Trump's microphone was broken....again, he was telling the truth...

Your source is Briefbert. Thats an instant thread fail.
LOL, you really are ignorant.
Too bad you are at such a low level you dont realize you are more ignorant than I am.
It's all over the internet, my black friend.
I agree its all over the internet that Drumpf is blaming his mic for not being coherent and on point. The mic didnt make him sniff or act like a spoiled brat or even tell those amazing lies his illiterate supporters believe..
You mean the one about he only had one internet device or the one about never receiving or sending classified information or the one about dodging sniper fire or the one about the video causing Benghazi? Those lies?
I had no idea he lied about being involved in that stuff as well as his normal lies. Thanks for letting everyone know.
Your source is Briefbert. Thats an instant thread fail.
LOL, you really are ignorant.
Too bad you are at such a low level you dont realize you are more ignorant than I am.
It's all over the internet, my black friend.
I agree its all over the internet that Drumpf is blaming his mic for not being coherent and on point. The mic didnt make him sniff or act like a spoiled brat or even tell those amazing lies his illiterate supporters believe..
That's a different issue.
Was the mike setup intentional??
Only if someone was stupid. If someone was going to mess up his mic it would seem they would do it for the millions of people watching on TV and not he paltry few in the audience.
There was nothing at all wrong with whatever mic was used for the tv audience, he sounded great, super clear!

He did have a snorting/sniffling that was very evident and pronounced, not only in sound but in his nose gestures and lip appeared like he was extremely thirsty....I heard him talk the next day and he sounded like he had a cold, so that could have been it? Another poster pointed out that he has always had the nasal I googled it and low and behold, someone did a video compilation of his snort back in July, so this is not something new with him and more than likely, simply an adenoid problem.
The only reason Trump was thirsty was because he had Rubio help him out with the debate preparations.
Yep.....more left wing sabotage....

Debate Commission: 'There Were Issues' with Donald Trump's Audio - Breitbart

The commission on presidential debates admits there were problems with Donald Trump’s audio during his first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton.
“Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump’s audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” the Commission on Presidential Debates say in a carefully worded email to reporters.
LOLOLOL......whitey, why is it always with you whiney little bitches, why is it always always somebody else's fault when you diaper wearing maggots get put on blast?
Do you lice balls ever and I mean ever take blame for anything?
I had no idea a bad mic causes fat old men to interrupt their opponent 33 times!
And Botox just stood there and took it like a little bitch because she was frequently at a loss for words.
Nope. She just kept on talking over him. You obviously didn't watch the debate, and just decided to manufacture some bullshit, because that is what you lying fucks do.
Yes I did watch it. Every time he interrupted, she lapsed into silence. Some would call it manners. I call it something else.

Yeah................I'd call it something else as well.....................intelligence.

When Trump started to dig himself into a hole, she just got quiet and let him show his crazy to the world.
Not intelligence, timidity. If she allows Trump to intimidate her, how will she handle world leaders?
Your source is Briefbert. Thats an instant thread fail.
LOL, you really are ignorant.
Too bad you are at such a low level you dont realize you are more ignorant than I am.
It's all over the internet, my black friend.
I agree its all over the internet that Drumpf is blaming his mic for not being coherent and on point. The mic didnt make him sniff or act like a spoiled brat or even tell those amazing lies his illiterate supporters believe..
Most likely he was unaware of the problem until afterward, when someone from the hall told him about it. Trump would have said something if he had known, BELIEVE ME. According to Eric Bolling, who was there, it was only a problem for maybe "5 to 7 minutes," and you could still hear him, just not as easily as Clinton during that time. The sound people apparently managed to FIX IT. There was no problem with the sound on the TV feeds and it is no excuse for what came out of Trump's mouth. To say he was purposely sabotaged and it somehow affected his performance is truly silly.
I had no idea a bad mic causes fat old men to interrupt their opponent 33 times!
And Botox just stood there and took it like a little bitch because she was frequently at a loss for words.
Nope. She just kept on talking over him. You obviously didn't watch the debate, and just decided to manufacture some bullshit, because that is what you lying fucks do.
Yes I did watch it. Every time he interrupted, she lapsed into silence. Some would call it manners. I call it something else.

Yeah................I'd call it something else as well.....................intelligence.

When Trump started to dig himself into a hole, she just got quiet and let him show his crazy to the world.
Not intelligence, timidity. If she allows Trump to intimidate her, how will she handle world leaders?
LOL We call that a gift of rope. Which Hillary gave to Trump, and Trump used it unrelentingly to the great benefit of Hillary.
I had no idea a bad mic causes fat old men to interrupt their opponent 33 times!
And Botox just stood there and took it like a little bitch because she was frequently at a loss for words.
Nope. She just kept on talking over him. You obviously didn't watch the debate, and just decided to manufacture some bullshit, because that is what you lying fucks do.
Yes I did watch it. Every time he interrupted, she lapsed into silence. Some would call it manners. I call it something else.
So you decided to double down on your lie, eh?

Typical lying fuckwads do tend to do that. Now you are going to have to eat your own shit, liar.

I had no idea a bad mic causes fat old men to interrupt their opponent 33 times!
And Botox just stood there and took it like a little bitch because she was frequently at a loss for words.
Nope. She just kept on talking over him. You obviously didn't watch the debate, and just decided to manufacture some bullshit, because that is what you lying fucks do.
Yes I did watch it. Every time he interrupted, she lapsed into silence. Some would call it manners. I call it something else.
So you decided to double down on your lie, eh?

Typical lying fuckwads do tend to do that. Now you are going to have to eat your own shit, liar.

You eat your own shit? I'm just asking because I would never think to do that but here it comes from your fertile imagination; a thing that would never occur to me. I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy and potentially could put you in the hospital. And you should know they use chocolate pudding in the scat play pornos you watch because they don't think anyone's stupid enough to use the real thing.
I had no idea a bad mic causes fat old men to interrupt their opponent 33 times!
And Botox just stood there and took it like a little bitch because she was frequently at a loss for words.
Nope. She just kept on talking over him. You obviously didn't watch the debate, and just decided to manufacture some bullshit, because that is what you lying fucks do.
Yes I did watch it. Every time he interrupted, she lapsed into silence. Some would call it manners. I call it something else.
So you decided to double down on your lie, eh?

Typical lying fuckwads do tend to do that. Now you are going to have to eat your own shit, liar.

You eat your own shit? I'm just asking because I would never think to do that but here it comes from your fertile imagination; a thing that would never occur to me. I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy and potentially could put you in the hospital. And you should know they use chocolate pudding in the scat play pornos you watch because they don't think anyone's stupid enough to use the real thing.

You lied, and you were busted on your lie. Then you decided to double down on your lie, and now you will have to eat your own shit, liar.

You Trump Chumps just never tire of mimicking your Great Fraud of a liar.

If you don't want your own bullshit thrown back in your face, STOP LYING!

I understand that is asking the impossible of you rubes, though.
Good point. He so seldom tells the truth, it's VERY important to point out those rare occasions when he does so.
This is war and it's to be expected. Don't expect for him to be treated fairly and don't expect the crazy attacks rooted in lies to lessen....IT WILL GET WORSE.
Watched the debate, beginning to end. I heard nothing wrong with Trump's mic, and assumed any sniffles were probably an incipient cold,or allergy. It was his words, and not his mic, that was the problem. He lost the debate with his temperament and lack of preparation.
You weren't in the debate venue. The mic 'issue' only effected those listening to the debate in the venue, not TV viewers.

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