Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
Lie, deny, justify, blame-shift, never accept personal accountability, always blame others, divide, incite...

Watching snowflakes / Democrats in action never gets old...


That is what Republicans do. They’ve even said that their plan is to give Trump enough rope to hang himself and then dump him before the mid terms and blame the entire mess on Trump and ask the American people to vote for them.

I don’t think it’ll work, but I didn’t think rank and file Americans were dumb enough to vote for Trump in the first place.

To be honest....the American people stuck the Republicans with Trump

They have nothing to complain about. They had better options
Marshaling our exorbitantly expensive superpower is what marshals are good for; the "go to guy" for what tax rates we need to have, to establish an Army Group and a Naval Armada and an Air Force, in reserve--should we have to engage in real and definitely not fake, times of war.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did

No problem...

1. Obama’s nominee to chair the National Intelligence Council, Chas Freeman, withdrew over questions about payments from the Saudi Arabian government, business ties to the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp., and negative statements he made about U.S. support for Israel. After he resigned he issued a combative public statement blaming the “Israel lobby” for “character assassination.” 

2. White House “Green Jobs” czar Van Jones resigned after he it was discovered he signed a statement in support of a 9/11 “Truther” group. 

3. Former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) withdrew his nomination to become Health and Human Services Secretary after it was discovered he failed to properly pay his taxes. 

4. Nancy Killefer, Obama’s nominee to serve as the government’s chief performance officer, withdrew due to tax problems.

5. Governor Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico) withdrew his nomination to become Commerce Secretary because of an ongoing investigation into whether he doled out government contracts in exchange for campaign money. 

6. White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers resigned after posing for photos at a White House dinner that a couple crashed through security to attend.

7. Jonathan Z. Cannon, nominated to serve as deputy director at the Environmental Protection Administration, withdrew over questions about a defunct non-profit, America’s Clean Water Foundation, where he served as a board member. In 2007, EPA auditors accused the non-profit of mismanaging $25 million in taxpayer funding.

8. Jide Zeitlin, Obama’s nominee to serve as U.S ambassador to the United Nations for management and reform withdrew his name while being accused of identify fraud and improper business practices. 

9. Erroll Southers, Obama’s nominee to serve as director of the Travel Security Administration, withdrew after refusing to answer questions about collective bargaining and false testimony he presented to Congress.

10. Maj. Gen. Robert A. Harding, Obama’s second nominee to service as director of the Travel Security Administration, withdrew his name after it was discovered he received “service disabled veteran” status for sleep apnea.

Obama had 10 people withdraw with in filling all 600+ executive level positions. Trump has had 11 people withdraw after filling only 174 positions. That more than three times the number of withdrawals.

Trump has had 8 top level members of his cabinet and/staff leave or be fired in 9 months. Obama had one person leave in the first year. Of the past 6 Presidents, only Reagan and Obama had any departures in the first year. They each had one person leave.

Contrast this with the revolving door on White House staffing we’ve seen since day one with Trump. How can you run an efficient productive Administration when no one stays on the job long enough to learn how to do it? 14 top level Administration hires have left, been fired or changed jobs since the inauguration. That speaks to chaos and dysfunction.

Here are all the firings, resignations, departures, and job changes from the chaotic first 8 months of the Trump administration

They you have appointments that make no sense. Rick Perry as Energy Secretary? This job includes responsibility for maintaining, repairing and replacing the nuclear arsenal. Obama appointed a nuclear physicist to the job. A guy with a PHd. Trump appointed a college drop out who thinks Solyandra is a country.

Or Ben Carson as Housing Secretary. I can see Carson as Surgeon General, or as Health Secretary but Housing? He’s not qualified for the job. Not by training or experience.

Betsy de Vos got her confirmation by donating millions to Republican Senators who confirmed her. She can’t even use proper grammar and syntax, and opposed public education.

Trump’s cabinet is the least educated and least qualified cabinet on record. How can you expect great results from people with no education or experience in the jobs you’ve hired them for?
Oh these irony impaired threads/posts from the far left is just amazing

Seriously you can not make this stuff up, especially after the Obama years!
And I find it hilarious that these dolts think trump is smarter ,a better politician , more presidential than Obama is and was
Of course you do...because you are one of the snowflakes Gruber described many times... :p
Tell me you don't. It'll give me a hint as to your IQ

I do not think Trump is 'more Presidential' than Obama. Obama was a polished 'turd'. Trump is not a professional politician like Barry was.

After less than a year I can say Trump's administration has accomplished more than Barry did in 8 years. Since Trump has been in office for less than a year, I will leave the overall comparisons up for debate for a while longer, seeing how Trump continues to do in office.

You have already made up your mind - the minute Hillary lost to Trump. :p
And I find it hilarious that these dolts think trump is smarter ,a better politician , more presidential than Obama is and was
Of course you do...because you are one of the snowflakes Gruber described many times... :p
Tell me you don't. It'll give me a hint as to your IQ

I do not think Trump is 'more Presidential' than Obama. Obama was a polished 'turd'. Trump is not a professional politician like Barry was.

After less than a year I can say Trump's administration has accomplished more than Barry did in 8 years. Since Trump has been in office for less than a year, I will leave the overall comparisons up for debate for a while longer, seeing how Trump continues to do in office.

You have already made up your mind - the minute Hillary lost to Trump. :p
Outside of EO's what has he done besides inflame our allies,inflame more than half the population and piss off most of his own congress What bill passed by congress has he signed? And Obama wasn't a pig like trump is
And I find it hilarious that these dolts think trump is smarter ,a better politician , more presidential than Obama is and was
Of course you do...because you are one of the snowflakes Gruber described many times... :p
Tell me you don't. It'll give me a hint as to your IQ

I do not think Trump is 'more Presidential' than Obama. Obama was a polished 'turd'. Trump is not a professional politician like Barry was.

After less than a year I can say Trump's administration has accomplished more than Barry did in 8 years. Since Trump has been in office for less than a year, I will leave the overall comparisons up for debate for a while longer, seeing how Trump continues to do in office.

You have already made up your mind - the minute Hillary lost to Trump. :p
can you put your unwarranted hate for obama and hillary aside for a moment and concentrate on this pig of a man trump? A lout a lying pervert a grabber of pussy a cheat And those are his good points and you have the nerve to compare him to any president ever?,,,,compare him to Weinstein
The entire point of his admin is to rip this country apart and destroy our government.

They want to give it all to the rich, privatize everything so the rich can take it all and fuck everyone else.

Exactly. They’ve been very open in their wish to destroy the US and our constitution.

Even so, the orange moron has a bunch of idiots “running” the country.

Not one of them knows anything except steal from the poor and give to the rich. And that’s what we’ve seen so far.

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Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're text cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Obama? Duh, this thread is about Trump. BTW, what is a "text" cheat?
Sorry to ruin your triggered rant with a little bit of fact, snowflake. :p

You RWNJ cupcakes aways so quick to admit you voted for a lying stealing cheating pile of dog do.

If you could prove otherwise, you have to hide behind Obama, Hillary yadda yadda.

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Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.

That would be true if Barack Obama's entire adult life wasn't built upon his being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! It's what everything else that he's been "given" since was predicated on! If he wasn't given that "honor" by Harvard in a rather blatant attempt to prove that they weren't racist then he doesn't get the book deal...he doesn't get the job at the Chicago law firm...he doesn't teach at the University of Chicago...he doesn't have a prayer of becoming a US Senator!

What's amusing is that you on the left had no problem with someone leaking George W. Bush's college transcripts but you've guarded Barry's like they were nuclear launch codes and the fate of the world depended on their never seeing the light of day! Why would someone who's life is built upon his college accomplishments be afraid to show what those accomplishments consisted of?
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.

That would be true if Barack Obama's entire adult life wasn't built upon his being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! It's what everything else that he's been "given" since was predicated on! If he wasn't given that "honor" by Harvard in a rather blatant attempt to prove that they weren't racist then he doesn't get the book deal...he doesn't get the job at the Chicago law firm...he doesn't teach at the University of Chicago...he doesn't have a prayer of becoming a US Senator!

What's amusing is that you on the left had no problem with someone leaking George W. Bush's college transcripts but you've guarded Barry's like they were nuclear launch codes and the fate of the world depended on their never seeing the light of day! Why would someone who's life is built upon his college accomplishments be afraid to show what those accomplishments consisted of?
You still hesitate to answer why our CURRENT president is afraid to show his taxes Try and stay on point instead of bashing hillary and Obama You wouldn't give Obama credit if he discovered a cure for cancer
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.

That would be true if Barack Obama's entire adult life wasn't built upon his being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! It's what everything else that he's been "given" since was predicated on! If he wasn't given that "honor" by Harvard in a rather blatant attempt to prove that they weren't racist then he doesn't get the book deal...he doesn't get the job at the Chicago law firm...he doesn't teach at the University of Chicago...he doesn't have a prayer of becoming a US Senator!

What's amusing is that you on the left had no problem with someone leaking George W. Bush's college transcripts but you've guarded Barry's like they were nuclear launch codes and the fate of the world depended on their never seeing the light of day! Why would someone who's life is built upon his college accomplishments be afraid to show what those accomplishments consisted of?

OLD you know what MAGNA CUM LAUDE means?
Obama's gpa hasn't been released, however, according to " Barack Obama's GPA and College Records " he had a gpa between 2.0 to 3.3 in high school. Obama graduated Harvard Law School with magna cum laude, the second highest honor available, meaning he must've done well in college.

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