Trump's next "book".....The Art of Delusion

I promise you....if you went away....I would not miss you at all.

Well, sorry....I'm here to piss off all right wing you....until these same morons bitch enough to the monitors on here to kick me out.................Live with it!!!! LOL

Piss who off ? Me ?

You give yourself way to much credit.

BTW: Those morons kicked your ass last november.

Funny how you just don't get that.
Global warming and cooling have been taking place long before man existed and will continue to take place long after we are gone. So what's your point?

No point to make.....Dumb people will remain dumb regardless of what I were to post.......Wallow in your own ignorance and rely for your scientific knowledge on people like Hannity....

I went to college so I wouldn't have to "rely" on anyone for my knowledge, Nat! I'm quite capable of looking at the facts and coming to my own conclusions.'re not upset but you've been posting 3 or 4 new strings nearly every day that attack Trump? I'm sorry, Nat but I think you "dost protest too much!"

True.....and I'll keep posting NOT because I'm "upset" but to remind right wing morons of the grave mistake they've made....Eventually, they'll realize it themselves....and I and a few others on this conservative forum are but a daily reminder of your failures...LOL

You really think you're going to change someone's mind with your daily Trump attacks?

Not for nothing, Nat...but six months of daily Trump attacks be the Main Stream Media didn't win the election for Hillary...what makes you think it's going to change anyone's mind when YOU do it now?
Not for nothing, Nat...but six months of daily Trump attacks be the Main Stream Media didn't win the election for Hillary...what makes you think it's going to change anyone's mind when YOU do it now?

Because the campaign rhetoric was theoretical,,,,,,Now, promises that are broken and manage to screw especially those who backed the Trumpster, become reality.
Not for nothing, Nat...but six months of daily Trump attacks be the Main Stream Media didn't win the election for Hillary...what makes you think it's going to change anyone's mind when YOU do it now?

Because the campaign rhetoric was theoretical,,,,,,Now, promises that are broken and manage to screw especially those who backed the Trumpster, become reality.

So far Trump is doing exactly what he promised he would do. So what is it that anyone who voted for him should feel "screwed" about?

I know that you on the left are going to do everything you can to make his job as difficult as possible...but that's pretty much all you have right now! If Trump're totally screwed for several decades at the least. The Democratic Party is in shambles because Obama, Pelosi and Reid took it so far to the left that you've now got Warren and Sanders as your "standard bearers" and you'd be hard pressed to find ANYONE further to the left than those two! You've got zero young leadership. It's a recipe for disaster at the polls.
You boys keep telling yourself that...and Trump will keep working away at fixing things. We'll see which approach pays off.

exactly WTF has that dumbass fixed pray tell ?

He's been in office less than 3 months and the Democrats have been slow walking every single one of his Cabinet appointments. That's their "answer" to Trump...try to block every single thing he does and hope he can't fix anything. I don't think it's going to work though, Siete. He's going to get it working and then he's going to attack the Washington dysfunction with common sense solutions.

It's less than two months still, actually
Global warming and cooling have been taking place long before man existed and will continue to take place long after we are gone. So what's your point?

No point to make.....Dumb people will remain dumb regardless of what I were to post.......Wallow in your own ignorance and rely for your scientific knowledge on people like Hannity....

I went to college so I wouldn't have to "rely" on anyone for my knowledge, Nat! I'm quite capable of looking at the facts and coming to my own conclusions.

It's really telling that he thinks you need to rely on others. The idea that people look things up to learn them for themselves doesn't even cross his mind. It's an odd mindset.
When is your "The Art Of Losing Very Badly" coming out?

THAT book will actually be written by Trumpsters ....LOL

When after Pence serves his eight years. You lost, you suck.

Just last month, you Trumpettes were saying that Trump was going to be there for 8 years, now you're saying it's Pence.

What happened? Finally lose faith in your Cheeto In Chief?
8 years of Pence is AFTER the 8 years of Trump. Not that hard to figure out.
When is your "The Art Of Losing Very Badly" coming out?

THAT book will actually be written by Trumpsters ....LOL

When after Pence serves his eight years. You lost, you suck.

Just last month, you Trumpettes were saying that Trump was going to be there for 8 years, now you're saying it's Pence.

What happened? Finally lose faith in your Cheeto In Chief?

I am more of a never Clinton guy. But I see nothing unusual about Trumps administration. Just manufactured crisis by the media and Democrats. Anything else?
When is your "The Art Of Losing Very Badly" coming out?

THAT book will actually be written by Trumpsters ....LOL

When after Pence serves his eight years. You lost, you suck.

Just last month, you Trumpettes were saying that Trump was going to be there for 8 years, now you're saying it's Pence.

What happened? Finally lose faith in your Cheeto In Chief?
He was talking about 16 years later.
So I'm reading the Boston Globe today and there's a front page article about liberals in Massachusetts getting together to send tens of thousands of postcards to the White House to tell Donald Trump how much they don't like him. They actually think that doing THAT is somehow going to make Trump feel so bad that he'll resign! I swear I'm not making this up...these snowflakes really think that way.

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