Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

Wow, that takes a lot of gall for a tRumpling to say, considering what Cheeto Jesus is being impeached for.

When is Trump going to be impeached?

Nope....It's not...

"Impeachment happens, according to Noah Feldman, a Harvard law professor, only when the House transmits the articles of impeachment to the Senate."

A Law Professor’s Provocative Argument: Trump Has Not Yet Been Impeached
One lawyer & the others said your fast assed orange POS is impeached. IMPOTUS!!!!

Aw, you sound a little hurt that Nadler's star witness told you idiots that your little impeachment means nothing until submitted to the Senate...Too bad for you...
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.
Another ATHEIST lecturing Christians
4 million people work for the president, my friends. you've got to be a manager and a good leader, folks!
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.

Seriously that is your lame excuse.

Trump started the name calling first and still leads it today... He is incredibly dishonest, he has basically broken the machine on that..

Sorry, I am a Christian and know what I have read in the Bible. Trump has never asked for forgiveness and that is in his words HUGE...

The Christian philosophy you subscribe to is tribalism... You belong to a tribe called Christians..

Mark 8:36
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

You sold your soul so your tribe could gain the upper hand...

Another anti-Trump foreigner meddling in our country for the Democrats.
Wow, that takes a lot of gall for a tRumpling to say, considering what Cheeto Jesus is being impeached for.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Come on kid, a couple of op/eds are not really the same thing.
Why can't you idjits answer a simple yes or no question?

Impeachment is a formal process that concludes when the House sends the articles of impeachment to the Senate. That has not occurred, therefore, Trump has not been impeached.
I say it is up to the woman to decide.

You advocate for stealing children at the border.

I advocate for sending foreigners back to their home nations. You advocate for making the U.S. an open-border, welfare-state.
LMAO!!! You just keep believing that, kiddo.

It doesn't matter. Send the articles or don't send them. It won't matter. Trump will easily win next November. You get to enjoy another 5+ years with Trump as your president. Now that is funny! Enjoy, shit-for-brains.
President Trump: more jobs

President Barack H Obama: no jobs

President George W Bush: Steve Jobs

President Bill Clinton: blow jobs
You poor little emotional child. You've dedicated your entire life to whining about anything and everything that doesn't go your way. You've come to the conclusion that only people that think just like you should be able to make all the decisions about how other people should get to live. You've decided that YOU know best and that YOU are the smartest little boy in the room. You've never had a position of authority and you desperately desire the power to impose your will and your world view on everyone else.

Uh, guy, I was a Non-Commissioned Officer in the US Army and I've been a supervisor in a number of civilian roles.

But the Electoral College is still a really stupid idea. THE PEOPLE looked at Trump and rejected him. Soundly.

Every day, with every deranged tweet, every babbling speech, every action that horrifies the professionals trying to hold it together... he proves the people got it right.
Pro Tip: When you use dumb shit like calling the President "tRump", it renders you completely uncredible, and blindly partisan...Do better.
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.

Seriously that is your lame excuse.

Trump started the name calling first and still leads it today... He is incredibly dishonest, he has basically broken the machine on that..

Sorry, I am a Christian and know what I have read in the Bible. Trump has never asked for forgiveness and that is in his words HUGE...

The Christian philosophy you subscribe to is tribalism... You belong to a tribe called Christians..

Mark 8:36
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

You sold your soul so your tribe could gain the upper hand...

Another anti-Trump foreigner meddling in our country for the Democrats.
Wow, that takes a lot of gall for a tRumpling to say, considering what Cheeto Jesus is being impeached for.

Hes not being impeached.
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.

Seriously that is your lame excuse.

Trump started the name calling first and still leads it today... He is incredibly dishonest, he has basically broken the machine on that..

Sorry, I am a Christian and know what I have read in the Bible. Trump has never asked for forgiveness and that is in his words HUGE...

The Christian philosophy you subscribe to is tribalism... You belong to a tribe called Christians..

Mark 8:36
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

You sold your soul so your tribe could gain the upper hand...

Another anti-Trump foreigner meddling in our country for the Democrats.
Wow, that takes a lot of gall for a tRumpling to say, considering what Cheeto Jesus is being impeached for.

Hes not being impeached.
You are correct. It's already been done. Past tense.
What about when tRump calls people things like "crooked Hillary" or "sleepy Joe"? Does that make him "uncredible (which is not a word, BTW) and blindly partisan"?

Or are you applying a double standard here?

Not at all. I am not a fan of his name calling either. But, as they say sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and progressive liberals just love their names, bumper sticker slogans, and general stupid lies...You are a fine example of that.

Seriously that is your lame excuse.

Trump started the name calling first and still leads it today... He is incredibly dishonest, he has basically broken the machine on that..

Sorry, I am a Christian and know what I have read in the Bible. Trump has never asked for forgiveness and that is in his words HUGE...

The Christian philosophy you subscribe to is tribalism... You belong to a tribe called Christians..

Mark 8:36
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

You sold your soul so your tribe could gain the upper hand...

Another anti-Trump foreigner meddling in our country for the Democrats.
Wow, that takes a lot of gall for a tRumpling to say, considering what Cheeto Jesus is being impeached for.

Hes not being impeached.
I guess Clinton wasn't impeached either then....
to say Trump is loud is an understatement. he's wild. crazy. nuttier than the biggest nut. my friends, Trump reveres women as much as he reveres the Bible. he loves nothing more than stirring the pot, rubbing someone the wrong way just to see what would happen. does that remind you of someone?! its like push-ups for the brain, a workout that makes the mind sharper and stronger!

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