Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

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And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
View attachment 153869
haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

Get bent, spew global warming bullshit while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates. You are a joke in search of a punchline.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

What was your reaction when Barry's admin suggested the same thing against conservative outlets?
And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
View attachment 153869
haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

Get bent, spew global warming bullshit while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates. You are a joke in search of a punchline.
"while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates"

As does everyone on earth who knows anything about anything, because you are a hack with no credibility and no standing in the scientific community whatsoever.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

What was your reaction when Barry's admin suggested the same thing against conservative outlets?

NBC and CNN attacked our democracy before the election and continue to attack our democracy now! There should at least be an overlay text on the screen that says FAKE NEWS during most of MSNBC's and CNN's broadcasts or move them to Comedy Central so nobody mistakes them for real news!

The Donald is being specific in regards to them attacking The White and causing staff to respond to their fake questions based on their fake news! It endangers our country!
The response is to shut down news conferences. Kick those fuckers out of the White House. Close the press room. He is not required to feed them information or provide a punching bag for them to cross examine. Kill the press conferences.

But, DO NOT TRAMPLE ON MEDIA RIGHTS!!! I don't care how slanted and communist the leftist media propaganda becomes. That is the WRONG method.

Trump better not pull that shit!!!

You guys never offer one shred of evidence that the media is overly unfair to Trump.

Are not able to consider for a moment that he may, in fact, be a total fucking moron and the media is just doing their job.

All they have is their Nazi leader saying it's all fake.
The fact that you think Trump resembles a Nazi is a complete rebuke of the government-run public education system and a testament to the level of snowflake ignorance / stupidity.

I emplore snowflakes such as yourself to educate yourself before publicly embarrasing yourself this way...
NBC and CNN attacked our democracy before the election and continue to attack our democracy now! There should at least be an overlay text on the screen that says FAKE NEWS during most of MSNBC's and CNN's broadcasts or move them to Comedy Central so nobody mistakes them for real news!

The Donald is being specific in regards to them attacking The White and causing staff to respond to their fake questions based on their fake news! It endangers our country!
The response is to shut down news conferences. Kick those fuckers out of the White House. Close the press room. He is not required to feed them information or provide a punching bag for them to cross examine. Kill the press conferences.

But, DO NOT TRAMPLE ON MEDIA RIGHTS!!! I don't care how slanted and communist the leftist media propaganda becomes. That is the WRONG method.

Trump better not pull that shit!!!

You guys never offer one shred of evidence that the media is overly unfair to Trump.

Are not able to consider for a moment that he may, in fact, be a total fucking moron and the media is just doing their job.

All they have is their Nazi leader saying it's all fake.
The fact that you think Trump resembles a Nazi is a complete rebuke of the government-run public education system and a testament to the level of snowflake ignorance / stupidity.

I emplore snowflakes such as yourself to educate yourself before publicly embarrasing yourself this way...
Trump does not resemble a Nazi. Nazis had a clear set of ideology, ethics, and morals. Trump is devoid of any of these things.

However, the people willing to sacrifice their own self-respect and credibility to publicly carry his water? Now THEY remind me a little bit of Nazis. Not the ones in charge, but the ones who sold their souls.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

The funniest thing is he says that the media can write whatever they like. He didn't see the irony that he just makes shit up all the time and puts it on twitter, especially at 5am.
I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
View attachment 153869
haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

Get bent, spew global warming bullshit while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates. You are a joke in search of a punchline.
"while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates"

As does everyone on earth who knows anything about anything, because you are a hack with no credibility and no standing in the scientific community whatsoever.

I know infinitely more than you. There are PLENTY of scientists that have been warning about the artificial warming, cooling and weather modification programs using geo-engineering. Water and soil samples are scientific, no? Here is your "climate-change"....take a real close look and then tell me that this is normal.

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NBC and CNN attacked our democracy before the election and continue to attack our democracy now! There should at least be an overlay text on the screen that says FAKE NEWS during most of MSNBC's and CNN's broadcasts or move them to Comedy Central so nobody mistakes them for real news!

The Donald is being specific in regards to them attacking The White and causing staff to respond to their fake questions based on their fake news! It endangers our country!
The response is to shut down news conferences. Kick those fuckers out of the White House. Close the press room. He is not required to feed them information or provide a punching bag for them to cross examine. Kill the press conferences.

But, DO NOT TRAMPLE ON MEDIA RIGHTS!!! I don't care how slanted and communist the leftist media propaganda becomes. That is the WRONG method.

Trump better not pull that shit!!!

You guys never offer one shred of evidence that the media is overly unfair to Trump.

Are not able to consider for a moment that he may, in fact, be a total fucking moron and the media is just doing their job.

All they have is their Nazi leader saying it's all fake.
The fact that you think Trump resembles a Nazi is a complete rebuke of the government-run public education system and a testament to the level of snowflake ignorance / stupidity.

I emplore snowflakes such as yourself to educate yourself before publicly embarrasing yourself this way...
Trump does not resemble a Nazi. Nazis had a clear set of ideology, ethics, and morals. Trump is devoid of any of these things.

However, the people willing to sacrifice their own self-respect and credibility to publicly carry his water? Now THEY remind me a little bit of Nazis. Not the ones in charge, but the ones who sold their souls.

I support Trump and do so proudly AND I will continue to do so until he gives me a reason to do otherwise. What cracks me up is how the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies have the audacity to lamely attempt to marginalize those that support Trump after eight years of the commie Barrypuppet, the deep state operative. Nazism? You don't have the slightest fucking clue about that term.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

What was your reaction when Barry's admin suggested the same thing against conservative outlets?


Google "fairness doctrine". Plenty of links.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.

Time will tell. I'm confident. It's you fools who get taken every time.

Hmmm, no it's not. The fake media has been nailed broadcasting lies so many times I've lost count. They've spewed a long series of nothing burgers, and every time morons like you claimed it was the end of Trump.
Create diffetent categoroes of Licenses.

News agencies that continually report fake news or that refuses to report news should have their 'NEWS' broadcasting licenses revoked and be given an 'ENTERTAINMENT' broadcasting license isdued, allowing themto continue to broadcast the same way but losing their 'official' 'News Agency' designation.
Who decides what is "fake"?

Facts determine what is fake. CNN and the NYT are both fake news. Fact.
Create diffetent categoroes of Licenses.

News agencies that continually report fake news or that refuses to report news should have their 'NEWS' broadcasting licenses revoked and be given an 'ENTERTAINMENT' broadcasting license isdued, allowing themto continue to broadcast the same way but losing their 'official' 'News Agency' designation.
I would simply bar them from attending White House press conferences. That pretty much does the same thing.

Yep. If you don't like what the press says, don't let them be heard.

How terribly anti-constitution you are.

Suggest you take a long look at who is allowed into press conferences. Its a real eye opener.

There's nothing "anti-constitutional" about the president deciding who can attend his press conferences.


It's a straight up lie. Post up one MSM source that reported that as fact.

You want an article of hookers peeing on a bed....let me check with some Democrats down the street.

You don't have it?

Hutch Starskey

Someone need to tell Thinker101 it wasn't and isn't the Dems who reported that the cheeto likes to watch hookers pee on a bed.

Sure it was. They paid for the dossier.
Left or right, it is utterly wrong and dangerous for the President to make this comment:
“With all the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for the country!”

The answer is never! It is absolutely imperative we have a free press. I agree the press is hopeless biased and leftist, but a President should not talk about censoring his critics. If you want to make sure Media companies don’t get too big like then fine have that discussion. But a President should never speak censoring his critics.

Most of his media problems are self-inflicted. His tweets are generally outrageous and impossible to defend. His childish and public fights with people are immature and yes unpresidential.

You are the source of your own problem.

Sent from my iPhone using
The majority of the press stopped being "free" the moment they consigned their reporting and journalistic integrity to advancing the leftist point of view. A free press should devote itself to objectivity, independent reporting, not acting as a mouthpiece for one party or another.

So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

C'mon, that's utter nonsense.

The leftwing fake media is the "cookie cutter press," moron.
This is not a situation where we had a fair and free press that was working, and Trump is throwing a monkey wrench in the works. The so called 'press' is broken, its corrupted, biased. Trump is simply trying to correct this situation. support the government taking away the licenses of news networks that say things it doesn't like?

NBC lied and their lie caused our allies and other countries around the world grave concern. FACT!

It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.
Kind of like Fox and their Seth Rich story.
When was that proven to be a fraud?
I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
View attachment 153869
haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

Get bent, spew global warming bullshit while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates. You are a joke in search of a punchline.
"while ignoring the stratospheric aerosol injection program of heavy metal nano-particulates"

As does everyone on earth who knows anything about anything, because you are a hack with no credibility and no standing in the scientific community whatsoever.

I know infinitely more than you. There are PLENTY of scientists that have been warning about the artificial warming, cooling and weather modification programs using geo-engineering. Water and soil samples are scientific, no? Here is your "climate-change"....take a real close look and then tell me that this is normal.

View attachment 153873
I look forward to all of your published science, contrail-dude. ;)
Who decides what is "fake"?

...of course when 'news' agencies refuse to report news or admit live on air they have refused to report scandals to protect politicians / candidates - like MSNBC and CNN...

You do understand that someone can't just say something is fake? Especially when the child yelling fake continually cries wolf?
Nope. The fake media has been caught peddling fake news time and time again.

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