Trump's New Flip Flop Speech

You mean “ordinarily.”

I’m still waiting for you to post a single instance where the US military was used against the US people after the Civil War, and prior to Lafayette Square.

You keep deflecting, moving the goalposts and lying.

You even trying to scare me off by talking dirty to me. All you’re doing is making yourself look stupid and helping me to pass the time during the rain storm.
I’m still waiting for you to post a single instance where the US military was used against the US people after the Civil War, and prior to Lafayette Square.

You keep deflecting, moving the goalposts and lying.

You even trying to scare me off by talking dirty to me. All you’re doing is making yourself look stupid and helping me to pass the time during the rain storm.
Zzzz. I am still waiting for you to support your claim about Trump.
Zzzz. I am still waiting for you to support your claim about Trump.

I posted the links of thread. Apparently you missed him. You were too busy being an asshole.

In fact, I posted links to everything I claimed about Donald Trump and you ignored all of them

This is why you continue to be in an uninformed lazy piece of shit. Stop spending so much time playing with your dick and get yourself informed FuckBoi.

Rain has stopped. Streets are nearly dry. Thanks for the entertainment.
I posted the links of thread. Apparently you missed him. You were too busy being an asshole.
No no, scumsucking lying lizardanus.

What you actually said. We all know that one of the things Trump did was to hold up a Bible in front of an historic church which had been set on fire.

But that’s not what you said, you cheap ass propagandist moron. Fuck you and your local weather report. 👍
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

So you're telling us Trump is it.

Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves.
Same ones that the average person can't afford and recently released claims of driving them fully loaded decreases range by 25%??
No no, scumsucking lying lizardanus.

What you actually said. We all know that one of the things Trump did was to hold up a Bible in front of an historic church which had been set on fire.

But that’s not what you said, you cheap ass propagandist moron. Fuck you and your local weather report. 👍

You all know that do you? Read the fucking link I posted asshole. You quoted t but you ignore the part where Millie said that he crossed the road for a photo op. That was the headline so you really screwed up by Quoting that piece. And then denying I posted it

The church had not been set on fire. The minister was driven off the premises with tear gas to allow your asshole leader to have his picture taken there.

Read the fucking link idiot.
You all know that do you? Read the fucking link I posted asshole you quoted you quoted it but you ignore the part where Millie said that he cross the road for a photo op.

The church had not been set on fire. The minister was driven off the premises with tear gas to allow your asshole leader to have his picture taken.

Read the fucking link idiot.
The point, you flaming ass retard, is what you said.myiure incapable of posting intelligently or honestly.

Now, having cleared that up — Gfy.

The point, you flaming ass retard, is what you said.myiure incapable of posting intelligently or honestly.

Now, having cleared that up — Gfy.


I don’t know what you’re trying to say there. It’s not English. You’re just stringing together letters now but they they’re not making words or sense.

The headline on the article you quoted was General Milley apologizes for crossing the road with Trump for a photo op.

How much more confirmation do you need that that is what happened? I’m still waiting for that link where the American military was used to attack US citizens.

Instead, you go off on a tangent, claiming I didn’t back up what I posted when clearly I did.
Other than the Civil War, the US military has never been used against there on your own nation until the day that Donald Trump tried to use it when he crossed the road to hold up a Bible.

How can I miss you if you won’t leave???
The National Guard has been used numerous times to quell riots and ensure peaceful events. Idiot.
I don’t know what you’re trying to say there. It’s not English. You’re just stringing together letters now but they they’re not making words or sense.

The headline on the article you quoted was General Milley apologizes for crossing the road with Trump for a photo op.

How much more confirmation do you need that that is what happened? I’m still waiting for that link where the American military was used to attack US citizens.

Instead, you go off on a tangent, claiming I didn’t back up what I posted when clearly I did.
Gfy means “go fuck yourself.” That’s all you need.

Gfy. 👍
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

Gawd you're stupid. Attacking POLICIES that tie the hands of the police isn't bashing the police, you stupid fuck, it's bashing the politicians who tie the hands of the police.

You were born brain dead, weren't you? Be honest ....
Gawd you're stupid. Attacking POLICIES that tie the hands of the police isn't bashing the police, you stupid fuck, it's bashing the politicians who tie the hands of the police.

You were born brain dead, weren't you? Be honest ....
Oh look, it's BackAgain s brother. The neurotic self centered sadists. Get help for your narcissistic personality disorder.
Hitler would go after who did not toe his line. Correct? There lies the similarities. The agenda is irrelevant to those that enforce it.
The agenda is quite important because National Socialism and Fascism are built upon certain principles that are fundamentally at odds with the rainbow agenda. It would be like saying that democracy and monarchy are the same because they both support the existence of government.
Newsflash. The National Guard is not the US military. It’s is the state’s militia.

General Milley and the joint chiefs of staff have no authority over any state National Guard.

No it isn't you dumb bitch.
No it isn't you dumb bitch.

No, it isn’t what what you stupid clown?

Are you saying that the joint chiefs of staff have any authority over states’ national guard units?

National guard units exist because the US military is not allowed to go up against US citizens on US soil.

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant Americans are of their own government structures. Republicans are the worst when it comes to how old are country functions plus they believe anything their leaders, or their right wing media tells them.
Yet again, bullshit. Who demands censorship? YOU GUYS.

Who demanded mandatory vaccines? YOU GUYS.

Who is keeping people accused of trespassing in jail for over a year with no trial? YOU GUYS

Who is spying on parents? YOU GUYS.

In other words, asshole, YOU are the fucking fascist scum.
Fascism is the sole purview of the illiberal, authoritarian right.
The former "Law and Order" President is now railing against law enforcement.
He's also ranting against the Military after pumping so much money towards it.
Something is wrong with Trump. He's really going off the deep end by calling law enforcement "Villains"

"Former President Donald Trump listed off a slate of "ists" that he's blaming for his ills: communists, socialists, fascists, globalists. Speaking in Michigan on Sunday evening, Trump trashed electric vehicles, which are bringing jobs back to the state in droves. But among those he trashed was also a new foe: law enforcement"

He's showing his god complex.

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