Trump's people won't defend him


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.
It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment

Agreed. McConnell has already promised an unfair trial with predetermined outcome. Any witnesses called by Trump would be risking everything and not effect the outcome either way. They would serve no purpose but to feed his ego. I don't blame them for being too scared to appear.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.
Like how do you two jerk each other off and type at the same time?

Lets see on one of your non crime articles 3 Democrats votes against them.

The other one, 5 Democrats voted against.

One Democrat Abstained from both Articles

The only Democrat who has any sense was Tulsi Gabbard who is your best chance to beat Trump but you want nothing to do with her because she like Trump is vowing not to feed The War Machine.

Then, the elections are 11 months away and you already lost one House Seat due to a Defection to The GOP. You’ll probably not only get destroyed in a landslide by President Trump but it looks Like you are going to lose The House.

The Democrat Party is $7 Million in debt and has to beg Bloomberg and Steyer to run fake campaigns because you cannot afford negative advertising yourselves, so they are having to backfill millions in a lost effort to prop up your failing party to stop it from self destructing.

President Trump by Contrast raised an unheard of $10 Million in 48 hours after your Schitt Show was over, and has already $250 Million for his campaign.

Pelosi crapped her pants when she saw how weak and inconsequential the Non Crime Articles are and went in to hiding.

Your DemTard Heroes are getting shouted down in their own home towns.

You had to approve several pieces of legislation That Trump designed and ran on, adding to the long lists of “Promises Kept” because you had no choice and you’ve gotten nothing done during your three year long Jihad.

The FBI and Obama Administration and Joe Biden have all been exposed as bitter corrupt sore losers who live off of graft bribery and extortion.

Thousands of miles of wall are going up, and you couldn’t stop it, like you couldn’t stop the travel ban.

Trump’s popularity continues to surge upward despite nearly 100% Negative coverage of him by The Leftist Media.

Oh And



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The people with TDS are getting sicker and sicker.....they are losing their minds in our very presence.

Sad thing.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!

If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:
I wonder what are these poor souls do when President Trump is re he will be!
If they are mentally sick now....can you imagine how will they be when President Trump is re-elected? :04:

As you said...they are mentally ill.
I know exactly what they will do whether he is re-elected or not.

Never forget they are crazed NEVER ANY means necessary.

I'm just wondering what Trumpsters will do the day after?
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
They have been arguing for him just fine, loudly and even viciously. They just have not been testifying in his defense. I think they are all scared of going to jail if they testify.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
They have been arguing for him just fine, loudly and even viciously. They just have not been testifying in his defense. I think they are all scared of going to jail if they testify.

They won't go to jail for testifying. They might if they lie.
Witnesses are never called during jury deliberations.

Deliberations are later in the trial. You never watched a courtroom drama?
Hey Dummy:

The Senate is not a trial. They function as a Jury Deliberation. Your Trial “Kangaroo Court” is over.

You told us you had “Overwhelming, Irrefutable, and Incontrovertible Evidence that was so Alarming that you had No Choice but to Impeach.”

I Dare you to deny that. Every Democrat said it, especially Nadler, Pelosi, and Schiff.

Honestly, I can only think that your leadership was so Ignorant of The Law, and so out of touch that this can be the only reason they committed political suicide like they did when they decided to engage in a Fool’s Errand.

All you LeftTards are on USMB, Trolling it like you just suffered a massive defeat and need to spin The Narrative.

Try to spin The Bloodbath that is coming for you next November, so we can laugh at you all over again.
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