'Trump's numbers tower over European counterparts despite overwhelmingly negative coverage'

Check it yourself. Strongly disapprove
Dec 3, 2011
Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

At this point, his were 10% lower than Trump’s.
Despite continuous, non-stop attacks and attempts to undermine at home and abroad, President Trump's numbers dwarf his embattled European leaders / detractors.

“Trump popular support is lowest of contemporary U.S. presidents at this stage and he hasn’t been able to break 50 percent in [his] entire presidency. So that’s the most relevant comparison,” Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, which provides consulting services about international political risks, told Fox News.

In President Trump's defense, he has faced an Obama administration initiated conspiracy since before the 2016 election, an attempted coup attempt since he won the election, 100% Democrat commitment to Obstruction, resistance and undermining, and a Trump-hating criminal-led Democrat-crime-exposing witch hunt for the last 2 years (that is now imploding)....

'In the U.S., Trump has faced a stormy political environment saturated with negative media coverage – Trump often cites a Media Research Center finding that more than 90 percent of broadcast TV coverage of him is negative.'

Despite all of this, Trump's numbers remain higher than his European counterparts...

“It’s important to recognize that a lot of international leaders are faring much worse than Trump. And Macron is a great example. Huge expectations, and he has dashed them at most every turn”

Despite heat at home, Trump approval ratings tower above embattled European leaders’
Obama’s were higher
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

"The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) got its hands on vast supplies of weapons by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers that may have violated international agreements between Washington and its allies.

As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria, U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research reported after analyzing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIS front lines between July 2014 and November 2017. By purchasing “large numbers” of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to nonstate actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the U.S. reportedly “violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters...and recipients."

The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact–caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) member states in Eastern Europe”

Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

Obviously, like Hillary, you are TOO STUPID to know what you are doing / saying.... :p
Landing Marines in and conducting combat operations in nations that were no threat to the US is an invasion of war.
You should look up what “invasion” means.
Definition of invade

transitive verb

1 : to enter for conquest or plunder

2 : to encroach upon : infringe
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.
We bombed, shot and shelled against a nation.

It was nice of Obama to bring back the slave markets in Libya thought. Almost as good as Obama bombing wedding parties in Pakistan without the permission of Pakistan.
At least we didn’t invade them like you voted for Dubya to do.
Bill's wife said we had to invade, and Bill said Sadamn had WMD's when Bush was President.
CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004
Check it yourself. Strongly disapprove
Dec 3, 2011
Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

At this point, his were 10% lower than Trump’s.
Despite continuous, non-stop attacks and attempts to undermine at home and abroad, President Trump's numbers dwarf his embattled European leaders / detractors.

“Trump popular support is lowest of contemporary U.S. presidents at this stage and he hasn’t been able to break 50 percent in [his] entire presidency. So that’s the most relevant comparison,” Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, which provides consulting services about international political risks, told Fox News.

In President Trump's defense, he has faced an Obama administration initiated conspiracy since before the 2016 election, an attempted coup attempt since he won the election, 100% Democrat commitment to Obstruction, resistance and undermining, and a Trump-hating criminal-led Democrat-crime-exposing witch hunt for the last 2 years (that is now imploding)....

'In the U.S., Trump has faced a stormy political environment saturated with negative media coverage – Trump often cites a Media Research Center finding that more than 90 percent of broadcast TV coverage of him is negative.'

Despite all of this, Trump's numbers remain higher than his European counterparts...

“It’s important to recognize that a lot of international leaders are faring much worse than Trump. And Macron is a great example. Huge expectations, and he has dashed them at most every turn”

Despite heat at home, Trump approval ratings tower above embattled European leaders’
Obama’s were higher
Feel free to find your own poll then to support your stupidity.
Only numbers Trump has to be concerned about are the prisoner numbers on his uniform
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

"The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) got its hands on vast supplies of weapons by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers that may have violated international agreements between Washington and its allies.

As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria, U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research reported after analyzing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIS front lines between July 2014 and November 2017. By purchasing “large numbers” of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to nonstate actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the U.S. reportedly “violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters...and recipients."

The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact–caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) member states in Eastern Europe”

Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

Obviously, like Hillary, you are TOO STUPID to know what you are doing / saying.... :p
Shored up their stock from Dubya’s actual invasions, I suppose
You should look up what “invasion” means.
Definition of invade

transitive verb

1 : to enter for conquest or plunder

2 : to encroach upon : infringe
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.
We bombed, shot and shelled against a nation.

It was nice of Obama to bring back the slave markets in Libya thought. Almost as good as Obama bombing wedding parties in Pakistan without the permission of Pakistan.
At least we didn’t invade them like you voted for Dubya to do.
Bill's wife said we had to invade, and Bill said Sadamn had WMD's when Bush was President.
CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004
And when there weren’t any, you and Dubya drooled at the chance for more and more of our soldiers to die for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

"The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) got its hands on vast supplies of weapons by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers that may have violated international agreements between Washington and its allies.

As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria, U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research reported after analyzing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIS front lines between July 2014 and November 2017. By purchasing “large numbers” of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to nonstate actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the U.S. reportedly “violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters...and recipients."

The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact–caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) member states in Eastern Europe”

Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

Obviously, like Hillary, you are TOO STUPID to know what you are doing / saying.... :p
Shored up their stock from Dubya’s actual invasions, I suppose
Attempting to justify Hillary and Obama's treasonous betrayal of not only this nation but of allies in running weapons to terrorists? Wow....maybe, like Hillary, in reality you are NOT TOO STUPID to NOT know what you are doing / saying....you just support traitors and terrorist-enablers.
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.

How ISIS got weapons from U.S. and used them to take Iraq and Syria

"The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) got its hands on vast supplies of weapons by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers that may have violated international agreements between Washington and its allies.

As much as 90 percent of ISIS’s arms and ammunition were found to have originated in Russia, China and Eastern European states. The jihadis were able to obtain much of this arsenal as a result of former President Barack Obama’s support for rebels in Syria, U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research reported after analyzing 40,000 items recovered by its investigators along ISIS front lines between July 2014 and November 2017. By purchasing “large numbers” of European arms and ammunition and then diverting them to nonstate actors in Syria without notifying the sellers, the U.S. reportedly “violated the terms of sale and export agreed between weapon exporters...and recipients."

The United States and Saudi Arabia supplied most of this materiel without authorization, apparently to Syrian opposition forces. This diverted materiel, recovered from IS forces, comprises exclusively Warsaw Pact–caliber weapons and ammunition, purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia from European Union (EU) member states in Eastern Europe”

Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

New Documents: Obama Administration Knew Arms Were Moving From Benghazi To ISIS Before 2012 Election

Obviously, like Hillary, you are TOO STUPID to know what you are doing / saying.... :p
Shored up their stock from Dubya’s actual invasions, I suppose
Attempting to justify Hillary and Obama's treasonous betrayal of not only this nation but of allies in running weapons to terrorists? Wow....maybe, like Hillary, in reality you are NOT TOO STUPID to NOT know what you are doing / saying....you just support traitors and terrorist-enablers.
Running weapons to terrorists? Lol so stupid.
Running weapons to terrorists? Lol so stupid.
'Stupid'? No.


Behind the Sudden Death of a $1 Billion Secret C.I.A. War in Syria

“In many ways, I would put the blame on the Obama administration,” Mr. Lister said of the C.I.A. program. “They never gave it the necessary resources or space to determine the dynamics of the battlefield. They were drip-feeding opposition groups just enough to survive but never enough to become dominant actors.”

"Once C.I.A.-trained fighters crossed into Syria, C.I.A. officers had difficulty controlling them. The fact that some of their C.I.A. weapons ended up with Nusra Front fighters — and that some of the rebels joined the group — confirmed the fears of many in the Obama administration when the program began. Although the Nusra Front was widely seen as an effective fighting force against Mr. Assad’s troops, its Qaeda affiliation made it impossible for the Obama administration to provide direct support for the group.

American intelligence officials estimate that the Nusra Front now has as many as 20,000 fighters in Syria, making it Al Qaeda’s largest affiliate."

Ignorantly, without knowing what the hell he was doing, without thinking it through (sounds a lot like his Fast and Furious Scandal), without having a plan to control it once he provided terrorists with weapons and training and then turning them loose, Obama financed, armed, and trained terrorist combatants for Nusra / Al Qaeda / ISIS.
Last edited:
Definition of invade

transitive verb

1 : to enter for conquest or plunder

2 : to encroach upon : infringe
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.
We bombed, shot and shelled against a nation.

It was nice of Obama to bring back the slave markets in Libya thought. Almost as good as Obama bombing wedding parties in Pakistan without the permission of Pakistan.
At least we didn’t invade them like you voted for Dubya to do.
Bill's wife said we had to invade, and Bill said Sadamn had WMD's when Bush was President.
CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004
And when there weren’t any, you and Dubya drooled at the chance for more and more of our soldiers to die for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
Shame Bill's wife insisted we invade. W had few options after that.
We supplied training and weapons to people who opposed ISIS and Iran. Stop being a little bitch.
We bombed, shot and shelled against a nation.

It was nice of Obama to bring back the slave markets in Libya thought. Almost as good as Obama bombing wedding parties in Pakistan without the permission of Pakistan.
At least we didn’t invade them like you voted for Dubya to do.
Bill's wife said we had to invade, and Bill said Sadamn had WMD's when Bush was President.
CNN.com - Clinton defends successor's push for war - Jun 19, 2004
And when there weren’t any, you and Dubya drooled at the chance for more and more of our soldiers to die for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
Shame Bill's wife insisted we invade. W had few options after that.
One option was to send thousands of our troops to their death or maiming even if we found zero WMD’s. Dubya chose that option, and you voted for him because of it.
Despite continuous, non-stop attacks and attempts to undermine at home and abroad, President Trump's numbers dwarf his embattled European leaders / detractors.

“Trump popular support is lowest of contemporary U.S. presidents at this stage and he hasn’t been able to break 50 percent in [his] entire presidency. So that’s the most relevant comparison,” Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, which provides consulting services about international political risks, told Fox News.

In President Trump's defense, he has faced an Obama administration initiated conspiracy since before the 2016 election, an attempted coup attempt since he won the election, 100% Democrat commitment to Obstruction, resistance and undermining, and a Trump-hating criminal-led Democrat-crime-exposing witch hunt for the last 2 years (that is now imploding)....

'In the U.S., Trump has faced a stormy political environment saturated with negative media coverage – Trump often cites a Media Research Center finding that more than 90 percent of broadcast TV coverage of him is negative.'

Despite all of this, Trump's numbers remain higher than his European counterparts...

“It’s important to recognize that a lot of international leaders are faring much worse than Trump. And Macron is a great example. Huge expectations, and he has dashed them at most every turn”

Despite heat at home, Trump approval ratings tower above embattled European leaders’
Obama’s were higher

You know, the guy with the big ears, the guy that thought there were 57 states.

Wait....now there was a guy who was President before President Trump....he had a funny sounding name, he liked terrorists, and he wrecked healthcare.......I can't remember who he was exactly, just that Trump had to work twice as hard as other Presidents to clean up the mess that guy left around the world....

What was his name again?
Despite continuous, non-stop attacks and attempts to undermine at home and abroad, President Trump's numbers dwarf his embattled European leaders / detractors.

“Trump popular support is lowest of contemporary U.S. presidents at this stage and he hasn’t been able to break 50 percent in [his] entire presidency. So that’s the most relevant comparison,” Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, which provides consulting services about international political risks, told Fox News.

In President Trump's defense, he has faced an Obama administration initiated conspiracy since before the 2016 election, an attempted coup attempt since he won the election, 100% Democrat commitment to Obstruction, resistance and undermining, and a Trump-hating criminal-led Democrat-crime-exposing witch hunt for the last 2 years (that is now imploding)....

'In the U.S., Trump has faced a stormy political environment saturated with negative media coverage – Trump often cites a Media Research Center finding that more than 90 percent of broadcast TV coverage of him is negative.'

Despite all of this, Trump's numbers remain higher than his European counterparts...

“It’s important to recognize that a lot of international leaders are faring much worse than Trump. And Macron is a great example. Huge expectations, and he has dashed them at most every turn”

Despite heat at home, Trump approval ratings tower above embattled European leaders’
Obama’s were higher

You know, the guy with the big ears, the guy that thought there were 57 states.

Wait....now there was a guy who was President before President Trump....he had a funny sounding name, he liked terrorists, and he wrecked healthcare.......I can't remember who he was exactly, just that Trump had to work twice as hard as other Presidents to clean up the mess that guy left around the world....

What was his name again?
It was Obama that gave Trump a fully recovered economy and a healthcare system that is still working fine despite years of republican sabotage and betrayal. It was Trump’s choice to give over Syria to Iran and Russia, and that took zero effort on his part.
Despite continuous, non-stop attacks and attempts to undermine at home and abroad, President Trump's numbers dwarf his embattled European leaders / detractors.

“Trump popular support is lowest of contemporary U.S. presidents at this stage and he hasn’t been able to break 50 percent in [his] entire presidency. So that’s the most relevant comparison,” Ian Bremmer, head of the Eurasia Group, which provides consulting services about international political risks, told Fox News.

In President Trump's defense, he has faced an Obama administration initiated conspiracy since before the 2016 election, an attempted coup attempt since he won the election, 100% Democrat commitment to Obstruction, resistance and undermining, and a Trump-hating criminal-led Democrat-crime-exposing witch hunt for the last 2 years (that is now imploding)....

'In the U.S., Trump has faced a stormy political environment saturated with negative media coverage – Trump often cites a Media Research Center finding that more than 90 percent of broadcast TV coverage of him is negative.'

Despite all of this, Trump's numbers remain higher than his European counterparts...

“It’s important to recognize that a lot of international leaders are faring much worse than Trump. And Macron is a great example. Huge expectations, and he has dashed them at most every turn”

Despite heat at home, Trump approval ratings tower above embattled European leaders’
Obama’s were higher

You know, the guy with the big ears, the guy that thought there were 57 states.

Wait....now there was a guy who was President before President Trump....he had a funny sounding name, he liked terrorists, and he wrecked healthcare.......I can't remember who he was exactly, just that Trump had to work twice as hard as other Presidents to clean up the mess that guy left around the world....

What was his name again?
It was Obama that gave Trump a fully recovered economy and a healthcare system that is still working fine despite years of republican sabotage and betrayal. It was Trump’s choice to give over Syria to Iran and Russia, and that took zero effort on his part.

obama kept the economy so low that there was no where to go but up....and Trump launched the economy higher than all the pundits said he could.... obama gave iran 150 billion dollars, which is funding the terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and they are still building their missile program..... he created an unstable world, now Trump is turning it around.

You know, the guy with the big ears, the guy that thought there were 57 states.

Wait....now there was a guy who was President before President Trump....he had a funny sounding name, he liked terrorists, and he wrecked healthcare.......I can't remember who he was exactly, just that Trump had to work twice as hard as other Presidents to clean up the mess that guy left around the world....

What was his name again?
It was Obama that gave Trump a fully recovered economy and a healthcare system that is still working fine despite years of republican sabotage and betrayal. It was Trump’s choice to give over Syria to Iran and Russia, and that took zero effort on his part.

obama kept the economy so low that there was no where to go but up....and Trump launched the economy higher than all the pundits said he could.... obama gave iran 150 billion dollars, which is funding the terrorists in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and they are still building their missile program..... he created an unstable world, now Trump is turning it around.
The economy went up for 8 years under Obama. Trump’s tax cuts resulted in stock buybacks benefitting the wealthiest, and exponentially less wage growth for everyone else than what the wealthiest experienced. That’s over with now. Your tax cut will expire soon. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago donors laugh at your peasant bitchass.

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