhvausa #WalkAway #FakeNews




Trump took an oath to defend the country from enemies foreign and domestic.

And then when he saw the capitol attacked, he did nothing for two hours.
Not part of the charges for impeachment, Stupid.
I know Trump wasn't charged with it. But it would be an affirmative defense to what Trump was charged with, and they can make no such defense.

In essence, Trump has no alibi.
No reason for Trump to make a defense against imaginary charges, Dummy.
They stood by for January 6th, when Trump told them to go to the Capitol.
If you don't have a direct quote where he directs them to storm the capitol, then you have....nothing.
Trump told them to go to the Capitol in violation of the permit they had to hold the rally.
Hun, we are allowed as american citizens to protest our out of control corrupt congress........I'm sorry that so many can't grasp this simple concept.

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