Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press
If broadcasting "fake news" was the criteria for taking a network off the air, Fox News would be the very first one to lose their license.

Der Fuhrer better be careful he doesn't get what he wishes.
Did Fox News cover up the Weinstein story for over a decade like the New York Times and NBC did?

Fox News is literally the only major news network that even tries to abide by the criteria of the press.
The Tweet:

“With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!”

He said he would challenge their license. We have freedom of the press, but the press can't make stuff up.

For example NBC can't report that The Rock keeps child sex slaves in his basement unless they have proof.

He can't prove that they did "make stuff up."

But hey why didn't he condemn Alex Jones for "making stuff up" about Pizzagate?

Yes, if Trump says something reported isn't true, he has to prove it.

Alex Jones was praised by Trump, and even called into his show.

Trump is President how do you want him to prove it? Should he release confidential national security conversations that he had?

Funny how you use this as an argument... kind of like when people argued that Russia wasn't responsible for influencing the election because the government wouldn't release the classified information. It is a knife that cuts both ways.

If Trump wants to punish a news outlet for saying they are lying, he has to prove they are. He can't just SAY they are.

All he has to prove is NBC's malice towards him
You do understand that someone can't just say something is fake? Especially when the child yelling fake continually cries wolf?
Saying something is fake is the easy part.

Proving something is fake is more difficult...

Of course, unless dumbass snowflakes like Cuomo on CNN admits live on the air to the entire world that they have done everything they could do to help Hillary win, to include refusing to report on her scandals...
uh, no, one opinion of one talking head would mean less than nothing. But thank you very much for a perfect illustration of why all of this is an embarrassingly horrible idea.
Are you really going to stick with that lame-ass excuse?

What excuse? I am saying that your standard you just pulled out of your ass is embarrassing and absurd and is a prefect illustration of why this is all a horrible idea. And i thank you for that.
Typical liberal...believes something is so because he says it's so. :p
He can't prove that they did "make stuff up."

But hey why didn't he condemn Alex Jones for "making stuff up" about Pizzagate?

Yes, if Trump says something reported isn't true, he has to prove it.

Alex Jones was praised by Trump, and even called into his show.

Trump is President how do you want him to prove it? Should he release confidential national security conversations that he had?

Funny how you use this as an argument... kind of like when people argued that Russia wasn't responsible for influencing the election because the government wouldn't release the classified information. It is a knife that cuts both ways.

If Trump wants to punish a news outlet for saying they are lying, he has to prove they are. He can't just SAY they are.

All he has to prove is NBC's malice towards him

Uh no. He has to prove their statements false.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

Challenging their license? You do know how all that works, right? Trump doesn't have the power to revoke a license. The lamestream media is nothing but a bunch of spinning liars and I have claimed that for years. We became a fascist state when the PATRIOT ACT was passed. You are quite slow on the uptake there, ol Lewd- dog......

I would think someone with your "perspective" would understand that fascism starts like this, and then they find ways to usurp the normal process to get things done.

Puerto Rico is still fucked, the Las Vegas shooting is still very new, California is having one of the worst wild fires in its history, and Trump is fighting with the NFL and Networks.

Puerto Rico and it's leaders are their own worst enemy. The Vegas shooting narrative is being taken a part piece by piece and reeks of a deep state psy-op. The fires in Califlakia? You won't even believe what that is really all about and the agenda it serves. Trump is fighting with the NFL and the networks by making a few statements as it pertains to his opinion and occupies all of his time? Is that what you are insinuating????

You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."

Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticise him

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson said that the free press was a key element in having a true democracy.

"I am... for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the Constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents." --Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:78

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Freedom of the Press

Challenging their license? You do know how all that works, right? Trump doesn't have the power to revoke a license. The lamestream media is nothing but a bunch of spinning liars and I have claimed that for years. We became a fascist state when the PATRIOT ACT was passed. You are quite slow on the uptake there, ol Lewd- dog......

I would think someone with your "perspective" would understand that fascism starts like this, and then they find ways to usurp the normal process to get things done.

Puerto Rico is still fucked, the Las Vegas shooting is still very new, California is having one of the worst wild fires in its history, and Trump is fighting with the NFL and Networks.

Puerto Rico and it's leaders are their own worst enemy. The Vegas shooting narrative is being taken a part piece by piece and reeks of a deep state psy-op. The fires in Califlakia? You won't even believe what that is really all about and the agenda it serves. Trump is fighting with the NFL and the networks by making a few statements as it pertains to his opinion and occupies all of his time? Is that what you are insinuating????

You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.
He can't prove that they did "make stuff up."

But hey why didn't he condemn Alex Jones for "making stuff up" about Pizzagate?

Yes, if Trump says something reported isn't true, he has to prove it.

Alex Jones was praised by Trump, and even called into his show.

Trump is President how do you want him to prove it? Should he release confidential national security conversations that he had?

Funny how you use this as an argument... kind of like when people argued that Russia wasn't responsible for influencing the election because the government wouldn't release the classified information. It is a knife that cuts both ways.

If Trump wants to punish a news outlet for saying they are lying, he has to prove they are. He can't just SAY they are.

All he has to prove is NBC's malice towards him
Wrong, it takes more than that.
You do understand that someone can't just say something is fake? Especially when the child yelling fake continually cries wolf?
Saying something is fake is the easy part.

Proving something is fake is more difficult...

Of course, unless dumbass snowflakes like Cuomo on CNN admits live on the air to the entire world that they have done everything they could do to help Hillary win, to include refusing to report on her scandals...
uh, no, one opinion of one talking head would mean less than nothing. But thank you very much for a perfect illustration of why all of this is an embarrassingly horrible idea.
Are you really going to stick with that lame-ass excuse?

What excuse? I am saying that your standard you just pulled out of your ass is embarrassing and absurd and is a prefect illustration of why this is all a horrible idea. And i thank you for that.
Typical liberal...believes something is so because he says it's so. :p
You don't have to take my word for it. Write your little stndard on a 3x5 card and go in front of Congress. Then watch 435 people laugh you out of the room.
NBC and CNN attacked our democracy before the election and continue to attack our democracy now! There should at least be an overlay text on the screen that says FAKE NEWS during most of MSNBC's and CNN's broadcasts or move them to Comedy Central so nobody mistakes them for real news!

The Donald is being specific in regards to them attacking The White and causing staff to respond to their fake questions based on their fake news! It endangers our country!
The response is to shut down news conferences. Kick those fuckers out of the White House. Close the press room. He is not required to feed them information or provide a punching bag for them to cross examine. Kill the press conferences.

But, DO NOT TRAMPLE ON MEDIA RIGHTS!!! I don't care how slanted and communist the leftist media propaganda becomes. That is the WRONG method.

Trump better not pull that shit!!!

You guys never offer one shred of evidence that the media is overly unfair to Trump.

Are not able to consider for a moment that he may, in fact, be a total fucking moron and the media is just doing their job.

All they have is their Nazi leader saying it's all fake.
How many bitched when Obama and the left tried to shut Fox News down? Huh? Now you want to bitch?
He had no reason to other than partisanship
and authoritarian beliefs.

Whining about a network that doesn't immediately ask him about his favorite baseball team in a supposedly serious interview is not the same as calling out huge lies and coverups that several networks frequently engage in.
Challenging their license? You do know how all that works, right? Trump doesn't have the power to revoke a license. The lamestream media is nothing but a bunch of spinning liars and I have claimed that for years. We became a fascist state when the PATRIOT ACT was passed. You are quite slow on the uptake there, ol Lewd- dog......

I would think someone with your "perspective" would understand that fascism starts like this, and then they find ways to usurp the normal process to get things done.

Puerto Rico is still fucked, the Las Vegas shooting is still very new, California is having one of the worst wild fires in its history, and Trump is fighting with the NFL and Networks.

Puerto Rico and it's leaders are their own worst enemy. The Vegas shooting narrative is being taken a part piece by piece and reeks of a deep state psy-op. The fires in Califlakia? You won't even believe what that is really all about and the agenda it serves. Trump is fighting with the NFL and the networks by making a few statements as it pertains to his opinion and occupies all of his time? Is that what you are insinuating????

You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

I would think someone with your "perspective" would understand that fascism starts like this, and then they find ways to usurp the normal process to get things done.

Puerto Rico is still fucked, the Las Vegas shooting is still very new, California is having one of the worst wild fires in its history, and Trump is fighting with the NFL and Networks.

Puerto Rico and it's leaders are their own worst enemy. The Vegas shooting narrative is being taken a part piece by piece and reeks of a deep state psy-op. The fires in Califlakia? You won't even believe what that is really all about and the agenda it serves. Trump is fighting with the NFL and the networks by making a few statements as it pertains to his opinion and occupies all of his time? Is that what you are insinuating????

You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

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And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?
Puerto Rico and it's leaders are their own worst enemy. The Vegas shooting narrative is being taken a part piece by piece and reeks of a deep state psy-op. The fires in Califlakia? You won't even believe what that is really all about and the agenda it serves. Trump is fighting with the NFL and the networks by making a few statements as it pertains to his opinion and occupies all of his time? Is that what you are insinuating????

You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

View attachment 153867

And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.
You are making excuses for the President of the United States of America to ignore serious problems in order to argue with NFL players and network news.

LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

View attachment 153867

And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
LMAO!!!!!!!!! Dude, you don't have the slightest clue. You are acting like this NFL issue totally consumes all his time thus he is "ignoring" serious problems. We are under a soft communist coup de'etat going on right under our noses but the vast majority of the dumbed down populace are too stupid to see it.

You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

View attachment 153867

And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
You try undersell the seriousness of Puerto Rico and say the Las Vegas shooting is a false flag event... only to say there is a coup happening. Dear lord.

You are so fucking inconsistent.

What Trump does on Twitter, golfing, and while watching tv is well documented, and it by far takes more of his time than dealing with actual issues.

DAMN! Are you REALLY this stupid? You can't see how all of this ties in together? Shit, no wonder you were stuck in a 15 bucks an hour job for so long.

As far as Puerto Rico goes and the geo-engineered hurricane that caused the damage? Trump has given the government of Puerto Rico the things it needs and the duly elected leaders need to take it from there. If Trump kicked them aside and put in other people? Fuckwads like you would be bitching about that as well

View attachment 153867

And? You keep giving him a pass on his activities.

Sadly you think your personal attacks help your stance, they don't.

Next you'll say the California wildfires are a false flag too.

How many comments has Trump made about them?

I am giving Trump a pass on what exactly? Be specific. As far as "personal attacks" goes, I have very little patience these days and for good reason.

I have to explain to you what you are giving Trump a pass on? Go back and re-read your last 3 or 4 posts and answer your own question.
View attachment 153869
haha, madeup nonsense. as if you have any idea what security cameras did or did not capture. who fed this garbage to you ... aliens?

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