Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

Barry was a half a term Senator before he was talked into running for president. Before that he was a corrupt Community organizer and one of the most corrupt cities in America.


'Nuff said.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
Lie, deny, justify, blame-shift, never accept personal accountability, always blame others, divide, incite...

Watching snowflakes / Democrats in action never gets old...

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
Lie, deny, justify, blame-shift, never accept personal accountability, always blame others, divide, incite...

Watching snowflakes / Democrats in action never gets old...


That is what Republicans do. They’ve even said that their plan is to give Trump enough rope to hang himself and then dump him before the mid terms and blame the entire mess on Trump and ask the American people to vote for them.

I don’t think it’ll work, but I didn’t think rank and file Americans were dumb enough to vote for Trump in the first place.
Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
Lie, deny, justify, blame-shift, never accept personal accountability, always blame others, divide, incite...

Watching snowflakes / Democrats in action never gets old...


That is what Republicans do. They’ve even said that their plan is to give Trump enough rope to hang himself and then dump him before the mid terms and blame the entire mess on Trump and ask the American people to vote for them.

I don’t think it’ll work, but I didn’t think rank and file Americans were dumb enough to vote for Trump in the first place.
You should really read the article printed today - 'The Democrats Are who they aay we are'.

If you ever want to know what Democrats are up to just listen to what they are claiming conservatives are doing...
Obama did not control Congress his 1st 2 years. His fellow Democrats did... :p
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

Bullshit. It was more like 4 months - not 2 years.

That filibuster-proof 60 votes lasted exactly 4 months – Not 2 years. Not 1 year. Not 6 months.

No! Obama Did Not Control Congress His First Two Years!
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
Of courese, the Dims are deliberately slowing down the nomination process so they can keep their moles in place.
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
Of courese, the Dims are deliberately slowing down the nomination process so they can keep their moles in place.
Typical whining from the snowflakes that constantly preach personal responsibility...but not for themselves. But but but that mean guy is stopping me!
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
Of courese, the Dims are deliberately slowing down the nomination process so they can keep their moles in place.
Typical whining from the snowflakes that constantly preach personal responsibility...but not for themselves. But but but that mean guy is stopping me!
Only morons don't know that the Dims are doing everything possible to block Trump's agenda. That's what the whole "Russian collusion" bogus scandal is about. Your post is a well used leftist tactic to deflect responsibility for their actions.
Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
Of courese, the Dims are deliberately slowing down the nomination process so they can keep their moles in place.
Typical whining from the snowflakes that constantly preach personal responsibility...but not for themselves. But but but that mean guy is stopping me!
Only morons don't know that the Dims are doing everything possible to block Trump's agenda. That's what the whole "Russian collusion" bogus scandal is about. Your post is a well used leftist tactic to deflect responsibility for their actions.
Republicans are in charge of everything and can't get anything done because their policies are horrible. Who could be to blame? Conservatives seriously lack that self responsibility they squawk proudly about all the time. Complete fakes in many ways.
Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
Of courese, the Dims are deliberately slowing down the nomination process so they can keep their moles in place.
Typical whining from the snowflakes that constantly preach personal responsibility...but not for themselves. But but but that mean guy is stopping me!
Only morons don't know that the Dims are doing everything possible to block Trump's agenda. That's what the whole "Russian collusion" bogus scandal is about. Your post is a well used leftist tactic to deflect responsibility for their actions.
Republicans are in charge of everything and can't get anything done because their policies are horrible. Who could be to blame? Conservatives seriously lack that self responsibility they squawk proudly about all the time. Complete fakes in many ways.
/—/ once again you have it half ass backwards. This is a battle between the deep state establishment and private citizens who want to drain the swamp.
The entire point of his admin is to rip this country apart and destroy our government.

They want to give it all to the rich, privatize everything so the rich can take it all and fuck everyone else.

/—-/ Yet you voted twice for a community organizer who said he will fundamentally change our country
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!

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