Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

to say Trump is loud is an understatement. he's wild. crazy. nuttier than the biggest nut. my friends, Trump reveres women as much as he reveres the Bible. he loves nothing more than stirring the pot, rubbing someone the wrong way just to see what would happen. does that remind you of someone?! its like push-ups for the brain, a workout that makes the mind sharper and stronger!
And I'm sitting here thinking to myself how none of us have the right to judge his morality given all the types of immorality we condone. The same type of immorality we condemned Trump for was the same type we ignored long before anyone took Trump seriously as a political figure.
Oh cool, so I'm assuming you have?

Or are you basing your opinions of him solely off of what you hear from that far left liberal clique you reside in?

Yup. Clueless.

Naw, I'm basing my opinion off of the things he says. When has the guy ever said he made a mistake? We are involved in a whole thread discussing the Central Park Five, where Trump called for the execution of five innocent children who were framed by the police. A decent CHRISTIAN person would admit he made a mistake.

Not Trump.
And I'm sitting here thinking to myself how none of us have the right to judge his morality given all the types of immorality we condone. The same type of immorality we condemned Trump for was the same type we ignored long before anyone took Trump seriously as a political figure.

Not really. Frankly, I've disagreed with every president on some issue since Reagan... but almost all of them were good, decent men who wanted to do the best for the country. Hell, even Tricky Dick, as bad as he was, realized resigning was more decent than dragging the country through an impeachment trial, because he cared about the US and the GOP as institutions.

Trump... Trump only cares about Trump.
Let me set some perspective here.

Any other Christians on this board who profess to know the Bible should know the story of Rahab the prostitute. Aka a whore. Almost irredeemably immoral by our standards.

I will agree that President Trump has his numerous moral flaws, too. What? I'm not blind, you know. Wipe that shocked look off your face.

Now, what was the one thing they both had in common? God used them for the greater good. He saw redemption in both of them. For any Christian to say that someone is hopelessly immoral obviously doesn't understand how God works.

God will redeem you and use you to make the lives of others around you better, regardless of your character or morality (or lack thereof).

So, regarding that hullabaloo over what an Op-Ed said in Christianity Today that Trump's immorality is why he should be impeached: I honestly don't care what an opinion editor in some Christian newspaper thinks about Trump or his morals. We shouldn't be looking to men for moral guidance, we should be looking to God. He has given us many examples in the Bible of deplorable people being redeemed. Tax collectors, genocidal maniacs, and prostitutes.

Never tell me someone is irredeemable. Especially if you disagree with them politically or morally. If you are a Christian, look to God to help you see the good in others. If you're not, look within yourself, find out if you like what you see.

That is all I can say.

Merry Christmas friends.

I have said it before and will say it again

Leftists elect IDOLS; they want people they can emulate and/or idolize.

We don't need that. Conservatives elect someone to do a job. Therefore, I don't need Donald Trump to show me "how to be a good person". I have a Lord and Savior for that, a God, and also, actual role models in my life.

Leftists are very sad. As in: I feel bad for them
I have said it before and will say it again

Leftists elect IDOLS; they want people they can emulate and/or idolize.

We don't need that. Conservatives elect someone to do a job. Therefore, I don't need Donald Trump to show me "how to be a good person". I have a Lord and Savior for that, a God, and also, actual role models in my life.

Leftists are very sad. As in: I feel bad for them

If conservatives really believed that, they wouldn't have impeached Clinton for getting a blow job. Bill Clinton did the job. He inherited an economy that was a mess and turned it around. But, man, you guys hated him because he cheated on his wife and dodged the draft.

Well. Trump cheated on all of his wives, and dodged the draft. But he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like you do, so you are willing to overlook his "flaws".

Just be honest about it.
I have said it before and will say it again

Leftists elect IDOLS; they want people they can emulate and/or idolize.

We don't need that. Conservatives elect someone to do a job. Therefore, I don't need Donald Trump to show me "how to be a good person". I have a Lord and Savior for that, a God, and also, actual role models in my life.

Leftists are very sad. As in: I feel bad for them

If conservatives really believed that, they wouldn't have impeached Clinton for getting a blow job. Bill Clinton did the job. He inherited an economy that was a mess and turned it around. But, man, you guys hated him because he cheated on his wife and dodged the draft.

Well. Trump cheated on all of his wives, and dodged the draft. But he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like you do, so you are willing to overlook his "flaws".

Just be honest about it.

Joe what proof do you have that I 'hate gays and Mexicans'

I mean we know you're not too bright but do you have any proof?
acting coaches spent 2 weeks teaching Trump how to fire people before The Apprentice started. just thought you should know your Trumpy boy is a FRAUD!
Trump is not a spiritual man, my friends

ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you can do for your country!
Leftists elect IDOLS; they want people they can emulate and/or idolize.
To be fair, people on the right do the same thing. With varying degrees of fanaticism.

However, that's not to say Leftists approach politics with almost a religious fervor I don't see on the right.

Not that I care.
To be fair, people on the right do the same thing. With varying degrees of fanaticism.

However, that's not to say Leftists approach politics with almost a religious fervor I don't see on the right.

Not that I care.

Again, considering that your idea of "Fervor" is looking for a lost Twinkie in your rolls of fat, I don't think you are one to judge.
To be fair, people on the right do the same thing. With varying degrees of fanaticism.

However, that's not to say Leftists approach politics with almost a religious fervor I don't see on the right.

Not that I care.

Again, considering that your idea of "Fervor" is looking for a lost Twinkie in your rolls of fat, I don't think you are one to judge.

That must have struck a nerve.

But yeah, those insults of yours are pretty boring.

Your powers of judgement are severely lacking when all you can do is come at me like a 5 year old.

I can't honestly believe someone like you ever fought for my country. You have no sense of honor or respect for anyone else. The way you trot out your military service when you're losing an argument is almost comical.

Nah Joe. You're no soldier, you display all the earmarks of a coward. You are, quite simply, a disgrace. Battleship mouth, rowboat ass.

Do not speak to me as if you hold any superior position above me. But nice try with that childish quip Joe. It only goes to show that you would only be willing to put your life on the line for one half of our country as opposed to the other. If you ever made that sacrifice at all.
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I can't honestly believe someone like you ever fought for my country.

I never said I did... I said I served.. not quite the same thing.

You have no sense of honor or respect for anyone else.

What about you should I respect? You sit on your ass all day playing video games living off of other people. When I was your age, I had already graduated college, owned my own home and was a non-commissioned officer in the Army. Your idea of an accomplishment is getting a high score.

Do not speak to me as if you hold any superior position above me. But nice try with that childish quip Joe. It only goes to show that you would only be willing to put your life on the line for one half of our country as opposed to the other. If you ever made that sacrifice at all.

Uh, get real. I served because they offered a paycheck and free college. There was some naive idea about "Patriotism", but I was largely over that before I hit E-5. When Poppy Bush wanted to send us all off to die for Exxon and the Zionists is when I really questioned it, which is why I got out after the Gulf War when my last enlistment was up.

The problem is, you talk all day about conservative values, but at the end of the day, you sit on your ass, play video games, and come up with excuses about how you can't find a job in this supposedly wonderful economy.
I never said I did... I said I served.. not quite the same thing.

Then why do you keep bringing it up? I've been in a number of threads where you would bash other people over the head with it.

What about you should I respect? You sit on your ass all day playing video games living off of other people. When I was your age, I had already graduated college, owned my own home and was a non-commissioned officer in the Army. Your idea of an accomplishment is getting a high score.

Ooh, that's quite the riposte, Joe. Cutting words to say the least.

I shouldn't have to give you my life story from the past 8 years, but since you woefully misunderstand my background, and since you judge people by how much they produce in society, I will. Your arrogance is astounding.

Uh, get real. I served because they offered a paycheck and free college.

Having never served in the military, even I know that's not why you serve. The service should at least teach you that you're fighting for your countrymen, a cause greater than you, and not just for a paycheck and a free ride through college. Without the country you (supposedly) served, you would have had none of those things. You're pathetic. Truly.

There was some naive idea about "Patriotism", but I was largely over that before I hit E-5. When Poppy Bush wanted to send us all off to die for Exxon and the Zionists is when I really questioned it, which is why I got out after the Gulf War when my last enlistment was up.

Curious. Why do you stay in America if you hate it so much? Why not expatriate? Stop sitting on your ass and do something about the hatred you have for it. Or was that what you were doing during your last enlistment?

The problem is, you talk all day about conservative values, but at the end of the day, you sit on your ass, play video games, and come up with excuses about how you can't find a job in this supposedly wonderful economy.

The problem is, I am not a conservative. The values I espouse are those that even a majority of liberals hold, with maybe, the exception being you and your ilk residing in the abyss referred to as the "far left".

Why do you judge everyone by your own standards? Not everyone is like you. No one will ever be if you keep using those kinds of standards.

Let me tell you something Joe, I have not been fooling around for 7 years playing video games. When I have, it was a conscious effort to keep myself away from sharp objects and implements of bodily harm. You see, I almost died in 2012 from an acute asthma attack, at the very last job I had. It gave me PTSD and crippling anxiety. Yeah, I was on the way to leading a productive life. Until I couldn't. In the past 8 years I have been committed to two mental hospitals for attempting suicide.

The emotional toll was so great from almost dying on that humid summer day that it took away all the motivation I had for being a productive member of society.

I was in the best shape of my life back then (well enough shape to knock someone like you on your NCO backside for having such a penchant of disrespect towards his fellow men). I could have cared less about video games at the time.

In 2014 I was committed again. I resolved then that getting a job with my emotional issues was not feasible. So, I applied for SSDI. It took me until Dec 2018 to finally get the checks. If I couldn't handle getting a job, this was my last resort. You know what I did? I used the money to help bring my grandmother out of the financial ruin I put her in for being a "leech" as you so term it. I was and still am using that money to do productive things, help other people. Not all for the benefit of myself (not that such things matter to such a well made man as yourself).

My Grandmother is in declining health. My job is being there for her. Not giving all of my time to an ungrateful society full of people like you. I devote my time and the money I receive completely to her.

The problem is, Joe, I could really care less about what you think of me. But I will not allow you to live in ignorance about me. If you make any more crass comments like that again, you will be referred to this conversation. You know nothing about me. And you know what, you don't even have to respect me. But you will stop speaking down to me. Understand, old man?

You can at least try to come up with some better insults in the meantime.
Then why do you keep bringing it up? I've been in a number of threads where you would bash other people over the head with it.

Mostly to shame these idiots who never served, but are happy to send OTHER people's kids off to war.

My Dad's generation- everyone served in WWII. Normandy didn't get you any more bragging rights than the Solomons.

Having never served in the military, even I know that's not why you serve. The service should at least teach you that you're fighting for your countrymen, a cause greater than you, and not just for a paycheck and a free ride through college. Without the country you (supposedly) served, you would have had none of those things. You're pathetic. Truly.

Again... if you buy the brainwashing shit they try to pull on you, shame on you. I did fall for it, now I'm old enough to know better.

Curious. Why do you stay in America if you hate it so much? Why not expatriate? Stop sitting on your ass and do something about the hatred you have for it. Or was that what you were doing during your last enlistment?

Naw, during my enlistment I did my job. What I've realized since then is that the real enemy wasn't in Moscow or Baghdad, he was on Wall Street thinking up new ways to cheat the working man.

Let me tell you something Joe, I have not been fooling around for 7 years playing video games. When I have, it was a conscious effort to keep myself away from sharp objects and implements of bodily harm. You see, I almost died in 2012 from an acute asthma attack, at the very last job I had. It gave me PTSD and crippling anxiety. Yeah, I was on the way to leading a productive life. Until I couldn't. In the past 8 years I have been committed to two mental hospitals for attempting suicide.

The emotional toll was so great from almost dying on that humid summer day that it took away all the motivation I had for being a productive member of society.

So you ran into one setback, and you gave up. Now, both of my parents died before I was 21. My early military career was very rough. (It involved ROTC, which was a huge mistake)... I've had companies I worked at go out of business, got fired because I offended the wrong sacred cow, etc. The secret to success in life is to get up one more time than they knock you down.

The problem is, Joe, I could really care less about what you think of me. But I will not allow you to live in ignorance about me. If you make any more crass comments like that again, you will be referred to this conversation. You know nothing about me. And you know what, you don't even have to respect me. But you will stop speaking down to me. Understand, old man?

No, guy, I'll keep treating you like the joke you are.... Nothing here really impresses me. It's just a lot of self pity and excuse making.... the ironic thing being that as much as you whine about "Big Government", you latched yourself onto the government teet at the first opportunity.
No, guy, I'll keep treating you like the joke you are.... Nothing here really impresses me.

Joe, thanks for confirming just how much of a narcissist you really are.

"Nothing here really impresses me"

Okay, log out. Don't come back. Take your condescension elsewhere.

Like I said. Your opinion of me is the last thing I'm concerned about.
I have said it before and will say it again

Leftists elect IDOLS; they want people they can emulate and/or idolize.

We don't need that. Conservatives elect someone to do a job. Therefore, I don't need Donald Trump to show me "how to be a good person". I have a Lord and Savior for that, a God, and also, actual role models in my life.

Leftists are very sad. As in: I feel bad for them

If conservatives really believed that, they wouldn't have impeached Clinton for getting a blow job. Bill Clinton did the job. He inherited an economy that was a mess and turned it around. But, man, you guys hated him because he cheated on his wife and dodged the draft.

Well. Trump cheated on all of his wives, and dodged the draft. But he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like you do, so you are willing to overlook his "flaws".

Just be honest about it.

You are not being honest about it.

Clinton was impeached for clearly breaking the law. It was never about a blow job, or anything of the like. Obstruction of justice, lying under oath, witness tampering, and so on.

If you people actually cared about the rule of law, you would have convicted Clinton and removed him.

So you don't care, and have no credibility in complaining about Trump.
Joe, thanks for confirming just how much of a narcissist you really are.

"Nothing here really impresses me"

Okay, log out. Don't come back. Take your condescension elsewhere.

Like I said. Your opinion of me is the last thing I'm concerned about.

Naw, man, I like pointing out your conservative hypocrisy as you collect "White People Welfare". it's just too amusing.

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