Trump's Muslim ban is NOT unconstitutional!!

Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba
Trump’s early moves trigger business backlash

NEW YORK – Fear is rippling across corporate boardrooms from Silicon Valley to Wall Street over the new White House’s erratic approach to policy, with damage mounting from a travel crackdown, trade protectionism and a persistent habit of singling out individual companies for stinging public criticism.

The latest wave of worry is now focused mainly on President Donald Trump’s executive order hitting immigrants, but the concerns are far broader. Companies dependent on global supply chains worry about new tariffs. Exporters hoping for greater access to Asian markets now see those hopes fading. And just about everyone is afraid of saying anything publicly that could spark presidential ire.

It’s just a very confusing time for corporate America, which hates to be blindsided by things and then doesn’t want to say anything very critical because they will get hit back twice as hard,” said Greg Valliere, chief strategist at Horizon Investments. “What’s happened in the last 72 hours has to worry business because the administration looks so incompetent. Big companies notice when administrations seem this amateurish.”
Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Feel free to show me a single Wikileaks document that was not true. I'm all eyes.
where was the critique of Mr. Trump? just a one sided, "revelation"? why not Mr. Trump's, "dealings"?

Probably because Mr. Trump apparently doesn't use email - aka nothing for Wikileak's to find and publish.

I do notice you dodged the question. Please do share with us any document that Wikileaks has released in the past decade that is not 'real.' I'll wait.
Oh and for the record Assange wasn't exactly keen on Trump, in fact he stated very plainly that Trump could not win the election.

This recorded meeting was from like September I believe, I'll try to find the original Nope, I was wrong. November 4th appears to be the date of this meeting based on related statements made at said meeting and date of release on the first four pages of postings of it.)

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Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Horseshit!! The order give preference to "religious minorities" from the named countries. Read: "Christians" A preference to one religion over others in violation of the first amendment! Is it possible that you are not bright enough to understand that?
This is apparently a huge 'last stand' for the Open Borders morons.

Crush them all without mercy, the fucking traitorous bastards.
'Imagine walking into the Dallas/Ft Worth Airport and running into this demonstration of Muslim supremacism – a herd of Muslim men (only) lifting their asses to Allah and shouting “Allahu Akbar” – the same chant they use before and during every Islamic terrorist attack.'

It is their version of what Christians would say a times like 'Jesus is Lord!', or 'Christ Reigns!'.

It is most often NOT used to launch terrorist attacks so much as to prepare their minds for prayer.

Your hatred of Islam is a spiritual illness, dude.

I am praying for you.
They don't; the executive branch has to faithfully execute the law.
We also have a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will; and should be applied to unemployment compensation. It can also, happen by executive order. But, that wasn't on the "pander todo" list, of our new President.
Exactly. Thus making Trump's actions unconstitutional because the president does not have the authority to unilaterally ban anybody.
There is long standing precedent for Presidents to be able to suspend travel to and from specified nations, dude.
Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Horseshit!! The order give preference to "religious minorities" from the named countries. Read: "Christians" A preference to one religion over others in violation of the first amendment! Is it possible that you are not bright enough to understand that?

That's your bias talking son. Who says some Muslim minority wouldn't be prioritized? Only bias.

This kind of "priority" statement is typical of immigration policies from all over the world. Though even if it does apply to Christian's being persecuted in the M.E. is that a problem? I don't have a problem with prioritizing a religious group that is very realistically facing a complete genocide at the hands of ISIS, why do you?
Only moronic , heartless bastards will not be able relate to this:

Here Is Some of the Human Misery Caused by President Trump’s Muslim Ban From Those Most Impacted

Refugees and people were caught completely off-guard by the order. They reacted with fear, disbelief, and outrage as their lives were turned upside down by the president’s discriminatory and unconstitutional Muslim ban. Some refugees and immigrants had already given away or sold all of their belongings.

Hajira Jilaow

“We have all documents. We are real refugees. I was waiting for five years. I have endured much but I was always optimistic that I will have a brighter future once I am resettled in the U.S. But unfortunately we were told ... that the US President does not allow refugees into his country. I am shocked. I used to hear America always protects vulnerable people and cares about human rights. But I do not think that is true now as this happened to us.”

Fuad Shareef
“I thought in America there are institutions, democracy. This looks like a decision from a dictator. I don’t understand.”

Anahita Moghaddam
“The fact that I’m not even a practicing Muslim is ironic. My job is helping Americans and American companies achieve higher levels of wellbeing and happiness.”

Muhumad Yusuf Dhaqane

“I was always dreaming to be American because during our cultural orientation class, we heard that in America that all people are the same with equal rights whether you are Muslim, Christian or Jew or others. I heard that there is neither discrimination nor racism – if you are black or white you have equal rights in America.

“How can I go back to that refugee camp? I gave out my mattress, my sheets and all my belongings to other people there. Even I sold my small shelter which was sticks and iron sheets so where will I live? Donald Trump killed me for good. He killed my dream and my future”

Daria Zeynalia
“How do I get back home now? What about my job? If I can’t go back soon, I’ll lose everything.”
Murtada Al-Tameemi
“It adds insult to injury when people talk about excluding people like me as if we are a threat to this country when we have fled the very same things this country is fearing – whether Isis or al-Qaida – we have been the victims of their actions.”
Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Horseshit!! The order give preference to "religious minorities" from the named countries. Read: "Christians" A preference to one religion over others in violation of the first amendment! Is it possible that you are not bright enough to understand that?

That's your bias talking son. Who says some Muslim minority wouldn't be prioritized? Only bias.

This kind of "priority" statement is typical of immigration policies from all over the world. Though even if it does apply to Christian's being persecuted in the M.E. is that a problem? I don't have a problem with prioritizing a religious group that is very realistically facing a complete genocide at the hands of ISIS, why do you?

Obabble let 10,000 Syrian refugees enter the U.S. last year. Despite Christians being 10% of the Syrian population, only 1/2 of 1% of the refugees were Christians. Obabble prioritized Muslims over Christians, despite the fact that genocide was being performed against the latter.
Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory

Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.

Comments posted to pro-Islamic State social media accounts predicted that President Trump’s executive order would persuade American Muslims to side with the extremists. One posting hailed the U.S. president as “the best caller to Islam,” while others predicted that Trump would soon launch a new war in the Middle East.

Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Horseshit!! The order give preference to "religious minorities" from the named countries. Read: "Christians" A preference to one religion over others in violation of the first amendment! Is it possible that you are not bright enough to understand that?

That's your bias talking son. Who says some Muslim minority wouldn't be prioritized? Only bias.

This kind of "priority" statement is typical of immigration policies from all over the world. Though even if it does apply to Christian's being persecuted in the M.E. is that a problem? I don't have a problem with prioritizing a religious group that is very realistically facing a complete genocide at the hands of ISIS, why do you?
Only moronic , heartless bastards will not be able relate to this:

Here Is Some of the Human Misery Caused by President Trump’s Muslim Ban From Those Most Impacted

Refugees and people were caught completely off-guard by the order. They reacted with fear, disbelief, and outrage as their lives were turned upside down by the president’s discriminatory and unconstitutional Muslim ban. Some refugees and immigrants had already given away or sold all of their belongings.

Hajira Jilaow

“We have all documents. We are real refugees. I was waiting for five years. I have endured much but I was always optimistic that I will have a brighter future once I am resettled in the U.S. But unfortunately we were told ... that the US President does not allow refugees into his country. I am shocked. I used to hear America always protects vulnerable people and cares about human rights. But I do not think that is true now as this happened to us.”

Fuad Shareef
“I thought in America there are institutions, democracy. This looks like a decision from a dictator. I don’t understand.”

Anahita Moghaddam
“The fact that I’m not even a practicing Muslim is ironic. My job is helping Americans and American companies achieve higher levels of wellbeing and happiness.”

Muhumad Yusuf Dhaqane

“I was always dreaming to be American because during our cultural orientation class, we heard that in America that all people are the same with equal rights whether you are Muslim, Christian or Jew or others. I heard that there is neither discrimination nor racism – if you are black or white you have equal rights in America.

“How can I go back to that refugee camp? I gave out my mattress, my sheets and all my belongings to other people there. Even I sold my small shelter which was sticks and iron sheets so where will I live? Donald Trump killed me for good. He killed my dream and my future”

Daria Zeynalia
“How do I get back home now? What about my job? If I can’t go back soon, I’ll lose everything.”
Murtada Al-Tameemi
“It adds insult to injury when people talk about excluding people like me as if we are a threat to this country when we have fled the very same things this country is fearing – whether Isis or al-Qaida – we have been the victims of their actions.”

If you're worried about atrocities, perhaps you should protest the governments in the Mideast that Behead Gays, Stone Rape Victims, and ritually perform Female Genital Mutilation.
Thank you lying media ( and all you useful idiots who blindly follow them )
What??!! Are you saying that the Washington Post is making this up, that its fake news?? The same story have been reported by numerous other sources. Is everything that you don't like, that hurts your eyes and ears fake new? Pull you head out mister.

There is plenty more where that came from Bubba

It's not a Muslim ban dipstick. Unless Obama is a Muslim hater?

Obama made the list, Trump just used it because that is who/where US agencies (UNDER OBAMA) had reported as countries which were not up to snuff on vetting.
Horseshit!! The order give preference to "religious minorities" from the named countries. Read: "Christians" A preference to one religion over others in violation of the first amendment! Is it possible that you are not bright enough to understand that?

That's your bias talking son. Who says some Muslim minority wouldn't be prioritized? Only bias.

This kind of "priority" statement is typical of immigration policies from all over the world. Though even if it does apply to Christian's being persecuted in the M.E. is that a problem? I don't have a problem with prioritizing a religious group that is very realistically facing a complete genocide at the hands of ISIS, why do you?

Obabble let 10,000 Syrian refugees enter the U.S. last year. Despite Christians being 10% of the Syrian population, only 1/2 of 1% of the refugees were Christians. Obabble prioritized Muslims over Christians, despite the fact that genocide was being performed against the latter.

I've heard that, though frankly I tend to write it off to bias just the same.

Was it ever like heard in court and found to be unconstitutional? If not then it becomes a precedence that will support Trump's EO.

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