Trump's New Flip Flop Speech

I’m not defending the indefensible. (Note the correct word).

I’m simply disputing your false claims.

I know you dislike it. You’ve always been hostile to honesty and actual facts. But, frankly, I don’t care what you dislike.
I know you have a hard on for me. So be it ya ugly minded prick.
I’m not defending the indefensible. (Note the correct word).

I’m simply disputing your false claims.

I know you dislike it. You’ve always been hostile to honesty and actual facts. But, frankly, I don’t care what you dislike.

You are defending a criminal ConMan. You are defending the indefensible. Trump is a self-admitted, sexual predator, a liar, a fraud artist, and a thief.

How many Americans do Donald Trump’s policies have to kill before you start believing that he is a clear and present danger to the country?

16% of all of the Covid deaths in the world, I guess, were not enough for you. Daily mass shootings are not enough for you. Increaseling attacks on blacks, Jews, Asians, gays, and trans people are not enough for you. Attacks on judges, election, workers, and democratic politicians, are not enough for you. Where does it end?

Donald Trump and the Republicans are the party of death and destruction, racism and hate, and economic collapse and failure.

Tell us again, why it is you support them.
Other than the Civil War, the US military has never been used against there on your own nation until the day that Donald Trump tried to use it when he crossed the road to hold up a Bible.
Yeah. That’s what happened. You dishonest gasbag hack. :fu:
Yeah. That’s what happened. You dishonest gasbag hack. :fu:

Name one instance. Instead of calling me a liar, prove it, find me one instance, where are the American military attacked the American people since the Civil War. Any civil disobedience in any state has been handled by that state’s, National Guard, until the day Trump put troops in front of the White House.

General Milley, and dozens of former chiefs of staff, all apologize to the American people for such an egregiously unconstitutional action.

All of these people signed a letter, saying that what Trump did was wrong. There are so many things that Trump did that was in the front to the American people and the American constitution that it’s reasonably impossible to charge him for every crime he committed while President.

Now, he tries to hide behind his voters by saying “They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you. I am just in their way”.

The only reason that Trump was so desperate to cling to the presidency in the first place, is because he knew he’d be facing criminal charges for the rest of the life of his life for his very public crimes while in the White House.
Nope. You just lied again, Lizardbitch.

I am challenging false allegations made about President Trump by scumbags like you.

Are you saying that Trump is lying about himself when he says that he sexually assaults women, bribes politicians, and stole documents from the White House?????

Are you saying he didn’t threaten witnesses on Twitter???? He didn’t spend 4 years trying and failing to prosecute Democrats while everyone who ever worked for him went to jail for HIS crimes???

How are the January 6 insurrectionists any different? They’re all sitting in jail, some of them for more than 10 years, while Trump walks around a free man. Why didn’t he pay for their lawyers? Why didn’t he pardon them before he left office?

Why does everyone who ever worked for Donald Trump turn on him and turn states evidence?????
Name one instance. Instead of calling me a liar, prove it, find me one instance, where are the American military attacked the American people since the Civil War.

You mean like at Kent State?

But more importantly, why? My highlighting that you are a liar wasn’t about that particular meaningless claim you made. Instead, I was calling out your lie that Trump had used the military to display a Bible.

Having difficulty keeping up with your own wall o’ bullshit, Lizardtwat?
Get back on a pile of dog shot, fume, and chow down. You’re a disgusting waste of protoplasm and electrons.

Now, get a real bad case of fire-AIDS and die, if you can.

When you get all of your bullshit and lies shot down at every turn, you get kinda ugly about it. Triggered even.

Why don’t you try living in the real world and dealing with the facts instead of parroting every lie the Republican party and right wing media tells you.
You mean like at Kent State?

But more importantly, why? My highlighting that you are a liar wasn’t about that particular meaningless claim you made. Instead, I was calling out your lie that Trump had used the military to display a Bible.

Having difficulty keeping up with your own wall o’ bullshit, Lizardtwat?

Kent State was not the US Military military. The shootings at Kent State, carried out by the Ohio National Guard.

As for Lafayette Square:

Need any other bullshit dispelled A$$hat? It’s raining so I have all day here.
Are you being paid to lie this blatantly or are you just this stupid?

The books that are being banned, are books being written to for For blacks, gays, Hispanics, Jews and Asians, which celebrates their culture or their lives.

Books that are being banned, our books about the holocaust, racial diversity, and being straight being gay.

And then you call me a “pervert”, a straight, white cis-gendered woman, who is a church elder and leader, a retired banker and law clerk, And who did volunteer work with sexually abused children when I was younger.

I would remind you that it is against form rules to suggest or imply, sexual perversion, or paedophilia against another poster but you’ve never been much for truth or rules anyway

Trump cult pieces of shit, harming and abusing women and children and trying to pretend they’re decent human beings.

You’re beyond disgusting

Fuck yourself pervert. No books are being banned. You pervs can get your grooming guides almost anywhere.

Just not at schools where children are.

You sick fuck.
When you get all of your bullshit and lies shot down at every turn, you get kinda ugly about it. Triggered even.

Except that it doesn’t happen. You lie. Not me. My truths don’t get shot down.

And getting ugly with a liar like you is perfectly ok. I don’t care if you dislike it. Stop lying so much and practice some actual civility of your own. See what happens. 👍
Why don’t you try living in the real world and dealing with the facts instead of parroting every lie the Republican party and right wing media tells you.

Unlike you, I am the one living in the real world and making reference to actual facts. Assholes like you rely on lies most of the time.

Scum suckers like you are always asked to suck the dick of the lying MSM and the Brandon Administration and you always oblige. Your burps smell like a whore house.
Kent State was not the US Military military. The shootings at Kent State, carried out by the Ohio National Guard.
News flash. The national guard is military. It may not have been nationalized at the time, but it was still military.
Need any other bullshit dispelled
I’m always happy to dispel your bullshit.
It’s raining so I have all day here.
You spend every day sharing bullshit. What does the weather have to do with it? :dunno:
Except that it doesn’t happen. You lie. Not me. My truths don’t get shot down.

And getting ugly with a liar like you is perfectly ok. I don’t care if you dislike it. Stop lying so much and practice some actual civility of your own. See what happens. 👍

Unlike you, I am the one living in the real world and making reference to actual facts. Assholes like you rely on lies most of the time.

Scum suckers like you are always asked to suck the dick of the lying MSM and the Brandon Administration and you always oblige. Your burps smell like a whore house.

I’m waiting for you to post a single truth. You haven’t done so this far.

Do you think you seem to think that talking tough and saying stupid crude shit involving oral sex makes you sound tough.

It actually is a deflection because you’ve been utterly demolished in this entire discussion every time you post.

When resort to crude sexual imagery, it’s an admission that you have nothing. Why don’t you try to back up some of your so-called “facts”? Oh that’s right because they never happened and you can’t back them up.

Stupid is as stupid does.
News flash. The national guard is military. It may not have been nationalized at the time, but it was still military.

I’m always happy to dispel your bullshit.

You spend every day sharing bullshit. What does the weather have to do with it? :dunno:

Newsflash. The National Guard is not the US military. It’s is the state’s militia.

General Milley and the joint chiefs of staff have no authority over any state National Guard.

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