Trump's Own Budget Office Admits Obama-era regulations brought in billions in benefits

I'm curious as to how they reached this 833 billion number. What do they mean by "benefits"?
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.

Coming from someone who believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall and Trump would deliver affordable HC for alll.. that’s a hoot.
Big wanker.

I believe he wants mexico to pay for it, that he can make it happen remains to be seen.
Don't think breathable air or clean water should be a one side or the other deal, all people regardless of political party should support keeping/ improving air & water quality.
except if it's in china?

China is cutting the number of coal fired plants they’re building and improving their quality of air.

And the Chinese EPA is an independent agency that is not beholden to the Communist Party autocrats.....

Oh wait....

But the Chinese press will surely keep them honest, as they are independent and the Chinese government would never interfere...

Oh wait..

Then the Chinese people will make sure the government is honest about it, after all the government is always responsible to the people....

Oh wait...


Even China is moving forward with green energy while you still support the idiot that has said” Coal is the wave of the future.”

Yes you are that stupid.

China can say whatever it wants because it doesn't have any faction in the country that can hold the government accountable.

But you believe fellow autocrats and commies by rote, so I'm not surprised.
except if it's in china?

China is cutting the number of coal fired plants they’re building and improving their quality of air.

And the Chinese EPA is an independent agency that is not beholden to the Communist Party autocrats.....

Oh wait....

But the Chinese press will surely keep them honest, as they are independent and the Chinese government would never interfere...

Oh wait..

Then the Chinese people will make sure the government is honest about it, after all the government is always responsible to the people....

Oh wait...


Even China is moving forward with green energy while you still support the idiot that has said” Coal is the wave of the future.”

Yes you are that stupid.

hahahaahaha you are truly gullible. have you figured out how to get the president out of office yet?

I’m gullable because China is kicking our asses with green energy but you have nothing to say about this prez trying to put us back into the 50’s with Coal?

I gave you the exact part of the Constitution that states how we get rid of a president. Do you need a diagram to point to it??

They "say" they are doing things, the gullible part is you believe them.
I have a hunch that the number is based on fines and not on savings.

Your hunch would be wrong. Just cleaning up the air where I lived saved me from going to the ER on a weekly basis in summer. Let’s call it 12 visits a year. It was more but let’s be conservative. @ $800 per visit that’s a $9,600 savings for our government funded health care. That’s just for one person with chronic asthma.

The same pollutants which aggravated my asthma, also caused “acid rain” which destroyed trees and buildings. Millions of dollars were spent repairing the damage caused by acid rain to large public buildings. Our Legislature Building made of pink sandstone was an expensive fix - millions of dollars.

Acid rain: An environmental success story? Well, sort of

Conservatives never talk about the benefits, or the quality of life improvements for people with health problems aggravated by pollutants. They just talk about “job killing regulations”.

This is true in any discussions. On climate change, Trump never mentions the jobs being created building and installing solar panels, or wind mills. My son-in-law owns a roofing company. He’s going for training to install the new Tesla solar panel roofing systems. He expects this to generate lots of his future income.

Pulling out of the Paris Accord means that the US won’t have access to the newest climate change technologies or share in their development. Those jobs and opportunities will go to other countries.

And despite his lifting pollution regulations for coal mines and going around the world touting US coal, mining jobs are still disappearing.
The left's claims about acid rain are a myth. Your claims about your asthma are probably also bullshit. Many people simply outgrow asthma. I had it as a kid, so I know form experience. Furthermore, you haven't stated when you stopped going to the hospital, so we don't know if Obama had anything to do with it.

You didn’t read you little twerp. You’re like a monkey who just throws his shit at everyone just to throw shit.

I gave dates, timelines, cost analysis. I didn’t get asthma until I was an adult, and you don’t outgrow it. You move from a high pollution area, your lifestyle or diet changes, or there are fewer triggers in the air.
Na, Millions of people grow out of asthma just like bloody noses and allergies, etc.
And as the air quality decreases which it will under this schmuck what do you think will happen to people prone to respiratory problems?
Take your time before you answer..
Chicken little, you need to be more credible before you light your hair on fire... lol
Call the budget office. Be a concerned citizen.
Like that would ever happen.

Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.

Coming from someone who believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall and Trump would deliver affordable HC for alll.. that’s a hoot.
Big wanker.

I believe he wants mexico to pay for it, that he can make it happen remains to be seen.
Your hunch would be wrong. Just cleaning up the air where I lived saved me from going to the ER on a weekly basis in summer. Let’s call it 12 visits a year. It was more but let’s be conservative. @ $800 per visit that’s a $9,600 savings for our government funded health care. That’s just for one person with chronic asthma.

The same pollutants which aggravated my asthma, also caused “acid rain” which destroyed trees and buildings. Millions of dollars were spent repairing the damage caused by acid rain to large public buildings. Our Legislature Building made of pink sandstone was an expensive fix - millions of dollars.

Acid rain: An environmental success story? Well, sort of

Conservatives never talk about the benefits, or the quality of life improvements for people with health problems aggravated by pollutants. They just talk about “job killing regulations”.

This is true in any discussions. On climate change, Trump never mentions the jobs being created building and installing solar panels, or wind mills. My son-in-law owns a roofing company. He’s going for training to install the new Tesla solar panel roofing systems. He expects this to generate lots of his future income.

Pulling out of the Paris Accord means that the US won’t have access to the newest climate change technologies or share in their development. Those jobs and opportunities will go to other countries.

And despite his lifting pollution regulations for coal mines and going around the world touting US coal, mining jobs are still disappearing.
The left's claims about acid rain are a myth. Your claims about your asthma are probably also bullshit. Many people simply outgrow asthma. I had it as a kid, so I know form experience. Furthermore, you haven't stated when you stopped going to the hospital, so we don't know if Obama had anything to do with it.

You didn’t read you little twerp. You’re like a monkey who just throws his shit at everyone just to throw shit.

I gave dates, timelines, cost analysis. I didn’t get asthma until I was an adult, and you don’t outgrow it. You move from a high pollution area, your lifestyle or diet changes, or there are fewer triggers in the air.
Na, Millions of people grow out of asthma just like bloody noses and allergies, etc.
And as the air quality decreases which it will under this schmuck what do you think will happen to people prone to respiratory problems?
Take your time before you answer..
Chicken little, you need to be more credible before you light your hair on fire... lol
Still smarting from the ass kicking I always give you?
China is cutting the number of coal fired plants they’re building and improving their quality of air.

And the Chinese EPA is an independent agency that is not beholden to the Communist Party autocrats.....

Oh wait....

But the Chinese press will surely keep them honest, as they are independent and the Chinese government would never interfere...

Oh wait..

Then the Chinese people will make sure the government is honest about it, after all the government is always responsible to the people....

Oh wait...


Even China is moving forward with green energy while you still support the idiot that has said” Coal is the wave of the future.”

Yes you are that stupid.

hahahaahaha you are truly gullible. have you figured out how to get the president out of office yet?

I’m gullable because China is kicking our asses with green energy but you have nothing to say about this prez trying to put us back into the 50’s with Coal?

I gave you the exact part of the Constitution that states how we get rid of a president. Do you need a diagram to point to it??

They "say" they are doing things, the gullible part is you believe them.

China's green energy boom is being monitored with fake news like video, shit for brains.
So what the Trump cult is insisting is that Trump's own Budget Office is lying about the facts and figures.
Too damn funny!
The left's claims about acid rain are a myth. Your claims about your asthma are probably also bullshit. Many people simply outgrow asthma. I had it as a kid, so I know form experience. Furthermore, you haven't stated when you stopped going to the hospital, so we don't know if Obama had anything to do with it.

You didn’t read you little twerp. You’re like a monkey who just throws his shit at everyone just to throw shit.

I gave dates, timelines, cost analysis. I didn’t get asthma until I was an adult, and you don’t outgrow it. You move from a high pollution area, your lifestyle or diet changes, or there are fewer triggers in the air.
Na, Millions of people grow out of asthma just like bloody noses and allergies, etc.
And as the air quality decreases which it will under this schmuck what do you think will happen to people prone to respiratory problems?
Take your time before you answer..
Chicken little, you need to be more credible before you light your hair on fire... lol
Still smarting from the ass kicking I always give you?
View attachment 181043
Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.

Coming from someone who believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall and Trump would deliver affordable HC for alll.. that’s a hoot.
Big wanker.

I believe he wants mexico to pay for it, that he can make it happen remains to be seen.
when you know you're winning.
Did you call the budget office?
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.


Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?
The trump whores are all calling Trump’s own budget office liars.

Too funny for words.
You're the one that wants to know, not me. I know it's a valid source. Don't be so fucking lazy and do your own leg work. I'm too busy signing petitions and working with the Sierra Club trying to stop this POS president from drilling off my state's coastline.

Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.


Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?

You’re totally lacking in reading comprehension skills. I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward, reduced my health care costs and improved my quality of life. I didn’t say it cured or prevented asthma.

Given that allergies and asthma are inherited, it makes sense that these diseases are on the rise. Two of my three children have it, and my granddaughter who is two, is already showing signs of allergies.

In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.
Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.


Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?

You’re totally lacking in reading comprehension skills. I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward, reduced my health care costs and improved my quality of life. I didn’t say it cured or prevented asthma.

Given that allergies and asthma are inherited, it makes sense that these diseases are on the rise. Two of my three children have it, and my granddaughter who is two, is already showing signs of allergies.

In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.
In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.

maybe this is why you had fewer trips? too funny,
Figures you are trusting twat who once he reads something he likes doesn't do any followup.


Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?

You’re totally lacking in reading comprehension skills. I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward, reduced my health care costs and improved my quality of life. I didn’t say it cured or prevented asthma.

Given that allergies and asthma are inherited, it makes sense that these diseases are on the rise. Two of my three children have it, and my granddaughter who is two, is already showing signs of allergies.

In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.

I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward,

That's awesome!
The air is cleaner now than it used to be.

So why have cases of asthma increased?
Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?

You’re totally lacking in reading comprehension skills. I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward, reduced my health care costs and improved my quality of life. I didn’t say it cured or prevented asthma.

Given that allergies and asthma are inherited, it makes sense that these diseases are on the rise. Two of my three children have it, and my granddaughter who is two, is already showing signs of allergies.

In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.
In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.

maybe this is why you had fewer trips? too funny,

Another individual with reading comprehension skills. I said even though I did ALL of these things, every time the air quality index went above 15 in the summer, I would have attacks sending me to hospital.

I still do most of these things. The only thing I no longer do is that I have a cat, and I don’t need meds on a daily basis.

I now live in a rural area with no heavy industry and very clean air, I’m retired so I’m not dealing with triggers at work. Paper mould isn’t a factor. And my apartment is in an older building with hardwood and tile floors (carpet holds dust and mould).

I have occasional asthma attacks, but my puffer ends those quickly. My asthma which was “chronic and life-threatening” in the 80’s, is now classed as “mild and well controlled”.

I used to spend $100+ per month on allergy and asthma meds to keep it under control, even with the cleaner air. Last year I spent $15.00. That reduction in drugs costs is entirely due to lifestyle changes including moving out of the city.
So what the Trump cult is insisting is that Trump's own Budget Office is lying about the facts and figures.
Too damn funny!
Please show us the facts and figures, and then we'll tell you, but most likely they are pure moonshine.
Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments. Or that oil spills like the BP spill cost billions in lost income and destroyed the Gulf Coast fishing industry.

Trump is encouraging off-shore drilling and lifting regulations on it. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense can see that if air quality improves, those respiratory problems will require fewer treatments.

Great. How much has asthma increased or decreased over the last 50 years?

Why don’t you google that?

It's your talking point, what good would my research do?

You’re totally lacking in reading comprehension skills. I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward, reduced my health care costs and improved my quality of life. I didn’t say it cured or prevented asthma.

Given that allergies and asthma are inherited, it makes sense that these diseases are on the rise. Two of my three children have it, and my granddaughter who is two, is already showing signs of allergies.

In my case, I changed my entire lifestyle: quitting smoking, using unscented cleaning products, shampoos and deodorants, cleaning and dusting frequently, no pets and avoiding food triggers, taking my meds. But until the air quality improved, I was still in danger of life threatening asthma attacks.

I said the cleaner air reduced my trips to the emergency ward,

That's awesome!
The air is cleaner now than it used to be.

So why have cases of asthma increased?
The progs can't seem to make up their minds as to whether clean air or dirty air causes asthma.
Looks at the fine print whatever Obama did and of course misinterprets it but gives Trump a pass on the tariffs that everyone in the White House was against.

According to the democrats on this forum everyone in the White House is a greedy idiot working for the interests of corporations to the detriment of regular people. Why all of a sudden should we put stock in their opinions? Gary Cohn, former goldman sachs executive, was a big advocate of the tax cuts, but opposed the tariffs. Villain when in favor of Trump's agenda, hero that how it works?

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