Trumps mad cause NFL never let him buy a team .

this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

I actually agree a little bit.
this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

I actually agree a little bit.

ITs totally his MO. He has an enemies list and the NFL is on it .
What does invading Iraq, Afghanistan or other third world countries have to do with America's freedom?
Well, considering that the ACA is going to remain in effect, N. Korea has said that they view what Trump said as a declaration of war, the nation is in chaos, and world leaders all around are laughing at Trump, sure................let's all talk about the NFL and players protesting the anthem.

There can't be a more pressing issue than the NFL protests, can there?
What does invading Iraq, Afghanistan or other third world countries have to do with America's freedom?

You would rather the fight take place in your neighborhood? Our military fights for our freedoms when and where you and your representatives sends it (if you're a citizen). Not my job to try to explain to you the basics of foreign policy or military strategy.
What does invading Iraq, Afghanistan or other third world countries have to do with America's freedom?

You would rather the fight take place in your neighborhood? Our military fights for our freedoms when and where you and your representatives sends it (if you're a citizen). Not my job to try to explain to you the basics of foreign policy or military strategy.

They don't fight for our freedom . They fight to keep us safe .

It's our own government that's the biggest threat to our freedom .
What does invading Iraq, Afghanistan or other third world countries have to do with America's freedom?

You would rather the fight take place in your neighborhood? Our military fights for our freedoms when and where you and your representatives sends it (if you're a citizen). Not my job to try to explain to you the basics of foreign policy or military strategy.

They don't fight for our freedom . They fight to keep us safe .

It's our own government that's the biggest threat to our freedom .

Our own government may indeed be the biggest threat to our freedom but it is the job of the People to assure that possible threat is not realized; not the military. Weather or not it is the biggest threat it is very obviously not the only threat and safety is itself one of the freedoms we cherish.
this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

To be honest, I don't see this about Trump being angry at the NFL. I see this as Trump keeping his base support happy, white rednecks. Attacking black people for protesting sounds good to rednecks, we can see this on this forum daily.
this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

To be honest, I don't see this about Trump being angry at the NFL. I see this as Trump keeping his base support happy, white rednecks. Attacking black people for protesting sounds good to rednecks, we can see this on this forum daily.

And of course the racist left tries to spin this as somehow being about race when the actual issue is about football players' demonstrating disrespect for the flag and their fellow Americans (of all races).
this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

To be honest, I don't see this about Trump being angry at the NFL. I see this as Trump keeping his base support happy, white rednecks. Attacking black people for protesting sounds good to rednecks, we can see this on this forum daily.

And of course the racist left tries to spin this as somehow being about race when the actual issue is about football players' demonstrating disrespect for the flag and their fellow Americans (of all races).

But then this isn't what it's about, is it? This is what you WANT it to be about.
The stands started emptying before Trump. The public is tired of black tantrums and not intetested in listening anymore.

So says Tipsycatlover aka Doctor aka lawyer aka dog washer who said she doesn't know anything about football or the nfl.

The reason pino trump has been throwing this tantrum is that he has had long time grudge.

When will you RWNJ traitors hold him responsible for his dereliction of duty?

Read the oath he swore to. It's short, only 32 words, so I think you be able to find the part where he swears to uphold the constitution.

Damn fool idiot RWNJs.


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this whole NFL thing is about 2 issues

1- distraction
2- payback for the NFL dissing trump all these years .

The NFL has always known trump was shady . So they never let him buy a teaM. He tried to buy the bills a few years ago and was shut out . He started the usfl and sued the NFL. He "won" a $1 in the lawsuit .

He's never forgotten the humiliation. Now we wants to use the office for petty payback.

He's a middle school mean girl .

The lib can't believe that someone would be offended by people disrespecting the flag. Typical.
The NFL can take their Trump hate right down the toilet where the brown turds go. What deserves some pity are the little sports stores and sports bars they are hurting but what the hell. Those are business owners and deserve what they get. And maybe they do. They chose to support black thugs. They chose poorly.

Sports bars are moving to NASCAR, Hockey and horse racing.

This tantrum has almost run its course anyway. The Cowboys and Patriots are already returning to biz as usual.

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