Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what am opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
It's an excuse making thread.

tRump has no morals.

And you claim to? Laughable. How many excuses can you make for your favored political personality?
Of course I do. I never cheat on my significant other and I surely don't lie every 5 minutes like a certain politician.

And how many politicians have you voted for that have never told a lie? Or done something unfaithful? You want to tell me precisely who they are?

Or are you scared to admit that they are just as ... irredeemable ... as you seem to think Trump is?

I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.

Almost anyone is morally superior to Trump.

And no, we're not morally superior to the people that voted for him, but we certainly are intellectually superior!

Oh this ought to be good...Tell us, how exactly did you come to that conclusion?
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.
He appears to have changed his life and that is what Jesus calls sinners to do, repent and change.

In what way has trump changed?

He claimed to "Understand the Bible better than anyone" from the beginning.
He has not changed at all. To say so is laughable.

Nope... this post isn't arrogant.

... at all...

I have never claimed to be a great Christian

We Christians have every reason to praise God

So you claim to be a Christian, just NOT a Great Christian. LOL you clown.
Everything about you is FAKE.

Did you ever mention which Branch you Served in?

Wince, You need to give Jesus His judgement robe back...

Terri's walk with God is just that. Her walk with God. And none of your business.
God called David, the murderer of a close friend to obtain the man's wife, the apple of His eye. Because God sees a man's heart. And human as he was, David had a very repentant heart.
You judge. God forgives. Probably why you aren't God...

Terri's Branch is also none of your business and way off topic.
God still punished David for his adultery and murder, by killing his first born child with Bathsheba... regardless of David's repenting heart....

That's not to say God didn't allow David to redeem himself.

Redemption: the reward for repentance.
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Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.

Never uttered those words.

Now back to the topic of your thread...the blob’s Christianity...

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.

Never uttered those words.

Now back to the topic of your thread...the blob’s Christianity...

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Do you honestly think I care?

His morality is his own business. What he does for me and my country is.

Moses had blood on his hands. Yet he came back and led all of Israel out of their oppression in Egypt. Was Moses perfect? Nope. But he is who God chose to lead the Israelites.

Is Trump perfect? No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But he is who I chose to lead my country.

Do I think God put him there? Only God knows. But if God has put him there, it is for his will, and his will alone, that he is in the White House right now.

And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?
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Morality is something rumpy can not gain. He is so in love with himself that ethically he is obtuse. rumpy is the real Cheeto boy and is not worthy of any consideration by even dog.

People like you are pieces of garbage who don't belong in an adult forum. Your post proves that it is YOU who are not worthy of any consideration by even dog. Trump is a hundred times better person than your pathetic ass
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.

Never uttered those words.

Now back to the topic of your thread...the blob’s Christianity...

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Do you honestly think I care?

His morality is his own business. What he does for me and my country is.

Moses had blood on his hands. Yes he came back and led all of Israel out of their oppression in Egypt. Was Moses perfect? Nope. But he is who God chose to lead the Israelites.

Is Trump perfect? No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But he is who I chose to lead my country.

Do I think God put him there? Only God knows. But if God has put him there, it is for his will, and his will alone, that he is in the White House right now.

And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?

you started a thread about the blob’s Christianity. So you must care.

But it is good to see that conserve-hate-Ives are no longer pretending that they give two shits about the decency of their masters. It’s always been one of the things I found most humorous about y’all.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.

Never uttered those words.

Now back to the topic of your thread...the blob’s Christianity...

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Do you honestly think I care?

His morality is his own business. What he does for me and my country is.

Moses had blood on his hands. Yes he came back and led all of Israel out of their oppression in Egypt. Was Moses perfect? Nope. But he is who God chose to lead the Israelites.

Is Trump perfect? No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But he is who I chose to lead my country.

Do I think God put him there? Only God knows. But if God has put him there, it is for his will, and his will alone, that he is in the White House right now.

And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?
yeah he led them to the only place in the dessert that had no oil
Nancy prays for Trump because she is a good Christian.

What a liar, unless she is praying for him to fail.

She is a crap Christian.

Now this is a good point: We have it out of Pelosi's own mouth that she currently supports abortion and sodomy, ergo at this time she currently promotes and supports mortal sin and evil, so we CAN pass judgement on her current state of Christianity and say that she is a fake Catholic, a fraud.

Nobody can stand in public and say, "I am a Christian and I also support that which is sin and evil in the eyes of God." Its a non-sequitur.
you started a thread about the blob’s Christianity............

Jesus!! What is it with assholes like you that compel you to speak and act like an utter idiot. Do you think you sound like an adult referring to the president as "the blob"? You sound like a damned idiot, which you no doubt are.
Trump's morality may be an interesting question, but it is in no way dispositive of his being a competent or successful President - and by most rational measures he is both. But one cannot ignore the fact that his harshest critics...

  • Condone fornication (e.g., co-habitation),
  • Refuse to condemn adultery in anyone but Donald Trump (e.g., Bill Clinton),
  • Celebrate homosexual sodomy,
  • Perpetually lie when it suits their political purposes (as the impeachment hearings demonstrated daily),
  • Violently support the practice of killing innocent, viable babies in the womb and
  • Utterly reject the very idea of objective morality (except for people they don't like).
So debating the morality of Donald Trump with a Leftist is like debating the rules of soccer with...someone like me.

The Donald notoriously engaged in a number of adulterous affairs over the course of his long and microscopically examined public life. Nevertheless, from all indications he has been able to reconcile with everyone involved in manners that were satisfactory to all. There is no indication that he has engaged in any such conduct in at least the last ten years and since he is now over 70 years old, it is logical to assume that his cheatin' days are over. No rational person would presume to know that he is morally damaged in this regard based on current information. Even Santa Clause doesn't keep his old lists about.

His "racism" is entirely a Media-created phenomenon, as are his misogyny, homo-phobia (sic), ethnic bigotry, and hatred of "immigrants" - of which classification his present wife is one. His "hatred" of Muslims is not borne out by anything he has ever done. Even his "Muslim ban" was a Media created joke. If banning of Muslims was his intention, how on earth did he ignore Indonesia - the country with the most Muslims in the world? Or Iran. Or Pakistan. And if he wanted to ban Muslims, why were Christians and everybody else from the targeted countries included in the "ban"? It is preposterous.

And he is no more a "liar" than the Leftist whores who daily declared that his petty machinations with the Ukrainians "compromised our national security, " a claim that lacks any connection with geopolitical reality - as the speakers knew when they uttered those preposterous words.

Donald Trump doesn't strike me as a "nice" person, or someone I'd like to have lunch with (more than once in my life). Like most millennials, he probably considers himself the Final Authority on most religious and moral questions, but I have seen nothing immoral in his recent personal life, or in the way he goes about being our President. As for his business ethics in the past, I find them appalling, but I also have enough business experience dealing with contractors in Trump's neighborhood to know that he is typical of the worse and no better than most.

I have no basis on which to conclude that he is an immoral person, and he is as sincere and genuine as most sales people. If that is "damning with faint praise," so be it.
I take it you believe that MLK is a "race traitor" for arguing that "his people" should be above and beyond racism, and not simply devolve into retribution and "hating white man", don't you?

Not really the same thing at all.

Let's compare. - MLK fought against segregation and racism, but made alliances with white people to get there, mostly by appealing to their decency.

Rahab the Innkeeper (Or prostitute, translations vary) hid two Hebrew Spies on the promise that when the Hebrews took their city, when they were massacring the shit out of everyone else, she and her family would be spared. Most people would consider someone like this a traitor.

Mark Twain was mediocre, not great. He's no one to quote mine, nor one, unlike Jesus, to use as an archetype of racial tolerance.

Actually, he's an awesome writer, and American Original.

Much as the Demiurge is compared to Sophia, or God - yet compared to man? Who's to say.

What is the earth or the planet, if not petty, cruel, vindictive, and kind of needy? Needing man to take care of it, not pollute it, or else punishing him with hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and tsunamis until he fearfully submits to its wrath and ceases his emissions, likely only out of man's selfish fear of his own demise, not any love for the planet and its air whom he breaths to begin with.

Again, stringing together big words does not make you smart.

Tsunamis are not caused by "emissions" they are caused by Earthquakes. Now, it is true that the Bible attributed to God every act of nature they didn't understand. So for the Bronze Age God of the New Testament, they really didn't need to promise rainbows and puppies in the afterlife.. Hebrews didn't believe in an afterlife. Nope, they just used religion to keep people scared. And when something bad did happen, that was an excuse to punish anyone who questioned the whole thing. "See, that guy worships Baal instead of Yahweh, and we had a plague. KILL HIM!!!"

It was kind of fucked up.

As I often say, none of you would actually want to live under Old Testament Rules. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

Has God gotten your fat ass off the couch yet?

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

Here's the thing about redemption... Redemption requires you to change your ways. Trump isn't going to change his ways. He's not going to live the way Jesus said to live.

We can hope for Trump's redemption, I guess. Pray for it for what little good that does. But leaving him in a position where he can abuse his power and throw children into concentration camps... that's just nuts.

Here's the real problem with you Christian Conservatives... you like Trump because Trump is in a position to impose your views on other people. You really haven't been able to convince a majority that gay sex or abortion is bad, but if Trump imposes that on us, you are so good with that. You don't care how many disabled people or gold star families he mocks. You don't care how many pussies he grabs.

The reality is, if you really followed what Jesus said, you'd be a liberal.
Now this is a good point: We have it out of Pelosi's own mouth that she currently supports abortion and sodomy, ergo at this time she currently promotes and supports mortal sin and evil, so we CAN pass judgement on her current state of Christianity and say that she is a fake Catholic, a fraud.

Nobody can stand in public and say, "I am a Christian and I also support that which is sin and evil in the eyes of God." Its a non-sequitur.

Please point out in the bible where God says abortion is wrong. Thanks.

Here's the thing. The bible also supports the burning of witches and the keeping of slaves. In fact, by strict interpretation of the bible, you should have been taken out and stoned yesterday for posting on the Sabbath, when you should have been worshiping God.

God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours. We are changing our minds on gay rights... to where in a few years, all the churches will be looking at the Sodomy verses the way they look at the Witch-burning verses.
Now this is a good point: We have it out of Pelosi's own mouth that she currently supports abortion and sodomy, ergo at this time she currently promotes and supports mortal sin and evil, so we CAN pass judgement on her current state of Christianity and say that she is a fake Catholic, a fraud.

Nobody can stand in public and say, "I am a Christian and I also support that which is sin and evil in the eyes of God." Its a non-sequitur.

Please point out in the bible where God says abortion is wrong. Thanks.

Here's the thing. The bible also supports the burning of witches and the keeping of slaves. In fact, by strict interpretation of the bible, you should have been taken out and stoned yesterday for posting on the Sabbath, when you should have been worshiping God.

God didn't change his mind, so we changed ours. We are changing our minds on gay rights... to where in a few years, all the churches will be looking at the Sodomy verses the way they look at the Witch-burning verses.
You got a mouse in your pocket?

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