Trump's Next Move Towards a Fascist State: Take Away Licensing of T.V. Networks

That is simply not true. Quite a lot of it has been corroborated. You really should get yourself up to speed. You probably wouldn't be so easily fooled if you were.
A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

did yoi read it?

there is no proof of anything
it some guy in slate (leftwing) sayi g he was a former cia agent many of them hate trump. now for the document hebexplainsnthe process and why he thinks its true, but there is no corraboration at all.
other than the hookers, the best part is hes been colluding with russia for years....uh what????
and why doesnt putin want hillary?
she gave him uranium
she does everything she wants
she never said anything negative about russia pre 2016
did you guys make fun of romney saying rusia was our greatest foe?

yes you did.

did yoi read it?

I did. I can see you neither have the intellect nor the fortitude for such an undertaking. No doubt why you slithered away and back to Clinton recriminations.

where is the proof? i read it and no proof just his take on it


show us the proof in the story....what line are you referring to?

The entire part that outlines the when, who and how that many of the Orbis reports were corroborated.

The part you obviously didn't read.
Problems with this OP:
1) the MSM said for Trump and his supporter to shut up about fake news, which hypocritically is censorship, but worse since it's true to call that term describing the tabloid sensational news that lies, is outed in the lies and news denied yet still continues the same known lie and does so as a form of information terrorism.
2)Corrupt corporations own those news sources of propaganda and those corps are known to pay off politicians with donar money in pay for favors. So when those special interests manipulate elections according to Dems that's wrong as is fake news ads therefore by dems own standard they are noting the MSM as wrong and abusing the licensing agreements and rules.
By claiming regulations as censorship is to claim Dems are censorong Facebook and Twitter....
That's called - Checkmate!
Damn this is like Bobby Fischer taking
Johnny Knoxville's king in a bull ring seesaw chess match- you just got speared..
You goobers will really equivocate yourselves into pasty white little pretzels defending even the most moronic Trump tweet.
As usual, your ignorance of history shows in a brilliant glow.

You actually have no idea what you are into.
Take a little read and do some research. Or are you to like "the gropenfuher" and you are to lazy. You need others to do the work and then take credit.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

Actually... read what you posted below.

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

If I didn't see Germans and Nazi in this quote, I would think you're talking about American leftist progressives, academia, Hollywood and Antifa.

what does the point of lefties doing it now have to do with history. you guys want censorship not us

I don't want censorship. I didn't want it when Barry's admin proposed it, I don't want it now.

The difference is that you lefties were all for the censorship of the conservative media when you had power, and now you're objecting when the same is suggested by the opponent that has power.

What I want from media is to stop lying.
So, if you're not part of a cookie cutter press, you're not "free".

Do you really want to say that rw press is "objective, independent" and not a "mouthpiece for the gop?

No, they're not free, they're biased. They lie freely and are freely biased. If lying is wrong, why do we tolerate either side doing it? I thought news was supposed to be accurate, not tainted by political views?

And just because I'm a conservative does not allow me to exempt the press organizations that are closer to my points of view.

Hence, why I said one "one party or the other." Do you even read the whole post or do you simply cherry pick?
No one is lying more than Trump. Can you acknowledge that he lies or not?
Not the "Voice of the People," But Only Voices From a Box

People have to earn the right to be told the truth. The media are a long way from qualifying for that privilege.
Last edited:
It's not a fact. NBC stands by their story and their three sources. What is your proof? The word of a moron?
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.

Time will tell. I'm confident. It's you fools who get taken every time.

Hmmm, no it's not. The fake media has been nailed broadcasting lies so many times I've lost count. They've spewed a long series of nothing burgers, and every time morons like you claimed it was the end of Trump.

Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?
As usual, your ignorance of history shows in a brilliant glow.

You actually have no idea what you are into.
Take a little read and do some research. Or are you to like "the gropenfuher" and you are to lazy. You need others to do the work and then take credit.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

Actually... read what you posted below.

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

If I didn't see Germans and Nazi in this quote, I would think you're talking about American leftist progressives, academia, Hollywood and Antifa.

what does the point of lefties doing it now have to do with history. you guys want censorship not us

I don't want censorship. I didn't want it when Barry's admin proposed it, I don't want it now.

The difference is that you lefties were all for the censorship of the conservative media when you had power, and now you're objecting when the same is suggested by the opponent that has power.

What I want from media is to stop lying.
I thought maybe Obama leaving office would somewhat ease the symptoms of Obama Tourettes Syndrome. Nope, you guys have gotten even worse.
You do know that schools and work are two different places right? The government can stop people from praying in schools because there is a rule that is about separation of church and state.

"There is a rule"...

Post the rule.

"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools
Problems with this OP:
1) the MSM said for Trump and his supporter to shut up about fake news, which hypocritically is censorship, but worse since it's true to call that term describing the tabloid sensational news that lies, is outed in the lies and news denied yet still continues the same known lie and does so as a form of information terrorism.
2)Corrupt corporations own those news sources of propaganda and those corps are known to pay off politicians with donar money in pay for favors. So when those special interests manipulate elections according to Dems that's wrong as is fake news ads therefore by dems own standard they are noting the MSM as wrong and abusing the licensing agreements and rules.
By claiming regulations as censorship is to claim Dems are censorong Facebook and Twitter....
That's called - Checkmate!
Damn this is like Bobby Fischer taking
Johnny Knoxville's king in a bull ring seesaw chess match- you just got speared..
You goobers will really equivocate yourselves into pasty white little pretzels defending even the most moronic Trump tweet.
You would assume that, but I was the one who suggested that here in these forums many months ago, so blame me. I asked people to make formal complaints to the FCC for Violating the regulations.
At least this will bring up the debate, do you really want our news to be Al Jazeera like propaganda or Hamas like demonization tactic propaganda? On one hand you claim a foreign country should not manipulate through fake news then turn around and let many foreign agents and
wealthy individuals with sinister motives manipulate every single aspect of your perception of reality.
As usual, your ignorance of history shows in a brilliant glow.

You actually have no idea what you are into.
Take a little read and do some research. Or are you to like "the gropenfuher" and you are to lazy. You need others to do the work and then take credit.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

Actually... read what you posted below.

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

If I didn't see Germans and Nazi in this quote, I would think you're talking about American leftist progressives, academia, Hollywood and Antifa.

what does the point of lefties doing it now have to do with history. you guys want censorship not us

I don't want censorship. I didn't want it when Barry's admin proposed it, I don't want it now.

The difference is that you lefties were all for the censorship of the conservative media when you had power, and now you're objecting when the same is suggested by the opponent that has power.

What I want from media is to stop lying.
Keep passing along that "Barry" wanted to dot it much for your credibility.
As usual, your ignorance of history shows in a brilliant glow.

You actually have no idea what you are into.
Take a little read and do some research. Or are you to like "the gropenfuher" and you are to lazy. You need others to do the work and then take credit.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

Actually... read what you posted below.

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

If I didn't see Germans and Nazi in this quote, I would think you're talking about American leftist progressives, academia, Hollywood and Antifa.

what does the point of lefties doing it now have to do with history. you guys want censorship not us

I don't want censorship. I didn't want it when Barry's admin proposed it, I don't want it now.

The difference is that you lefties were all for the censorship of the conservative media when you had power, and now you're objecting when the same is suggested by the opponent that has power.

What I want from media is to stop lying.
I thought maybe Obama leaving office would somewhat ease the symptoms of Obama Tourettes Syndrome. Nope, you guys have gotten even worse.

Their already frantic mania over Obama transferred to Clinton, was amplified by Trump, and then after his victory, refocused, further amplified, and repurposed for Trump's own use. I think he may be a Sith lord.
Problems with this OP:
1) the MSM said for Trump and his supporter to shut up about fake news, which hypocritically is censorship, but worse since it's true to call that term describing the tabloid sensational news that lies, is outed in the lies and news denied yet still continues the same known lie and does so as a form of information terrorism.
2)Corrupt corporations own those news sources of propaganda and those corps are known to pay off politicians with donar money in pay for favors. So when those special interests manipulate elections according to Dems that's wrong as is fake news ads therefore by dems own standard they are noting the MSM as wrong and abusing the licensing agreements and rules.
By claiming regulations as censorship is to claim Dems are censorong Facebook and Twitter....
That's called - Checkmate!
Damn this is like Bobby Fischer taking
Johnny Knoxville's king in a bull ring seesaw chess match- you just got speared..
You goobers will really equivocate yourselves into pasty white little pretzels defending even the most moronic Trump tweet.
You would assume that, but I was the one who suggested that here in these forums many months ago, so blame me. I asked people to make formal complaints to the FCC for Violating the regulations.
At least this will bring up the debate, do you really want our news to be Al Jazeera like propaganda or Hamas like demonization tactic propaganda? On one hand you claim a foreign country should not manipulate through fake news then turn around and let many foreign agents and
wealthy individuals with sinister motives manipulate every single aspect of your perception of reality.
Nobody is manipulating my reality. My, that certainly is a haughty opinion you have of yourself. May I ask how you acquired this magical ability to "think for yourself" that you feel nobody but you has? And, also, why this magical ability caused you to hitch your wagons to the number one embarrassment of this country and the world?
How can people continue to support this guy? Can you think of any other historical figures that wanted to silence anyone that talked ill of them...?

""With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!" Mr Trump wrote in a tweet."
Trump raises a thoughtful and legitimate question. The airwaves belong to the public and there are FCC rules regarding their use. And some licensees such as CNN and MSNBC consistently broadcast hoaxes or "fake news" as Trump has labeled them.

Here is the relevant law regarding broadcast hoaxes.

§ 73.1217 Broadcast hoaxes.
No licensee or permittee of any broadcast station shall broadcast false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

(a) The licensee knows this information is false;

(b) It is forseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm, and

(c) Broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.

So what it basically comes down to is whether or not any of their multitude of broadcast hoaxes have ever directly caused substantial public harm. I agree with Trump that this needs to be looked into. For instance, they could investigate the possibility that any of these Milwaukee riots or the unprecedented terrorist attacks at the inauguration were incited by their fake news stories.

Fake news as TRUMP labels them. Therein lies the problem.

The main thing is intent, knowingly broadcasting false info about a crime or disaster. There is a lot of sloppy fact checking going on but that is not a crime.

The only example I can think of that fulfills some of the criteria in an MSN story is Fox's Seth Rich one, it was on a crime, knowingly false and caused harm to the family but even that probably wouldn't fly.

Those types of laws usually have very high bars like free speech laws and for good reason. They could easily be used to silence them.

The other thing is network broadcasting is now only a small part of the media...much of the false news comes on the largely unregulated internet.

The best protection in this info age is to teach people critical thinking.
I saw that report on Seth Rich. I didn't see anything in it that was demonstrably false.

If you did I'd certainly like you to show us the part that was demonstrably false.
This article offers a good analysis on the many false claims including attributing things to people they did not say. They are facing multiple lawsuits over this mess.

No Apology, No Explanation: Fox News And The Seth Rich Story
Jones showed the players how they could protest and stand for the flag - they can do both. Ine of those choices is now 'stand or sit' - stand for the anthem or sit the game. They get to choose.

Funny how a bunch of football players got pissed when another player ran to the center of the field and disrespected their star. They were ready to fight over it. So how can these idiots not understand how disrespecting the national anthem is so bad? They will fight to protect an emblem representing a team in the middle of the field but they will not stand to respect this nation's national anthem that reflects, among other things, the brave men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting this country and some who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

It's just stupid...
Zebras and Zulus

I'd like to see the jock jackals imitate their heroes in confronting the referees with the same attitude that is championed in the hood. When they get penalized or ejected, they can claim the same "prejudiced" treatment that always results from uncivilized behavior.
All your links talk about Democrats, not Obama like you said. So where is a quote from Obama threatening to take away the licenses of networks because they criticized him, like the one Trump made?

How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????

How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Hey kid, you keep throwing big words around like you know what they mean.

You can't learn history from late night comedy shows, but from history books. Both, fascists and nazis were leftists. Do some reading, then come back here to discuss.
He has apparently done more reading then you have...those claims are not supported by historians.

Why don't you read some of the Mussolini's writings before you open your mouth and expose the empty cavity?

Tell me what he meant when he said this:

"We do not argue with those who disagree with us, we destroy them".

Or this:

"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

Today's definition of fascism itself, that by the way leftists changed from it's initial meaning has little to do with fascism. To understand its meaning you have to get into what fascists said about themselves and listen to their own words.

Take the origin of the word fascism (fascio) and it's meaning, you might start getting the picture.
Speaking of empty cavities...the wind is whistling through your head again.

Anyone can cherry pick quotes and your two examples are perfect illustrations as to why they are considered rightwing. This is not a new leftist claim, its been around for decades. Rightwing ideologies can include autocratic state control. Modern whitewashing isnt going to change established definitions.

Words and meaning are worth what? Think DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea.
NBC stood by Dan Rather and his fake memos until the they were shamed into admitted the truth.

Time will tell. I'm confident. It's you fools who get taken every time.

Hmmm, no it's not. The fake media has been nailed broadcasting lies so many times I've lost count. They've spewed a long series of nothing burgers, and every time morons like you claimed it was the end of Trump.

Sure. Tell us some more about Beghazi, emails, Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny, ...etc. It goes on and on and on. None of that shit is or ever was real but you, personally, as well as others have gone on about this shit for years. It's always you dopes who are fooled and you always go back for more.

Did FOX news broadcast any stories about "Clinton murders, Obama's birth cert, being a secret Muslim, Michelle is a tranny?" No. The Benghazi scandal and Clinton emails were majors stories covered by all the media outlets.

We're talking about the media, not what individual Americans have said. Only a douche bag with no facts on his side would try to compare the two things.

Seth Rich?
All of that has been presented as such on this forum.

Media? Like Breitbart, infowars, WND, zero hedge al?
Breitbart, infowars and such wear the political affiliation on their sleeves. Lamestream lickspittle liberal media say they are impartial, and those without their heads up their asses know it too. That is why the viewership of FAKE news is diminishing every time they put up that FAKE NEWS.

As usual, your ignorance of history shows in a brilliant glow.

You actually have no idea what you are into.
Take a little read and do some research. Or are you to like "the gropenfuher" and you are to lazy. You need others to do the work and then take credit.
Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

Actually... read what you posted below.

Once they succeeded in ending democracy and turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media.

If I didn't see Germans and Nazi in this quote, I would think you're talking about American leftist progressives, academia, Hollywood and Antifa.

what does the point of lefties doing it now have to do with history. you guys want censorship not us

I don't want censorship. I didn't want it when Barry's admin proposed it, I don't want it now.

The difference is that you lefties were all for the censorship of the conservative media when you had power, and now you're objecting when the same is suggested by the opponent that has power.

What I want from media is to stop lying.
Keep passing along that "Barry" wanted to dot it much for your credibility.

I think I said "Barry's admin".

Now, wise guy, tell us whose orders are "Barry's admins" executing?
You do know that schools and work are two different places right? The government can stop people from praying in schools because there is a rule that is about separation of church and state.

"There is a rule"...

Post the rule.

"The Constitution uses 16 words—known as the “religion clauses”—to create rules about how faith and government interact. One clause gives citizens the right to freely exercise religious convictions; the other prohibits government (including taxpayer-funded public schools) from establishing religion, meaning granting favorable treatment."

"Among the issues that have reached the High Court:

  • Can a school district allow students to conduct prayers over the loudspeaker and before kickoff at a varsity football game? (No)
  • Does a religious student club get the same rights and privileges as other student clubs? (Yes)
  • Is a school district required to give equal access to an outside organizations that provide after-school religious instruction to young children? (Yes)
  • Is a moment of silence really a cloaking device for prayer? (Sometimes)
  • Are the words “under God” in the pledge of allegiance unconstitutional in schools? (Undecided)"
Religion and Public Schools

How that "over the loudspeakers" sneaked in there?
How could Trump take away the licenses of any network??????

How many times do you have to be told? People like Trump, who are narcissist control freaks with fascist ideals, find ways to accomplish their goals. Just because the path to doing so doesn't seem evident to you now, doesn't mean Trump isn't trying to find a way to accomplish it.

One would think when talking to someone like you, that thinks the U.S. governments creates false flag events to kill its own citizens to push an agenda, wouldn't be so blind to understanding such a thing.

Hey kid, you keep throwing big words around like you know what they mean.

You can't learn history from late night comedy shows, but from history books. Both, fascists and nazis were leftists. Do some reading, then come back here to discuss.
He has apparently done more reading then you have...those claims are not supported by historians.

Why don't you read some of the Mussolini's writings before you open your mouth and expose the empty cavity?

Tell me what he meant when he said this:

"We do not argue with those who disagree with us, we destroy them".

Or this:

"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

Today's definition of fascism itself, that by the way leftists changed from it's initial meaning has little to do with fascism. To understand its meaning you have to get into what fascists said about themselves and listen to their own words.

Take the origin of the word fascism (fascio) and it's meaning, you might start getting the picture.
Speaking of empty cavities...the wind is whistling through your head again.

Anyone can cherry pick quotes and your two examples are perfect illustrations as to why they are considered rightwing. This is not a new leftist claim, its been around for decades. Rightwing ideologies can include autocratic state control. Modern whitewashing isnt going to change established definitions.

Words and meaning are worth what? Think DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of Korea.

When I am thinking of Democrats I think exactly about Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Full blown communists whose goal is to complete control over the individual. Just little bit left of the other leftists - fascist and nazis.
It became a reality with the Federal Reserve Act of Amschel Rothschild claimed (and I am paraphrasing) "Give me control over a country's monetary system and I care not whom makes their laws". Did you know that when President Eisenhower inquired to the goings on in the desert of Nevada known as Area 51 that he was told that he had no jurisdiction? Why are there 30 plus security levels higher than that of the POTUS? Who elected these people and where is the oversight? Have you stopped to ponder those very salient points? The "government" is a corporate entity and our labor was pledged as surety against the debt via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC on March 8th, 1933. We are debt slaves that have never been compensated for our labor in real money......something of an intrinsic value.

The murder of JFK has no bearing on what we are facing now? You couldn't be more wrong.........

Not related to this thread, but JFK was killed by Oswald who was working with a group of Cubans. The Cubans were part of a program that was created by JFK to train them for the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro. Problem was JFK pulled military support for them in the midst of the fighting, that caused many of them to die and the coup to fail. These Cubans were then pissed and vowed to take revenge on JFK. Castro was able to get a mole in the group to help push the assassination agenda for his own revenge as well.

Now, what has Trump lied about? Well how about a recent lie where he says that the U.S. is the most taxed country in the world. That's not true at all.

What is tax freedom day now? May 5th? That means once all the taxes and all other fees are figured in that the Average American works until May 5th for this corporate entity that you worship at the feet of. If us serfs are not the most taxed population? I would hate to have to live some place else that steals even more of what our labor produces.

And as far as the JFK murder goes? You are 100 percent WRONG. Oswald was a patsy and worked in military intelligence. The cover-up of the murder of JFK goes to incredibly great lengths to hide the truth. The Warren commission findings were a total joke. JFK took on the bankers that finance the military industrial complex and the CIA and lost......bottom line.

View attachment 153892

Trump's statement about the U.S. being the highest taxed country in the world is wrong. It's been proven. Not only are we NOT the highest taxed country in the world, we are below the average of the 35 countries included in the study.

"This statement is completely false. According to 2015 data from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), taxation accounted for 26.4 percent of the United States’ gross domestic product (GDP). This was lower than the average for the 35 nations in the OECD (34.3 percent) and in some cases far lower than comparable countries (45.5 percent in France, for instance)."

Trump returns to false tax claim as he pushes for reform

Oswald worked with a group of Cuban revolutionaries named Alpha 66. ;)

But again, that is off topic.


You pick the information that can back your claim if you take only that information into count.

Answer this. How much money federal government collect in all taxes?


Idk, but Americans are taxed 30%+ of their income.

$3.7 trillion

according to this:
US Government Revenue in $ trillion for Federal, State, and Local for 2018 - Charts
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

Confiscating inheritance from the 1% alone would give us back $3 trillion a year. Aristocracies are an unrecognized cancer on society. The privileges of richkids have no right to exist. They are in high positions everywhere, but would be nobodies without Daddy's Money.

They know it, too, even though they spend their whole lives denying it. Harass them incessantly about it and drive them to suicide.

No one over 18 has a right to his Daddy's Money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. They get in our way and must be run over. Any unAmerican serf who disagrees with plebeian supremacy does so because he hates his own Daddy for not getting rich and spoiling him.

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