Trump’s letter to Turkish president is “utterly pathetic”

Fine then NUKE Turkey. I'm fed up with fighting wars with both hands tied behind our backs while young American men and women get their damn legs blown off. Obliterate them OR let them fight their own goddamn battles like they have been doing for the past 200 years.
So where was your outrage that Trump didn’t pull out of Turkey sooner? Were you just too much of a wuss to criticize Trump prior to this latest move?

My outrage began BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq. Hey all these dickheads in the House and Senate are free to fly over to Syria, man a post and defend the Kurds. Funny I see none of them doing so or sending their kids over there. Fucking politicians.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
So where was your outrage that Trump didn’t pull out of Turkey sooner? Were you just too much of a wuss to criticize Trump prior to this latest move?

My outrage began BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq. Hey all these dickheads in the House and Senate are free to fly over to Syria, man a post and defend the Kurds. Funny I see none of them doing so or sending their kids over there. Fucking politicians.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
So where was your outrage that Trump didn’t pull out of Turkey sooner? Were you just too much of a wuss to criticize Trump prior to this latest move?

My outrage began BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq. Hey all these dickheads in the House and Senate are free to fly over to Syria, man a post and defend the Kurds. Funny I see none of them doing so or sending their kids over there. Fucking politicians.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
lol okay whatever dude
My outrage began BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq. Hey all these dickheads in the House and Senate are free to fly over to Syria, man a post and defend the Kurds. Funny I see none of them doing so or sending their kids over there. Fucking politicians.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that

God another idiot. Okay tell us how many more American men and women need to DIE and get their goddamn arms and legs blown off for the Kurds? Why don't you hop a plane to Syria tomorrow and go defend them. Now shut the hell up.
You Democratic Socialists (a/k/a Bolsheviks) need to understand that Trump is not a Deep State Politician.

Trump kept it simple for this Muslim Sociopath turd in Turkey. Not a pussy politician letter. Just telling it like it is.

Reason he's President, not that coat-tail-riding depraved drunk Hillary Clinton.

Great letter. Good for Trump!
English is my fourth language....and I could tell that the one who wrote that letter is deranged, and anyone who attempts to defend the writer has a very low IQ. No left no right in this, I've watched friends from all over the world on my social media laugh their asses off on what trump wrote.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that

God another idiot. Okay tell us how many more American men and women need to DIE and get their goddamn arms and legs blown off for the Kurds? Why don't you hop a plane to Syria tomorrow and go defend them. Now shut the hell up.
do some research and tell me how the soldiers feel about getting pulled and bailing on the Kurds who are now getting killed... tell me if you find more supporting the pull or not
All the warmongering democrats here with their TDS.

So it appears that even the one thing that they may have had some principles on, turns out to not be true. They just oppose whatever Trump is doing. All they can do is screech for more power. Useless bunch.
President Trump, the first President since Ike to mention, and warn us, about the military-industrial complex and the threat of eternal war.
So a fourth grader wrote a letter. What's wrong with that?

It's just another national embarrassment. The new normal.
Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that

God another idiot. Okay tell us how many more American men and women need to DIE and get their goddamn arms and legs blown off for the Kurds? Why don't you hop a plane to Syria tomorrow and go defend them. Now shut the hell up.
do some research and tell me how the soldiers feel about getting pulled and bailing on the Kurds who are now getting killed... tell me if you find more supporting the pull or not

Stop deflecting, are you willing to go defend the Kurds? Are you willing to send your kids over there to defend the Kurds? Are you okay with your kids getting their arms and legs blown off, killed for the Kurds? I think we all know the answer is NO.
all this bitching about trump 24x7 and then railing on anyone who doesn't join in is what is utterly pathetic.
My outrage began BEFORE Bush invaded Iraq. Hey all these dickheads in the House and Senate are free to fly over to Syria, man a post and defend the Kurds. Funny I see none of them doing so or sending their kids over there. Fucking politicians.
Bullshit. If you actually gave a shit that much, you would have openly criticized Trump on this board for not doing shit about this until now. Obviously we know why you didn’t. You are in nothing short of a cult.

Its posted on record in the board archives. Trump promised to bring our troops home so I voted for him and he delivered.
Lol you are something else. Right Trump brought the troops home. He waited 3 years and did it completely randomly, but that doesn’t matter because you worship him.

I destroyed you, it wasn't even difficult. :itsok:
That’s definitely not how this transcript reads... sorry man but you lost this one. You really shouldn’t parrot trumps talking points they just don’t make sense.

the issue isn’t about bringing the troops home, it’s about how he did it... but I think you know that
it's always an issue in how he does things. period. but i think you know that.

Syria strikes: Democrats demand congressional approval for further military action

hell at the time they were pissed about not having approval for military action. so he pulls them, now they're pissed at that.

The Democratic Party’s Silence on Syria

more here saying the dems feel we need to get out.

there comes a time you have zero point other than to be mad at what anyone else does as being wrong. this is where the dems are and they've only themselves to blame for never really taking a stand other than TRUMP SUCKS.
President Trump, the first President since Ike to mention, and warn us, about the military-industrial complex and the threat of eternal war.

And he did it while renting out the US military to Saudi Arabia.

Edit-And while boasting about increasing military spending and hawking arms sales.

Nothing to see. Move along.
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

dems cannot imaginee, tolerate, or support a strong America. They miss the days of Barack doing a leBron on Turkish cock
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

What a surprise, leftist assholes take Erdogan’s side versus our own President.
WTF are you talking about? Because we don’t want to get in line with you to suck orange dick?

The left loves America and want a strong president. The right hates Americans and want a president who is weak and a puppet of foreign dictators.
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

What a surprise, leftist assholes take Erdogan’s side versus our own President.
So we are expected to do that regardless of what a president says or does? It’s interesting how you people rant about fascism yet fail to have any self awareness that your love for Trump is clearly an embrace of it.
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey

Slow news day? That's the way Trump talks, deal with it.

Like a goddamn moron? No rational person should have to “deal with it” if he’s the president.

Poor little thing, how are you ever going to survive another 5 years of Trump. LMAO


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