Trump's New Flip Flop Speech

Where did you learn to write like that

From watching the fascist leftwing goons clearly brag about their fascist desires to support clearly Marxist actions and reporting on them accurately.

Wherever the Left congregate now, the first thing to go is freedom of speech.

They do it under the banner of stopping "hate" speech and "misinformation."

An old Rules For Radicals strategy.
Conservatives are likewise fascists – hence their support of Trump.
Another famous Alinsky ploy--- --- accuse your opposition of the very things you are doing yourself so you can deflect attention from yourself to do more of it.
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

Trump is in the end stages of his methamphetamine addiction. You can hear him sniffing after he snorts Adderall.
Everyone knows the DOJ and FBI are totally corrupt.

If only Orange Man wouldn’t talk about, people wouldn’t notice, right?
The police have been destroyed, emasculated and pussyfied. The military has been purged rotted out and given red high heels to show off. The once feared American military now waves hankies.

Democrats think that recognizing what they did is the problem.
Take a good look at him. He doesn't look so good.

And Trump said this yesterday at the Faith and Freedom Coalition:

“Every time the radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists and fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge of courage,” Trump declared to an applauding audience. “I’m being indicted for you! And I believe the ‘you’ is more than 200 million people that love our country. This is a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all times.”

Conservatives are likewise fascists – hence their support of Trump.

Yet again, bullshit. Who demands censorship? YOU GUYS.

Who demanded mandatory vaccines? YOU GUYS.

Who is keeping people accused of trespassing in jail for over a year with no trial? YOU GUYS

Who is spying on parents? YOU GUYS.

In other words, asshole, YOU are the fucking fascist scum.

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