Trump's New Flip Flop Speech

Why do you need a fairness doctrine?
When we had only three networks it was necessary to keep one political party from dominating the public airwaves with their propaganda 24/7/365. Now with such eclectic sources of information it is no longer necessary.
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

Guys like our simplistic and bombastic OP, okfume, are perpetually muddled since they lack the ability to hold two things in mind at the same time. (This is particularly complex for them when the two things seem, at first glance, as being contradictory.)

Nevertheless, it is true that it can be (and in fact IS) true that a person can support law enforcement and yet rail against police misconduct. One can support the FBI for the job it is supposed to do and often does well and yet, simultaneously, object to the overt and highly improper politicization of the FBI.

MORONS, like okfume, dimply grasp that we need oxygen. It’s true. We do. But, if one of his “opponents” happens to note that too much atmospheric oxygen could kill of the human race, the pathetic okfume would leap to the conclusion that his opponents hate humans and want them to be denied oxygen.

Simpletons like him can’t really be a part of any worthwhile conversation.

We may need a military. We may well want a strong military. But we sure as shit don’t want our military to be used against the People of our own nation.
You obviously didn't get the memo.

Not only did I get the memo, I have been following the story since before it happened.

I’ve been following world politics, since I was in public school.I won the school public speaking competition in Grade 6 with a speech on the the American Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence.

I studied the history of Great Britain, the USA, and Europe throughout my teenage years.

Throughout the 1970’s, I watched Nixon install right wing dictators throughout Mexico, Central and South America, and arm and fund drug cartels throughout the world, flooding the USA with cocaine and heroin. And creating the worst crime the nation has ever seen

Even the nations that remained nominally communist after 1989 were in fact, authoritarian dictatorships, and not “communist” or Marxist in anything other than name.

China under Xi, is a capitalist authoritarian state.

That’s one way to get rid of an idiot.
No, that was Joey's Gaffe Machine hard at work, the Trumpyblurts are something he is/was proud of, like showing off his cache of secret documents he shouldn't have..and talking about it.
No. That was a moment of lucidity where the truth came out. it is common, it happens to people with dementia all the time. And the stolen election also proves it.
When we had only three networks it was necessary to keep one political party from dominating the public airwaves with their propaganda 24/7/365. Now with such eclectic sources of information it is no longer necessary.

You never only had three networks. There were always dozens of radio networks so that’s a complete fiction.

Republicans resented the fairness doctrine, because they couldn’t lie with impunity, without having to answer to the Democrats, calling them on their lies.

The Fairness Doctrine forced Republicans to be honest, so it had to go. Republicans learned when Reagan was elected that they need to to sell a false narrative to the American public to keep them voting Republican.

Reagan made a lot of promises to the KKK, the Dixiecrats, and to the Moral Majority in order to win election - none of which he kept.

The Trump Republicans have turned the party over to the crazies and the racists and the terrorists. Anyone who doesn’t agree with their insanity is physically assaulted. See Nancy Pelosi’s husband.

Judges are having to issue protective orders for witnesses and jurors in the Trump trials. Election workers across the USA are suing the Trump administration for slander, liable and threats against their family’s’ safety.

Today, Republicans are calling attempts to end the propaganda and lies being spewed by the Republican party against Democrats another’s an “infringement on the right to free speech”. The right to free speech is an allusion, and does not allow you to threaten or lie about, and slander people with impunity.
No. That was a moment of lucidity where the truth came out. it is common, it happens to people with dementia all the time. And the stolen election also proves it.

There was no stolen election. There is only the complete inability of people like you to accept the fact that the vast majority of Americans are not fooled by Donald Trump in his lies.

The “election fraud people” that Biden was referring to were the people guarding against and investigating election fraud, but you knew that.

You’re just so desperate to believe Trump’s lies that you will latch onto anything that in any way it can be twisted to support your fantasies.

I’m shocked there is anyone left in America that is stupid and gullible enough to believe anything Donald Trump says, but here you are proving me wrong.
There was no stolen election. There is only the complete inability of people like you to accept the fact that the vast majority of Americans are not fooled by Donald Trump in his lies.

The “election fraud people” that Biden was referring to were the people guarding against and investigating election fraud, but you knew that.

You’re just so desperate to believe Trump’s lies that you will latch onto anything that in any way it can be twisted to support your fantasies.

I’m shocked there is anyone left in America that is stupid and gullible enough to believe anything Donald Trump says, but here you are proving me wrong.
There was a stolen election. That is fact. Your explanation is complete bullshit.
You never only had three networks. There were always dozens of radio networks so that’s a complete fiction.
"American thought and American politics will be largely at the mercy of those who operate these stations, for publicity is the most powerful weapon that can be wielded in a republic. And when such a weapon is placed in the hands of one person, or a single selfish group is permitted to either tacitly or otherwise acquire ownership or dominate these broadcasting stations throughout the country, then woe be to those who dare to differ with them. It will be impossible to compete with them in reaching the ears of the American people."

Rep. Luther Johnson (D.-Texas), in the debate that preceded the Radio Act of 1927 (KPFA, 1/16/03)

It has been one hundred years of technological advancement and America is squarely in the information age. Yet it seems we have come full circle and we are now discussing the same moral and ethical public policy issues that we were discussing in 1927. How did we backslide into such divisiveness as a nation? Was our national goodwill hijacked for commercialization that completely polarized a nation? Why can’t the “red and blue” even talk across aisle any longer?
The Fairness Doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows or editorials.

Formally adopted as an FCC rule in 1949 and repealed in 1987 by Ronald Reagan’s pro-broadcaster FCC, the doctrine can be traced back to the early days of broadcast regulation.

Early on, legislators wrestled over competing visions of the future of radio: Should it be commercial or non-commercial? There was even a proposal by the U.S. Navy to control the new technology. The debate included early arguments about how to address the public interest, as well as fears about the awesome power conferred on a handful of licensees.
The largest problem facing the United States of America today, is the authoritarian attempt to overthrow the democratic Constitution and overthrow the election on January 6, 2021.
There is no Democratic Constitution.

Our biggest problem, is people like you, who will repeat what the Democrat Party says. People like you who always blame our problems on everyone, but you.
Guys like our simplistic and bombastic OP, okfume, are perpetually muddled since they lack the ability to hold two things in mind at the same time. (This is particularly complex for them when the two things seem, at first glance, as being contradictory.)

Nevertheless, it is true that it can be (and in fact IS) true that a person can support law enforcement and yet rail against police misconduct. One can support the FBI for the job it is supposed to do and often does well and yet, simultaneously, object to the overt and highly improper politicization of the FBI.

MORONS, like okfume, dimply grasp that we need oxygen. It’s true. We do. But, if one of his “opponents” happens to note that too much atmospheric oxygen could kill of the human race, the pathetic okfume would leap to the conclusion that his opponents hate humans and want them to be denied oxygen.

Simpletons like him can’t really be a part of any worthwhile conversation.

We may need a military. We may well want a strong military. But we sure as shit don’t want our military to be used against the People of our own nation.
Trumpy boy sure gets upset when the LE is breathing down his neck. Maybe you should advise him. He needs idiots like you.
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

that's because like many frauds on this board, he has no principles, just costumes.
Not to mention, Donald Trump continues with his treasonous behaviour by promising Putin, that he will pull out of NATO, if reelected, and and all age of Ukraine. If that’s not giving Aiden comfort to the enemy, during a time of war, I don’t know what is.
Democrat Biden and Obama started the Ukraine war.
Not only did I get the memo, I have been following the story since before it happened.

I’ve been following world politics, since I was in public school.I won the school public speaking competition in Grade 6 with a speech on the the American Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence.

I studied the history of Great Britain, the USA, and Europe throughout my teenage years.

Throughout the 1970’s, I watched Nixon install right wing dictators throughout Mexico, Central and South America, and arm and fund drug cartels throughout the world, flooding the USA with cocaine and heroin. And creating the worst crime the nation has ever seen

Even the nations that remained nominally communist after 1989 were in fact, authoritarian dictatorships, and not “communist” or Marxist in anything other than name.

China under Xi, is a capitalist authoritarian state.

That’s one way to get rid of an idiot.
Oh yeah, and I'm the ambassador from bezerkistan.
Trumpy boy sure gets upset when the LE is breathing down his neck. Maybe you should advise him. He needs idiots like you.
President Trump, like every other person, has a right to be upset over being politically targeted by a criminal justice system and it’s agents for partisan political reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with any “crimes.”

Morons like okfume are perfectly content with the political misbehavior of a supposedly fair and neutral law enforcement system.

But, if the shoe were on the other foot, and it was Spudz McAlzheimer who was being investigated and persecuted by a criminal “justice” system which had run amuck, okfume would suddenly grasp how wrong such behavior is.

Beyond that, nothing okfume posts is of any value in the real world.
President Trump, like every other person, has a right to be upset over being politically targeted by a criminal justice system and it’s agents for partisan political reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with any “crimes.”

Morons like okfume are perfectly content with the political misbehavior of a supposedly fair and neutral law enforcement system.

But, if the shoe were on the other foot, and it was Spudz McAlzheimer who was being investigated and persecuted by a criminal “justice” system which had run amuck, okfume would suddenly grasp how wrong such behavior is.

Beyond that, nothing okfume posts is of any value in the real world.
Trying to defend the undefendable is futile. Get a grip.
That’s because we the left has become painfully aware of what happens when you fail to counter the lies and hate speech of the Republican party and right wing media for 30 years.

The moment the fairness doctrine went out the window, Republicans started. These lies about Democrats. Democrats are criminals. Democrats are corrupt Democrats are lying to you. Democrats are communists. Democrats are Hitler.

You even blame Democrats for Covid. Even though it came from China and a Republican was President when it hit.

Tell us again, who is banning books? Who is banning discussion of nontraditional families in schools. Who is banning abortion???

Vaccine mandates have been in place since the 1918 Spanish flu. Vaccine mandates have existed for the US military since World War II.

The only reason that Republicans opposed the vaccine mandate was to use them as a wedge issue against Democrats, and like Pavlovs dogs, you came running to the bell. Deaths in disease were highest in the counties where there were no vaccine or mask mandates.

Tucker Carlson dutifully got every one of his vaccinations and boosters and continues to do so to this day. But Tucker told you to resist and insist on your “FreeDumbs”.

Other countries watched you people kill yourselves over Covid and politics, and shook her head in disgust at your stupidity.

What other nation has parents that are threatening the lives of members of their local school board??? When parents become radicalized by crazy people on the internet calling teachers “groomers and paedophiles” and demanding books be banned, these people need to be watched. They have ceased to be law-abiding citizens, and I have become radicalized terrorists. The American people want them stopped.

Every accusation coming from the Trump cult is an admission of guilt.

Your Republican craziness is killing people. Guns everywhere. Multiple mass shootings every single day of the year 62% increase in women dying because they’re pregnant. Attacks on gays and trans people, including mass murders and killings.

Attacks on immigrants at the southern border. There is no end to the hate and violence being inflicted on the American people because of Republican policies.

YOU are banning books dumbass. The only book related things you don't like are books with sexually explicit content aren't allowed in module and grade schools because the parents are tired of fucking pedophiles grooming their kids.

You fucking pervert.
Guys like our simplistic and bombastic OP, okfume, are perpetually muddled since they lack the ability to hold two things in mind at the same time. (This is particularly complex for them when the two things seem, at first glance, as being contradictory.)

Nevertheless, it is true that it can be (and in fact IS) true that a person can support law enforcement and yet rail against police misconduct. One can support the FBI for the job it is supposed to do and often does well and yet, simultaneously, object to the overt and highly improper politicization of the FBI.

MORONS, like okfume, dimply grasp that we need oxygen. It’s true. We do. But, if one of his “opponents” happens to note that too much atmospheric oxygen could kill of the human race, the pathetic okfume would leap to the conclusion that his opponents hate humans and want them to be denied oxygen.

Simpletons like him can’t really be a part of any worthwhile conversation.

We may need a military. We may well want a strong military. But we sure as shit don’t want our military to be used against the People of our own nation.

Other than the Civil War, the US military has never been used against there on your own nation until the day that Donald Trump tried to use it when he crossed the road to hold up a Bible.

Oh yeah, and I'm the ambassador from bezerkistan.

How can I miss you if you won’t leave???
Trying to defend the undefendable is futile. Get a grip.
I’m not defending the indefensible. (Note the correct word).

I’m simply disputing your false claims.

I know you dislike it. You’ve always been hostile to honesty and actual facts. But, frankly, I don’t care what you dislike.
YOU are banning books dumbass. The only book related things you don't like are books with sexually explicit content aren't allowed in module and grade schools because the parents are tired of fucking pedophiles grooming their kids.

You fucking pervert.

Are you being paid to lie this blatantly or are you just this stupid?

The books that are being banned, are books being written to for For blacks, gays, Hispanics, Jews and Asians, which celebrates their culture or their lives.

Books that are being banned, our books about the holocaust, racial diversity, and being straight being gay.

And then you call me a “pervert”, a straight, white cis-gendered woman, who is a church elder and leader, a retired banker and law clerk, And who did volunteer work with sexually abused children when I was younger.

I would remind you that it is against form rules to suggest or imply, sexual perversion, or paedophilia against another poster but you’ve never been much for truth or rules anyway

Trump cult pieces of shit, harming and abusing women and children and trying to pretend they’re decent human beings.

You’re beyond disgusting

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