Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Al Franken did a lot more than that. He put his own party in such a position that they had no choice but to disown him.

All you have left is partisan rhetoric.
If Trumpsters are going to be tolerant and forgiving of Trump's "morality", great.

Let's just see them apply the same degree of tolerance and forgiveness to the morality of others, those with whom they disagree politically. I'd think morality is more important than partisan politics, right?

It you're honestly willing to use Trump as a yardstick, if you're going to judge morality, you're willing to maintain a pretty freaking large morality tent.

I would agree with this if this is directed at both sides of the aisle.

Morality is only important when it involves someone you disagree with politically.
We should hold each other (and those in our tribe) responsible for intellectual honesty regardless of the tribe.
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Al Franken did a lot more than that. He put his own party in such a position that they had no choice but to disown him.

All you have left is partisan rhetoric.
He did what then? Funny how dems get rid of him for so little and repubs elect a guy with much worse.
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Al Franken did a lot more than that. He put his own party in such a position that they had no choice but to disown him.

All you have left is partisan rhetoric.
He did what then? Funny how dems get rid of him for so little and repubs elect a guy with much worse.

Actually, Franken was accused of sexual harrassment. But let's not quibble over your lack of concern over that fact.
If Trumpsters are going to be tolerant and forgiving of Trump's "morality", great.

Let's just see them apply the same degree of tolerance and forgiveness to the morality of others, those with whom they disagree politically. I'd think morality is more important than partisan politics, right?

It you're honestly willing to use Trump as a yardstick, if you're going to judge morality, you're willing to maintain a pretty freaking large morality tent.

I would agree with this if this is directed at both sides of the aisle.

Morality is only important when it involves someone you disagree with politically.
We should hold each other (and those in our tribe) responsible for intellectual honesty regardless of the tribe.

Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Interesting. Why are you so suddenly interested in judging Trump by Christian standards? I thought you hated Christians.

Never uttered those words.

Now back to the topic of your thread...the blob’s Christianity...

Do you honestly believe the blob thinks he did anything wrong when he paid off (at least) 2 women to keep quiet about his affairs with them?

Do you honestly think I care?

His morality is his own business. What he does for me and my country is.

Moses had blood on his hands. Yet he came back and led all of Israel out of their oppression in Egypt. Was Moses perfect? Nope. But he is who God chose to lead the Israelites.

Is Trump perfect? No. Not by any stretch of the imagination. But he is who I chose to lead my country.

Do I think God put him there? Only God knows. But if God has put him there, it is for his will, and his will alone, that he is in the White House right now.

And... uh.... "blob"?

You do realize you aren't in the 3rd grade anymore, right?

Immorality is not just adulterous affairs, it is chronic lying, deceiving, cheating, stealing from others, leading good Christians astray.... etc etc etc
And like I have asked numerous others on this thread, are you applying those moral standards to people in your own party? Or is this simply a test for Trump?
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
/——/. TheGOP ran two Boy Scouts, Mitt and McCain, and neither one could get the job done. Trump is a street fighter the democRATs and media can’t deal with.
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Al Franken did a lot more than that. He put his own party in such a position that they had no choice but to disown him.

All you have left is partisan rhetoric.
He did what then? Funny how dems get rid of him for so little and repubs elect a guy with much worse.

Actually, Franken was accused of sexual harrassment. But let's not quibble over your lack of concern over that fact.
Yes he took some pictures long ago and dems dumped him. He should become a repub.
The pastor's op ed was spot on.... You sold your Christianity to Satan, and are proud of it! :eek:

Who was that directed at?

Regardless, anyone who ignores the morals (or lack thereof) of someone they support politically, and has the audacity to call themselves Christian, betrays the tenets of their faith.

I am not ignoring his morality. I appall his morals. He is an amoral man.

But I am not going to sit here and deny that he has done good things for America.

Did Jesus teach us to be selfish? All trumps policies are selfish...

Just because the policies he enacts don't directly benefit you does not mean they are selfish.
America first? Build the wall? You think these policies would be approved by Jesus? Seriously?

Yes they would because the bible states that you must obey the laws of your country. Illegally sneaking into this country is breaking the law and nowhere in the bible does Jesus suck up to lawbreakers.

Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."

Bible instructs followers to obey the government
I'll issue a challenge:

I dare any liberals or conservatives to apply moral standards to members of their own side. I DARE YOU.

If you are unwilling to do that, then it means morality is only important to you when it involves someone you dislike politically.

Trump is an asshole. I will flat out say that right here and now. His persona could use a ton of work.

But I am not judging his persona. I am not judging him personally. I am judging him based on his work as president.

That may look like I don't care about his morality to some people here, but that is not the case.

Lets say I drive an ugly car. As long as it gets me from point A to point B, am I concerned about the looks? No. I am concerned about the performance.
Al Franken gets run out of the senate for a few old photos. Repubs elect a guy cheating on his third wife with a pornstar who says he likes to grab women by the pussy...
Al Franken did a lot more than that. He put his own party in such a position that they had no choice but to disown him.

All you have left is partisan rhetoric.
He did what then? Funny how dems get rid of him for so little and repubs elect a guy with much worse.

Actually, Franken was accused of sexual harrassment. But let's not quibble over your lack of concern over that fact.
Yes he took some pictures long ago and dems dumped him. He should become a repub.

You have nothing left but childish retorts.
Why is the "Christian" perspective of morality only expressed during republican administrations? Are democrats so far gone that they are exempt from criticism?
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
That Christian fk doesn’t speak for me. Why do you stupid fks group us all all the time? Profilers all
So do you all think that Ukrainian soldier agree that Trump acts morally.

How about the Kurds?

How about all the immigrant children that have been separated from their parents?

How much immorality will Trump do and still have Trumpbots declare that he's acting morally?

Perhaps your idea of morality is backwards!

Ah, but as long as he is repentant, it's okay. Of course, Trump has never actually been repentant. He does not apologize even after having his charity foundation closed down because it was a scam.
This fact is what makes the OP garbage. Sure, forgive those who ask forgiveness and seek to change their behavior. The blob hasn’t done that

See... you wouldn't forgive him even if he asked for it. So what point is there in asking forgiveness from people who won't forgive you?

Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
That Christian fk doesn’t speak for me. Why do you stupid fks group us all all the time? Profilers all

If Trumpsters are going to be tolerant and forgiving of Trump's "morality", great.

Let's just see them apply the same degree of tolerance and forgiveness to the morality of others, those with whom they disagree politically. I'd think morality is more important than partisan politics, right?

It you're honestly willing to use Trump as a yardstick, if you're going to judge morality, you're willing to maintain a pretty freaking large morality tent.

I would agree with this if this is directed at both sides of the aisle.

Morality is only important when it involves someone you disagree with politically.

Hey Mac1958, TK here thinks you don't direct your ire at both sides. How's that for a kick?
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
Um Trump is irredeemable because he chooses not to be. I don’t at all understand the point of this thread. I mean you would have to be a complete moron to think Trump is a Christian to begin with. Either way, he doesn’t deserve forgiveness because it’s not like he actually gives a shit about his immoral behavior. He just cares he gets away with it and that people worship him regardless.

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