Trump's next "book".....The Art of Delusion

NAT4900 is a professional paid Troll.

Lastly how much pay does a paid liberal troll pull down for disrupting adult discussions about the future of our country?

You're funny........a fuck head, but funny nonetheless.......

If I "bother" you so much, why the hell don't you find another thread to spew your stupidity on?

Barry Hussein's book should have been subtitled "the art of delusion". First of all the title told you everything you needed to know but nobody paid attention. "Dreams of My Father" is catchy but Hussein's father was an anti-American African nationalist and a bigamist and alcoholic. He finally killed himself in a drunken car crash. The kicker was that people who research such things determined that the book was likely ghost written by friend and mentor and former domestic terrorist professor Bill Ayers. The criminal conspiracy known as the MSM didn't want to go near it.
NAT4900 is a professional paid Troll.

Lastly how much pay does a paid liberal troll pull down for disrupting adult discussions about the future of our country?

You're funny........a fuck head, but funny nonetheless.......

If I "bother" you so much, why the hell don't you find another thread to spew your stupidity on?

If by "spewing stupidity'" you mean pissing on your Pity Party Butt Hurt Parade, then why in the Hell would I go anywhere else when you are an easy mark to hit?

Even a Drunk could hit a Hanoi Jane Urinal Target right between the eyes in a dive bar!

Clue: You are the urinal target.

So what's the pay like working as a troll?

Does it pay better than bartending?
You boys keep telling yourself that...and Trump will keep working away at fixing things. We'll see which approach pays off.

exactly WTF has that dumbass fixed pray tell ?

He's been in office less than 3 months and the Democrats have been slow walking every single one of his Cabinet appointments. That's their "answer" to Trump...try to block every single thing he does and hope he can't fix anything. I don't think it's going to work though, Siete. He's going to get it working and then he's going to attack the Washington dysfunction with common sense solutions.
I can do both, just assumed you could as well...It sounds to me like you just don't want to be reminded of the queens epic any case you should have thought or at least considered this prior to the election, too late now

Hillary could NEVER have destroyed the right wing party as well as Trump is doing......In the long run, its good that she lost...never liked her, anyway.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Nat! Hillary losing and the GOP being in position to name new Supreme Court Justices is "good" for you liberals! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Nat! Hillary losing and the GOP being in position to name new Supreme Court Justices is "good" for you liberals

When you have ALL the power, you also have ALL the responsibilities.....and that, right wing lap dog, will be your downfall.
If you want some sage advice, Nat...perhaps it's time you progressives take a good hard look at who's leading your party and whether made up narratives about "Black Lives Matter" and "Equal Pay For Women" are "winners" anymore! You guys need a house faces and new ideas. Right now you're preaching to the liberal choir and everyone else is looking elsewhere for solutions.
If you want some sage advice, Nat...perhaps it's time you progressives take a good hard look at who's leading your party and whether made up narratives about "Black Lives Matter" and "Equal Pay For Women" are "winners" anymore! You guys need a house faces and new ideas. Right now you're preaching to the liberal choir and everyone else is looking elsewhere for solutions.

I know, how dare women get equal pay. The nerve....

As for looking elsewhere, if Libs are the problem, the Orange Buffoon is not the answer. Who is? A better political system probably...
Right wing lap dog? Please...I'm a fiscal conservative who's sick of the excuses why Washington can't be run in a sane manner. I'm no different from millions of other Americans who are tired of the same old excuses from both parties.
If you want some sage advice, Nat...perhaps it's time you progressives take a good hard look at who's leading your party and whether made up narratives about "Black Lives Matter" and "Equal Pay For Women" are "winners" anymore! You guys need a house faces and new ideas. Right now you're preaching to the liberal choir and everyone else is looking elsewhere for solutions.

I know, how dare women get equal pay. The nerve....

As for looking elsewhere, if Libs are the problem, the Orange Buffoon is not the answer. Who is? A better political system probably...

Women DO get equal pay. That whole narrative is bullshit. Anyone who's looked at the issue closely knows it.
NAT4900 is a professional paid Troll.

No one could be that thick headed, insane, stubborn and incapable of rational thought.

You could hit him with a bus full of truth and he'd tell you that he's in perfect health as he gives a DemNazi salute to his little gods and tries to convince you that he doesn't have every bone in his body broken!

To the contrary! He'll lay there in his hospital bed in a body cast and tell you he's ready to compete in The Olympics and taking the Gold Baby!
If he is they aren't getting their moneys worth. Once his minimum wage goes to 15 bucks he'll be unemployed.
If you want some sage advice, Nat...perhaps it's time you progressives take a good hard look at who's leading your party and whether made up narratives about "Black Lives Matter" and "Equal Pay For Women" are "winners" anymore! You guys need a house faces and new ideas. Right now you're preaching to the liberal choir and everyone else is looking elsewhere for solutions.

I know, how dare women get equal pay. The nerve....

As for looking elsewhere, if Libs are the problem, the Orange Buffoon is not the answer. Who is? A better political system probably...

Entrenched Washington politicians are the problem, Doc...and not just the liberal ones. This "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" mindset of our political leaders is almost as bad as the political grid lock where nothing gets done. It's going to take someone from outside of the system to fight the system. That's why Trump got elected. He's seen as that outside person.
I can do both, just assumed you could as well...It sounds to me like you just don't want to be reminded of the queens epic any case you should have thought or at least considered this prior to the election, too late now

Hillary could NEVER have destroyed the right wing party as well as Trump is doing......In the long run, its good that she lost...never liked her, anyway.
Then why are you all upset about Trump winning the election? Why do you endlessly start several angry, hateful anti-Trump threads daily?
If you want some sage advice, Nat...perhaps it's time you progressives take a good hard look at who's leading your party and whether made up narratives about "Black Lives Matter" and "Equal Pay For Women" are "winners" anymore! You guys need a house faces and new ideas. Right now you're preaching to the liberal choir and everyone else is looking elsewhere for solutions.

Look in the mirror right wingers...the time to"blame"liberals is now over.....and with your arrogance, your demise will soon follow.
Once and for all...let's put this nonsense about women getting paid less than men out of it's misery! As Dr. Grumps article points out...the pay of men and women for comparable jobs remains basically identical until age 30 when a large number of women decide to have children. It's at THAT point that they start falling behind their male counterparts! That isn't something that's underhanded or's simply a fact of life that if you're gone from any job for any length of time then you're job has been done by others...some of whom have now been placed ahead of you in the job hierarchy. Why that strikes anyone as unfair baffles me!
Women DO get equal pay. That whole narrative is bullshit. Anyone who's looked at the issue closely knows it.

Do Men Really Earn More Than Women? - Infographic - PayScale

Ah, Doc...your own cite backs up my point. Did you even read it?

Yeah I read it. Although it shows that the pay gap is minimal, there is still a pay gap.

Are you REALLY making a major issue out of a couple of percentage points, Doc? That's your BIG issue? Come on...get serious! You're doing a disservice to the millions of American women who have great careers and do so on their own merits. They don't need anyone's help. They're doing just fine.

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