Trump's New Flip Flop Speech

From watching the fascist leftwing goons clearly brag about their fascist desires to support clearly Marxist actions and reporting on them accurately.

Wherever the Left congregate now, the first thing to go is freedom of speech.

They do it under the banner of stopping "hate" speech and "misinformation."

An old Rules For Radicals strategy.
I am glad I don't live where you live. Nobody ever screws with me here. Maybe it's time to bust a move and change location, if not able to correct your local conditions, rather than staying stuck in the rut, out of habit.
You are confused, the Democratic Party picked up the torch.

Why is it that all of you Trump cultist post like it’s 1952? It’s like stepping out of a time machine to read your posts.

Welcome to 2023. In 2023. The threat against democracy is coming from right wing authoritarian dictatorships, and not from communism which died in 1989.

The largest problem facing the United States of America today, is the authoritarian attempt to overthrow the democratic Constitution and overthrow the election on January 6, 2021.

Not to mention, Donald Trump continues with his treasonous behaviour by promising Putin, that he will pull out of NATO, if reelected, and and all age of Ukraine. If that’s not giving Aiden comfort to the enemy, during a time of war, I don’t know what is.

What hasn’t been widely reported in any media, is that after Donald Trump left office with his box loads of classified documents critical defence department information on the readiness and defences of other nations around the world, critical sources of Intel and information were decimated around the world throughout 2021. How much of this happened because Donald Trump was careless with his classified documents?

The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

Some law enforcement organizations (staring with the FBI) ARE villains. As for the military, it has taken a turn for the worse with it's new, woke agenda.
From watching the fascist leftwing goons clearly brag about their fascist desires to support clearly Marxist actions and reporting on them accurately.

Wherever the Left congregate now, the first thing to go is freedom of speech.

They do it under the banner of stopping "hate" speech and "misinformation."

An old Rules For Radicals strategy.

That’s because we the left has become painfully aware of what happens when you fail to counter the lies and hate speech of the Republican party and right wing media for 30 years.

The moment the fairness doctrine went out the window, Republicans started. These lies about Democrats. Democrats are criminals. Democrats are corrupt Democrats are lying to you. Democrats are communists. Democrats are Hitler.

You even blame Democrats for Covid. Even though it came from China and a Republican was President when it hit.

Yet again, bullshit. Who demands censorship? YOU GUYS.

Who demanded mandatory vaccines? YOU GUYS.

Who is keeping people accused of trespassing in jail for over a year with no trial? YOU GUYS.

Who is spying on parents? YOU GUYS.

In other words, asshole, YOU are the fucking fascist scum.

Tell us again, who is banning books? Who is banning discussion of nontraditional families in schools. Who is banning abortion???

Vaccine mandates have been in place since the 1918 Spanish flu. Vaccine mandates have existed for the US military since World War II.

The only reason that Republicans opposed the vaccine mandate was to use them as a wedge issue against Democrats, and like Pavlovs dogs, you came running to the bell. Deaths in disease were highest in the counties where there were no vaccine or mask mandates.

Tucker Carlson dutifully got every one of his vaccinations and boosters and continues to do so to this day. But Tucker told you to resist and insist on your “FreeDumbs”.

Other countries watched you people kill yourselves over Covid and politics, and shook her head in disgust at your stupidity.

What other nation has parents that are threatening the lives of members of their local school board??? When parents become radicalized by crazy people on the internet calling teachers “groomers and paedophiles” and demanding books be banned, these people need to be watched. They have ceased to be law-abiding citizens, and I have become radicalized terrorists. The American people want them stopped.

Every accusation coming from the Trump cult is an admission of guilt.

Your Republican craziness is killing people. Guns everywhere. Multiple mass shootings every single day of the year 62% increase in women dying because they’re pregnant. Attacks on gays and trans people, including mass murders and killings.

Attacks on immigrants at the southern border. There is no end to the hate and violence being inflicted on the American people because of Republican policies.
That’s because we the left has become painfully aware of what happens when you fail to counter the lies and hate speech of the Republican party and right wing media for 30 years.

The moment the fairness doctrine went out the window, Republicans started. These lies about Democrats. Democrats are criminals. Democrats are corrupt Democrats are lying to you. Democrats are communists. Democrats are Hitler.

You even blame Democrats for Covid. Even though it came from China and a Republican was President when it hit.

Tell us again, who is banning books? Who is banning discussion of nontraditional families in schools. Who is banning abortion???

Vaccine mandates have been in place since the 1918 Spanish flu. Vaccine mandates have existed for the US military since World War II.

The only reason that Republicans opposed the vaccine mandate was to use them as a wedge issue against Democrats, and like Pavlovs dogs, you came running to the bell. Deaths in disease were highest in the counties where there were no vaccine or mask mandates.

Tucker Carlson dutifully got every one of his vaccinations and boosters and continues to do so to this day. But Tucker told you to resist and insist on your “FreeDumbs”.

Other countries watched you people kill yourselves over Covid and politics, and shook her head in disgust at your stupidity.

What other nation has parents that are threatening the lives of members of their local school board??? When parents become radicalized by crazy people on the internet calling teachers “groomers and paedophiles” and demanding books be banned, these people need to be watched. They have ceased to be law-abiding citizens, and I have become radicalized terrorists. The American people want them stopped.

Every accusation coming from the Trump cult is an admission of guilt.

Your Republican craziness is killing people. Guns everywhere. Multiple mass shootings every single day of the year 62% increase in women dying because they’re pregnant. Attacks on gays and trans people, including mass murders and killings.

Attacks on immigrants at the southern border. There is no end to the hate and violence being inflicted on the American people because of Republican policies.
Why do you need a fairness doctrine?
Like Incest Joe did about the fraud machine?
No, that was Joey's Gaffe Machine hard at work, the Trumpyblurts are something he is/was proud of, like showing off his cache of secret documents he shouldn't have..and talking about it.

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