Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

Does lying, cheating on your spouse and then lying about it to the American public, only coming clean when DNA proves they found your cum on your lovers dress qualify as "bad?"

yeah, it does. And frankly, if Clinton had been caught doing that today, post- #MeToo, he'd probably have been forced to resign.

Ok but will those on the left do that? To have them preach to those on the right about morality and then worship people like Bill Clinton removes any shred of credibility they may still have.

Here's the thing. Clinton apologized to the American People. He made good with his family. What he did was definitely wrong.

Meanwhile, Trump has cheated on all three of his wives... and frankly, I'm not seeing any remorse.

Clinton apologized ONLY WHEN HE GOT CAUGHT. He lied to cover it up. That renders his apology moot.
So do you all think that Ukrainian soldier agree that Trump acts morally.

How about the Kurds?

How about all the immigrant children that have been separated from their parents?

How much immorality will Trump do and still have Trumpbots declare that he's acting morally?

Perhaps your idea of morality is backwards!

Ah, but as long as he is repentant, it's okay. Of course, Trump has never actually been repentant. He does not apologize even after having his charity foundation closed down because it was a scam.
This fact is what makes the OP garbage. Sure, forgive those who ask forgiveness and seek to change their behavior. The blob hasn’t done that
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.
I judge his morals because I find him unsuited to be trusted with our presidency

Why? Too many people working, thus losing too many democratic votes?
Was that a problem when you kids tried to impeach Clinton?
Now this is a good point: We have it out of Pelosi's own mouth that she currently supports abortion and sodomy, ergo at this time she currently promotes and supports mortal sin and evil, so we CAN pass judgement on her current state of Christianity and say that she is a fake Catholic, a fraud.

Nobody can stand in public and say, "I am a Christian and I also support that which is sin and evil in the eyes of God." Its a non-sequitur.

Please point out in the bible where God says abortion is wrong. Thanks.

Here's the thing. The bible also supports the burning of witches and the keeping of slaves. In fact, by strict interpretation of the bible, you should have been taken out and stoned yesterday for posting on the Sabbath, when you should have been worshiping God.

God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours. We are changing our minds on gay rights... to where in a few years, all the churches will be looking at the Sodomy verses the way they look at the Witch-burning verses.
You got a mouse in your pocket?

No, but he has a Koran in one Pocket and Mein Kampf in the other... - typical democrat...
And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?

Trump doesn't. Thats his entire persona...3rd grade bully.

It's the only effective means I've seen for dealing with you Stalinist thugs.

Bush kowtowed to you evil scum, and what did that get him?





Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.
I judge his morals because I find him unsuited to be trusted with our presidency

Why? Too many people working, thus losing too many democratic votes?
Was that a problem when you kids tried to impeach Clinton?

When Clinton was impeached, there was something called a crime. There was audio tape from an actual whistleblower with first hand evidence, of Clinton threatening a witness that if she didn't perjure herself he would fire her and ensure she lost her pension. Since Betty Currie was a 62 year old black woman, that was a credible threat. What did you Communist scum do with Linda Tripp, the whistleblower? You praised and protected her, right? The little Goebbels hid her identity and she kept her government job, right?

No? Well, it's one nation with two VERY DIFFERENT laws.

You Stalinist pigs are impeaching Trump because you think it is the way to keep him from winning reelection.
And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?

Trump doesn't. Thats his entire persona...3rd grade bully.

It's the only effective means I've seen for dealing with you Stalinist thugs.

Bush kowtowed to you evil scum, and what did that get him?





Are those from members of the church?

The church of satan, AKA the democrat party? Undoubtedly.
The OP, TemplarKormac has presented himself as a man of honor since I first happened upon him here years ago.

He often spoke of chivalry and his disdain for anyone who treated women badly in any way.

He has now gone all in for Trump.

It is awesome.
And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?

Trump doesn't. Thats his entire persona...3rd grade bully.
I'm curious... do you take your cues from him? He acts like a third grader, so you subsequently act like one?

I'm beginning to think acting like an adult is underrated
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.
I judge his morals because I find him unsuited to be trusted with our presidency

Uh huh. And you don't hold any moral standards for people you support.

Spare me your false outrage.
If Trumpsters are going to be tolerant and forgiving of Trump's "morality", great.

Let's just see them apply the same degree of tolerance and forgiveness to the morality of others, those with whom they disagree politically. I'd think morality is more important than partisan politics, right?

It you're honestly willing to use Trump as a yardstick, if you're going to judge morality, you're willing to maintain a pretty freaking large morality tent.

I would agree with this if this is directed at both sides of the aisle.

Morality is only important when it involves someone you disagree with politically.
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.

Some of you attack his morals because you can't attack his politics directly. You can't touch his achievements.

When someone you don't like is doing good things for your fellow man, you attack their morality. You attack them directly.

There is no need to be so spiteful.
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Has God gotten your fat ass off the couch yet?

Is that the best you can come up with?

Here's the thing about redemption... Redemption requires you to change your ways. Trump isn't going to change his ways. He's not going to live the way Jesus said to live.

Funny, are you doing anything in your life that you are demanding Trump do? Or are you simply applying moral standards selectively?

Your clairvoyance leaves a lot to be desired.

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