Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

The funny thing is that he and others were just pissing and moaning about me posting "tRump".

Really creep, care to point to my post showing this?

I get that you hate the President, he stole your dream of recreating the USSR in America, of course you hate him.
Go up-thread kid. If it wasn't you it was someone who looked just like you.

But then again you tRumplings all look alike in the internet.
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.

Almost anyone is morally superior to Trump.

And no, we're not morally superior to the people that voted for him, but we certainly are intellectually superior!

The difference being?

I would be very careful on that ivory tower of yours.
The Christian message above all messages is "Forgiveness".

If we repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness, God will forgive us.

Since nobody in this forum or on this planet is a mind-reader who knows Trump's inner heart, we must err on the side that he has made peace with God and is forgiven.

I would love for that to be true. And as a Christian, I don't judge anyone on their past if they have repented and truly changed.

But there are a couple problems with your point here. First, he has been asked directly if he ever asked God for forgiveness, and he could not say yes. He basically said no, albeit indirectly. In fact, based on his answer, I question whether he understands even the basics of Christianity.

User Clip: Trump Doesn't Ask God for Forgiveness |

Also, while I'm not a Trump hater, there are a list of reasons why I don't trust him and I disagree that he is a changed man, sent by God to save our country. I'm not going to get into all the reasons, because honestly, I don't even want to argue about it. :dunno:

But regardless of his spiritual condition, what I CAN see with my own eyes are actions I disagree with... actions that to me make it clear he is not the conservative 'savior' so many here want him to be. For example, passing unconstitutional legislation that continues to take power away from the people, acting in a way that is much more authoritarian than libertarian, continuing the neverending wars, growing the government just like every administration regardless of the R or D, etc, etc.

I hate to sound pessimistic, but in my view God is not going to save this country, through a president or anyone… and why should He? With the way this country has strayed so far from truth and goodness, do we even deserve for God to step in and save this country at the last minute? If anything, it's the opposite, but that's another topic.
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The funny thing is that he and others were just pissing and moaning about me posting "tRump".

Really creep, care to point to my post showing this?

I get that you hate the President, he stole your dream of recreating the USSR in America, of course you hate him.
Go up-thread kid. If it wasn't you it was someone who looked just like you.

But then again you tRumplings all look alike in the internet.

You lied, you got busted. No biggie, you lie incessantly. Hey, you're a Communist, it's your way....:4_13_65:
The funny thing is that he and others were just pissing and moaning about me posting "tRump".

Really creep, care to point to my post showing this?

I get that you hate the President, he stole your dream of recreating the USSR in America, of course you hate him.
Go up-thread kid. If it wasn't you it was someone who looked just like you.

But then again you tRumplings all look alike in the internet.

And you?

You stand out. For all the wrong reasons. Being different does not make you special. In this case, it makes you look...

well nevermind. I didn't come here to insult people all night.
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.
You're saying you don't believe that lying and cheating on your spouse is bad?
Almost anyone is morally superior to Trump.

And no, we're not morally superior to the people that voted for him, but we certainly are intellectually superior!


Who is "we"?

Ah... that just goes to prove you and your ilk are nothing but a collective of cognitively dissonant people. Only people with a political hive mentality will refer to themselves as "we".

Good job mate.
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

Remember creep, people can actually read your posts.... :eusa_whistle:
I'm sure they do. You tRumplings can't wait log in and start quoting me. Sometimes I'll have 70-100 notifications when I log in.
Almost anyone is morally superior to Trump.

And no, we're not morally superior to the people that voted for him, but we certainly are intellectually superior!


Who is "we"?

Ah... that just goes to prove you and your ilk are nothing but a collective of cognitively dissonant people. Only people with a political hive mentality will refer to themselves as "we".

Good job mate.

"Cognitive Dissonance" - a term you apparently learned from liberals.

Monkey see monkey do, huh?
I hold the same basic moral beliefs as most Americans. Lying and cheating on your spouse are bad.

Since you hold the party above all and routinely lie and cheat to further the lust for power by the party, if lying and cheating on your spouse would further the goals of the party, you'd do it without hesitating...

I'm just saying. Party above all.
You're just making shit up son.

As are you.

What's real is your seething hatred of anyone who deigns to support Trump.

You don't judge his morals because you care, or are concerned about his only judge his morals because you see the people you vote for to be morally superior to him and the people who voted for him.

People like you are simply petty.
You're saying you don't believe that lying and cheating on your spouse is bad?

It's wrong, but not unforgivable. Contrary to what you seemingly believe.

What are the odds that you have voted or supported someone who has done the same to their spouse?

Very high I would imagine. But you only pass judgement on people you hate. Nothing more.
Almost anyone is morally superior to Trump.

And no, we're not morally superior to the people that voted for him, but we certainly are intellectually superior!


Who is "we"?

Ah... that just goes to prove you and your ilk are nothing but a collective of cognitively dissonant people. Only people with a political hive mentality will refer to themselves as "we".

Good job mate.

"Cognitive Dissonance" - a term you apparently learned from liberals.

Monkey see monkey do, huh?

Nope. Monkey only sees.

Keep it up pal. I'm laughing at you. No, really.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what am opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
It's an excuse making thread.

tRump has no morals.

And you claim to? Laughable. How many excuses can you make for your favored political personality?
Of course I do. I never cheat on my significant other and I surely don't lie every 5 minutes like a certain politician.

You know we can test that, we just need to measure the time between your posts to find out how often you lie......
That might work.

Now find a lie.
In a 2011 poll from PRRI and the Religion News Service, 60% of white evangelicals surveyed said that a public official who “commits an immoral act in their personal life” cannot still “behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life.”

But in October 2016, right after The Washington Post published an “Access Hollywood” recording of Trump making lewd comments about sexual assault, the number of white evangelicals who weren’t willing to give politicians a pass for immoral behavior dropped to 20%. On the other hand, 72% of the religious group claimed an elected official who commits an immoral act in their personal life can still behave ethically in their professional life, according to a PRRI and Brookings Institution poll conducted at the time.

Campbell and Layman used 2018 post-midterm election data from the CCES, a nationally representative study, to see how white evangelicals felt about the question today. Their research was previously reported in The Washington Post.

“Our motivation was to see if anything had changed since 2016, since that poll was done in the immediate aftermath of the ‘Access Hollywood’ tape,” Campbell told HuffPost. “It might have been the case that, as time passes, opinion would shift back to what we saw in 2011.”

But that’s not what happened. In fact, the CCES found that white evangelicals were even less likely in late 2018 to connect politicians’ private and public lives in this way. Only 16.5% said they believed privately immoral behavior translates to unethical professional conduct.

Trump Has Changed White Evangelicals’ Views On Morality In One Major Way

Evangelicals are such hypocrites.
The funny thing is that he and others were just pissing and moaning about me posting "tRump".

Really creep, care to point to my post showing this?

I get that you hate the President, he stole your dream of recreating the USSR in America, of course you hate him.
Go up-thread kid. If it wasn't you it was someone who looked just like you.

But then again you tRumplings all look alike in the internet.

You lied, you got busted. No biggie, you lie incessantly. Hey, you're a Communist, it's your way....:4_13_65:

Well we had 2 choices.
A sinner, Trump.
Hillary, the antichrist.
I picked the sinner.

LOL. That is the truth! Better to chose the sinner who is trying to do the right thing, than the filthy baby-killer who sold her life to Satan long ago.

You can find old videos of Hillary being against gay marriage, and then magically later she was in favor of it. Simply put: She sold her soul to Satan in order to gain power on earth. That makes her a demon.

And Satan was very pissed when he found she did not have a soul.

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