Trumps personal attorney speaks out on Congressional Hearings

Now on Fox:
Mark Kasowictz...
Trump never thought about impeding investigation... He DID say, he was eager to find learn about revelations of Comey's investigations...He did not want the investigation to end.
Comey has confirmed publically..the president was not under investigation with the Russian investigation...makes clear he did not mean to impede

Trump: It would be good to find out if there was something his associates... never told him to stop investigation,or let Flynn go...General Flynn is a good guy

P never directed him to do anything illegal, immoral..the president never Never said I expect loyalty. Ovewrwhelming le clear... ther will be people who try to y

Comey admitted he was the the press about conversatons with the was priveleged communications

After terminarion...told friend to leak to promps about appointment of special counsel NYT day before tweet

Should these leaks be investigated?... President vindicated and move to work without the cloud of suspicion..

Dow Index hits all time high after hearing. A support to Trump? Does this quell the speech about impeachment? How will the media treat this? Should be interesting and exposes media for what ir actually is...this IS a test...this IS a test...

These was the notes I took while Kosowitz spoke.

it was privileged communications ...

without WhiteHouse council present .... makes ABSOUTELY NO SENSE.

it's like the rest of Trumps bullshit ... BULLSHIT.

WH lawyers would have demanded to be there and wouldnt have taken no for an answer.
It appears that privileged communications are not what we have here. According to Fox news, the "leak" is not a leak unless it is a government document.
I doubt is counsel can demand to be present if the president doesn't want them there.
Now on Fox:
Mark Kasowictz...
Trump never thought about impeding investigation... He DID say, he was eager to find learn about revelations of Comey's investigations...He did not want the investigation to end.
Comey has confirmed publically..the president was not under investigation with the Russian investigation...makes clear he did not mean to impede

Trump: It would be good to find out if there was something his associates... never told him to stop investigation,or let Flynn go...General Flynn is a good guy

P never directed him to do anything illegal, immoral..the president never Never said I expect loyalty. Ovewrwhelming le clear... ther will be people who try to y

Comey admitted he was the the press about conversatons with the was priveleged communications

After terminarion...told friend to leak to promps about appointment of special counsel NYT day before tweet

Should these leaks be investigated?... President vindicated and move to work without the cloud of suspicion..

Dow Index hits all time high after hearing. A support to Trump? Does this quell the speech about impeachment? How will the media treat this? Should be interesting and exposes media for what ir actually is...this IS a test...this IS a test...

These was the notes I took while Kosowitz spoke.

it was privileged communications ...

without WhiteHouse council present .... makes ABSOUTELY NO SENSE.

it's like the rest of Trumps bullshit ... BULLSHIT.

WH lawyers would have demanded to be there and wouldnt have taken no for an answer.
It appears that privileged communications are not what we have here. According to Fox news, the "leak" is not a leak unless it is a government document.
I doubt is counsel can demand to be present if the president doesn't want them there.


in that case, like I said

President Trump, by talking/tweeting about his meeting with Comey, made the entire interaction open to discuss.

Trump said Comey called for the dinner, Trump said Comey asked for his job at the dinner etc.....(all of which Comey denies)

By Trump telling the public about the dinner, allows Comey to go public with his version.
Now on Fox:
Mark Kasowictz...
Trump never thought about impeding investigation... He DID say, he was eager to find learn about revelations of Comey's investigations...He did not want the investigation to end.
Comey has confirmed publically..the president was not under investigation with the Russian investigation...makes clear he did not mean to impede

Trump: It would be good to find out if there was something his associates... never told him to stop investigation,or let Flynn go...General Flynn is a good guy

P never directed him to do anything illegal, immoral..the president never Never said I expect loyalty. Ovewrwhelming le clear... ther will be people who try to y

Comey admitted he was the the press about conversatons with the was priveleged communications

After terminarion...told friend to leak to promps about appointment of special counsel NYT day before tweet

Should these leaks be investigated?... President vindicated and move to work without the cloud of suspicion..

Dow Index hits all time high after hearing. A support to Trump? Does this quell the speech about impeachment? How will the media treat this? Should be interesting and exposes media for what ir actually is...this IS a test...this IS a test...

These was the notes I took while Kosowitz spoke.
Having his attorney respond to this stuff is probably the wisest thing Trump has done in regards to dealing with coulsion and obstruction of justice stuff.
President Trump, by talking/tweeting about his meeting with Comey, made the entire interaction open to discuss.

Trump said Comey called for the dinner, Trump said Comey asked for his job at the dinner etc.....(all of which Comey denies)

By Trump telling the public about the dinner, allows Comey to go public with his version.
EWven if Trump told people about the dinner, Comey still could talk about it. There wasn't anything really leak.
If you are a common citizen and dare accept a position with a Republican president you must understand Democrats and the MSM will attempt to destroy you by any means possible.
If you are a common citizen and dare accept a position with a Republican president you must understand Democrats and the MSM will attempt to destroy you by any means possible.
Sadly, I think you are right.
If you are a common citizen and dare accept a position with a Republican president you must understand Democrats and the MSM will attempt to destroy you by any means possible.
Sadly, I think you are right.

Dem's have dragged the presidency into the gutter. They are intolerant. They refuse to accept the will of the people in an open and fair election. They have sour grapes when they lose in spite of their obvious advantage in the MSM. They went after Trump and his cabinet like a pack of wild dogs. Hell Obama and his thugs were gathering dirt on Trump and his people before Trump was even sworn into office.

President Trump comes in and Dem allies immediately begin leaking anything they can to the press to damage or at least slow down Trump vs him implementing his campaign promises. The Democratic party is a party of thugs.
If you are a common citizen and dare accept a position with a Republican president you must understand Democrats and the MSM will attempt to destroy you by any means possible.
Sadly, I think you are right.

Dem's have dragged the presidency into the gutter. They are intolerant. They refuse to accept the will of the people in an open and fair election. They have sour grapes when they lose in spite of their obvious advantage in the MSM. They went after Trump and his cabinet like a pack of wild dogs. Hell Obama and his thugs were gathering dirt on Trump and his people before Trump was even sworn into office.

President Trump comes in and Dem allies immediately begin leaking anything they can to the press to damage or at least slow down Trump vs him implementing his campaign promises. The Democratic party is a party of thugs.
I agree with much you have said. Did you watch "House of Cards?" Nothing surprises me any longer.
Last edited:
If you are a common citizen and dare accept a position with a Republican president you must understand Democrats and the MSM will attempt to destroy you by any means possible.
Sadly, I think you are right.

Dem's have dragged the presidency into the gutter. They are intolerant. They refuse to accept the will of the people in an open and fair election. They have sour grapes when they lose in spite of their obvious advantage in the MSM. They went after Trump and his cabinet like a pack of wild dogs. Hell Obama and his thugs were gathering dirt on Trump and his people before Trump was even sworn into office.

President Trump comes in and Dem allies immediately begin leaking anything they can to the press to damage or at least slow down Trump vs him implementing his campaign promises. The Democratic party is a party of thugs.
I agree with much you have said. Did you watch "House of Cards?" Nothing surprises me ay longer.

No, but the GOP establishment isn't much better. Trump had it right DC is a swamp.
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..

He leaked his own memo...and they're making it sound like it's criminal? :dunno:
Now on Fox:
Mark Kasowictz...
Trump never thought about impeding investigation... He DID say, he was eager to find learn about revelations of Comey's investigations...He did not want the investigation to end.
Comey has confirmed publically..the president was not under investigation with the Russian investigation...makes clear he did not mean to impede

Trump: It would be good to find out if there was something his associates... never told him to stop investigation,or let Flynn go...General Flynn is a good guy

P never directed him to do anything illegal, immoral..the president never Never said I expect loyalty. Ovewrwhelming le clear... ther will be people who try to y

Comey admitted he was the the press about conversatons with the was priveleged communications

After terminarion...told friend to leak to promps about appointment of special counsel NYT day before tweet

Should these leaks be investigated?... President vindicated and move to work without the cloud of suspicion..

Dow Index hits all time high after hearing. A support to Trump? Does this quell the speech about impeachment? How will the media treat this? Should be interesting and exposes media for what ir actually is...this IS a test...this IS a test...

These was the notes I took while Kosowitz spoke.
the president never Never said I expect loyalty.
In the written testimony released yesterday, Comey said he did. Did he contradict that during his testimony today? I did not find any documentation of that.
Comey admitted he was the the press about conversatons with the was priveleged communications
It's privileged if the President invokes it, which he never did.

Even if we catch them red handed so what? So what Trump pressured Comey? Colluded with Russia? The travel ban is a ban on Muslims? So what so what so what? The GOP aren't going to impeach him for lying. So this is all about making the GOP look bad. But that's hard because they have no shame.
Completely agree.
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..
I'm not an expert on this. Are conversations with the president at all timesprivileged or when he states it?
All Private Conversations with The Office OF POTUS are considered privileged and automatically are given a security rating by default. The Default is the lowest rating, but it is still privileged information.

Conversations with POTUS can be elevated to any classification above that depending on what is being discussed. Anyone working with POTUS and who is a US Government Official knows this.

Any notes, memos, recordings and transcripts of those meetings are subject to that same rating.

You need a security clearance to have anyone share anything said with The Office of POTUS or The POTUS himself, unless said in a Public setting.

So Comey KNOWINGLY gave "classified" information to The New York Times and the reporter given the information was an "UNAUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION."

This makes COMEY subject to prosecution.
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..
I'm not an expert on this. Are conversations with the president at all timesprivileged or when he states it?
All Private Conversations with The Office OF POTUS are considered privileged and automatically are given a security rating by default. The Default is the lowest rating, but it is still privileged information.

Conversations with POTUS can be elevated to any classification above that depending on what is being discussed. Anyone working with POTUS and who is a US Government Official knows this.

Any notes, memos, recordings and transcripts of those meetings are subject to that same rating.

You need a security clearance to have anyone share anything said with The Office of POTUS or The POTUS himself, unless said in a Public setting.

So Comey KNOWINGLY gave "classified" information to The New York Times and the reporter given the information was an "UNAUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION."

This makes COMEY subject to prosecution.
You seem to be sure of this. Can you provide a link? That would change my mind!
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..

He leaked his own memo...and they're making it sound like it's criminal? :dunno:
It is criminal.

The Office of POTUS and Conversations with POTUS have an automatic security rating. You can only share the conversations with persons who have the equivalent clearance to receive such information. Only if the conversations take place in a public setting do they have NO RATING.

Comey cannot by law share his memo with an unauthorized reporter with no security rating.
President Trump, by talking/tweeting about his meeting with Comey, made the entire interaction open to discuss.

Trump said Comey called for the dinner, Trump said Comey asked for his job at the dinner etc.....(all of which Comey denies)

By Trump telling the public about the dinner, allows Comey to go public with his version.
EWven if Trump told people about the dinner, Comey still could talk about it. There wasn't anything really leak.
hi Jackson,
Yes, because Trump did not exercise executive privilege...Comey could discuss it...

But Pres Trump could not exercise his executive privilege, due to tweeting about the dinner.

Nothing discussed was classified is also true, however even non classified discussions between the president and his dept heads can be held confidential by the president if the president wished to do so, by exercising executive privilege....but in the Comey/ Trump dinner case....Trump forfeited his executive privilege rights due to tweeting about the dinner.
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..

He leaked his own memo...and they're making it sound like it's criminal? :dunno:
It is criminal.

The Office of POTUS and Conversations with POTUS have an automatic security rating. You can only share the conversations with persons who have the equivalent clearance to receive such information. Only if the conversations take place in a public setting do they have NO RATING.

Comey cannot by law share his memo with an unauthorized reporter with no security rating.
That is very interesting and seems plausible. Can you provide a link for this. Would be much appreciated.
This was Not Privileged Communications ~ Everything the president say's is not Privileged like Trump would like to think he

Haa Haaa... Such a Trump and Attorney reply..
I'm not an expert on this. Are conversations with the president at all timesprivileged or when he states it?
All Private Conversations with The Office OF POTUS are considered privileged and automatically are given a security rating by default. The Default is the lowest rating, but it is still privileged information.

Conversations with POTUS can be elevated to any classification above that depending on what is being discussed. Anyone working with POTUS and who is a US Government Official knows this.

Any notes, memos, recordings and transcripts of those meetings are subject to that same rating.

You need a security clearance to have anyone share anything said with The Office of POTUS or The POTUS himself, unless said in a Public setting.

So Comey KNOWINGLY gave "classified" information to The New York Times and the reporter given the information was an "UNAUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION."

This makes COMEY subject to prosecution.
You seem to be sure of this. Can you provide a link? That would change my mind!
I have a security clearance, and this is known fact. He violated the law.
Executive Privilege Covers this.
This is what is meant by 'privileged conversations', 'privileged information'

Otherwise the POTUS could never have a PRIVATE CONVERSATION with anyone EVER.
President Trump, by talking/tweeting about his meeting with Comey, made the entire interaction open to discuss.

Trump said Comey called for the dinner, Trump said Comey asked for his job at the dinner etc.....(all of which Comey denies)

By Trump telling the public about the dinner, allows Comey to go public with his version.
EWven if Trump told people about the dinner, Comey still could talk about it. There wasn't anything really leak.
hi Jackson,
Yes, because Trump did not exercise executive privilege...Comey could discuss it...

But Pres Trump could not exercise his executive privilege, due to tweeting about the dinner.

Nothing discussed was classified is also true, however even non classified discussions between the president and his dept heads can be held confidential by the president if the president wished to do so, by exercising executive privilege....but in the Comey/ Trump dinner case....Trump forfeited his executive privilege rights due to tweeting about the dinner.

I'm guessing Comey was well aware of that and that was why he leaked his memo?
President Trump, by talking/tweeting about his meeting with Comey, made the entire interaction open to discuss.

Trump said Comey called for the dinner, Trump said Comey asked for his job at the dinner etc.....(all of which Comey denies)

By Trump telling the public about the dinner, allows Comey to go public with his version.
EWven if Trump told people about the dinner, Comey still could talk about it. There wasn't anything really leak.
hi Jackson,
Yes, because Trump did not exercise executive privilege...Comey could discuss it...

But Pres Trump could not exercise his executive privilege, due to tweeting about the dinner.

Nothing discussed was classified is also true, however even non classified discussions between the president and his dept heads can be held confidential by the president if the president wished to do so, by exercising executive privilege....but in the Comey/ Trump dinner case....Trump forfeited his executive privilege rights due to tweeting about the dinner.
Thanks for that. Did you see OriginalTrees post? That seems possible, too. Would like to see it in a link. Did you research this?

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