Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.

That would be true if Barack Obama's entire adult life wasn't built upon his being the first black President of the Harvard Law Review! It's what everything else that he's been "given" since was predicated on! If he wasn't given that "honor" by Harvard in a rather blatant attempt to prove that they weren't racist then he doesn't get the book deal...he doesn't get the job at the Chicago law firm...he doesn't teach at the University of Chicago...he doesn't have a prayer of becoming a US Senator!

What's amusing is that you on the left had no problem with someone leaking George W. Bush's college transcripts but you've guarded Barry's like they were nuclear launch codes and the fate of the world depended on their never seeing the light of day! Why would someone who's life is built upon his college accomplishments be afraid to show what those accomplishments consisted of?

You’re an idiot if you think there is anything sinister in Obama’s college transcripts. Or that they matter to anyone other than fools like you.

Trump’s marks were so bad that his Dad had to bribe someone to get him into Wharton. One of his college professors called him “the dumbest student I’ve ever had”. And this matters not at all.

His taxes matter. Where and how he makes his money matters. Who he owes money to, matters. Especially, if like Kuchner, he’s beholding to Russian Banks.
or perhaps old you really believe a moron like trump could even enter a fine college much less graduate from one? MONEY talks and talks loudly
Can you put your unwarranted hate for obama and hillary aside for a moment and concentrate on this pig of a man trump?
According to snowflakes like yourself, what we must focus on are the threats to this the Russians.

I agree. Hillary and Obama are the ones who violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, who have evidence provided against them pointing out their proven corruption, collusion, scandal, and actual CRIMES.

Those crimes and the repercussions of those scandals and crimes are still being felt. Unlike those two, there has been no prosecutable evidence provided against the President by the Left, even after multiple investigations and a stacked Council led by a criminal proven to have hidden Russian crimes to aid them in their purchase of Uranium One.

Can YOU put your un-warranted butt-hurt and partisan hatred aside for a moment and concentrate on the ONLY existing evidence of criminal activity, collusion, betrayal that exists and the individuals who have been proven to have perpetrated it - Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Barry...?
You’re an idiot if you think there is anything sinister in Obama’s college transcripts.
No one I know believes that there is anything 'sinister' in Barry's college records....but OBVIOUSLY HE thought there was something damning / embarrassing enough in those records to have them completely sealed off tighter than the Kennedy Assassination Files.
You’re an idiot if you think there is anything sinister in Obama’s college transcripts.
No one I know believes that there is anything 'sinister' in Barry's college records....but OBVIOUSLY HE thought there was something damning / embarrassing enough in those records to have them completely sealed off tighter than the Kennedy Assassination Files.

Obama didn’t do anything to seal his records. The schools he attended seal ALL transcripts as part of their privacy policy.

That you don’t know this and assume that Obama did it displays the depths of your ignorance and willingness to find any flimsy excuse to deflect from the fact that Trump promised throughout the campaign to release his tax returns and then broke that promise. Just like every other promise he broke.
Obama didn’t do anything to seal his records. The schools he attended seal ALL transcripts as part of their privacy policy.

Americans have a right to know information about the man who wants to be / is President. Snowflakes demanded / demand the release of Trump's tax records yet argue that no American has a right to know how smart or how stupid Barry is / that Barry does NOT have to release his college and personal transcripts just because
inquiring mind want to know'. Such an argument is the height of hypocrisy and partisanship.

This same type of hypocrisy came up when Barry ran against Romney:

"In context of the "mounting pressure" for Mitt Romney to provide more tax and employment records, a reporter recently asked White House Press Secretary Jay Carney whether President Obama would set an example in transparency and release some of his records that critics have asked for.

This time it was Carney's own boss who had recently opened the door by demanding that Romney be an "
open book" on personal finances.

responded with the audacious claim that Obama is an "open book" and has a record of "unprecedented transparency." And the sky is green, and the grass is blue. Carney also suggested that the question wasn't specific.

When the reporter got specific and asked if Obama would release his college records, Carney replied: "Right, this is the Donald Trump question. It is preposterous."


"Most of the basic records of Barack Obama's past -- vital, hospital, medical, education, passport, draft registration, et al. -- are guarded as securely as the gold at Fort Knox."

Ironic how the records of the man who vowed to run the 'most transparent administration evuh' (yet set a new criminal record for illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act) are 'guarded as securely as the gold at Fort Knox'.

Articles: Why Obama's College Records Matter

Of course the article goes on into several reasons why Barry did not / does not still want his personal records looked into.

Along with Barry's sealed, carefully safeguarded, records, Democrats declared and did their damnedest to convince the American people that Obama's past / history meant nothing and had nothing to do with him running for President.

Someone's past only matters, after all, if they are GOP / Conservative, and the Democrats are trying to dredge up something with which to destroy them, as proven time and time again.
Obama’s college records don’t matter. He’s not even President any more. If they didn’t matter before, they matter even less now.

If you think college transcripts matter so much why aren’t you concerned about Trump’s college records? Why has he released his transcripts? What’s he hiding?

Last but certainly not least, what does this have to do with the original post about the lack qualifications and education of the leaders in Trump's Administration and the utter chaos in hiring and retaining staff by this President?

Deflect, deflect, deflect.
why does a rich guy need a tax break; tax records can give us a clue.
Why does a Presidential have to hide away his entire history, 'guarding it like the gold at Fort Knox'? Personal records could give us a clue.
why does a rich guy need a tax break; tax records can give us a clue.
Why does a Presidential have to hide away his entire history, 'guarding it like the gold at Fort Knox'? Personal records could give us a clue.

That’s exactly what Trump is doing with his tax records. He even threatened to sue Rachael Maddow for broadcasting a few pages of one of his returns. Went ballistic over it.

What is Trump hiding? How much money will his proposed tax cuts save him? These are important questions which need to be answered while Congress and the Senate work on tax reform legislation.
Can you put your unwarranted hate for obama and hillary aside for a moment and concentrate on this pig of a man trump?
According to snowflakes like yourself, what we must focus on are the threats to this the Russians.

I agree. Hillary and Obama are the ones who violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, who have evidence provided against them pointing out their proven corruption, collusion, scandal, and actual CRIMES.

Those crimes and the repercussions of those scandals and crimes are still being felt. Unlike those two, there has been no prosecutable evidence provided against the President by the Left, even after multiple investigations and a stacked Council led by a criminal proven to have hidden Russian crimes to aid them in their purchase of Uranium One.

Can YOU put your un-warranted butt-hurt and partisan hatred aside for a moment and concentrate on the ONLY existing evidence of criminal activity, collusion, betrayal that exists and the individuals who have been proven to have perpetrated it - Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Barry...?

Russians approached at least nine people in Trump’s orbit during the campaign and presidential transition.

By Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger
Nov. 5, 2017
Can you put your unwarranted hate for obama and hillary aside for a moment and concentrate on this pig of a man trump?
According to snowflakes like yourself, what we must focus on are the threats to this the Russians.

I agree. Hillary and Obama are the ones who violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, who have evidence provided against them pointing out their proven corruption, collusion, scandal, and actual CRIMES.

Those crimes and the repercussions of those scandals and crimes are still being felt. Unlike those two, there has been no prosecutable evidence provided against the President by the Left, even after multiple investigations and a stacked Council led by a criminal proven to have hidden Russian crimes to aid them in their purchase of Uranium One.

Can YOU put your un-warranted butt-hurt and partisan hatred aside for a moment and concentrate on the ONLY existing evidence of criminal activity, collusion, betrayal that exists and the individuals who have been proven to have perpetrated it - Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Barry...?
you keep worrying about those folks easy and let the real scum like trump and his group run rampant
or perhaps old you really believe a moron like trump could even enter a fine college much less graduate from one? MONEY talks and talks loudly

I know you've bought into the narrative that Barack Obama is an "intellectual powerhouse", Eddie but I'm one of those people who judge others by what they DO and not by how they portray themselves. Money talks. So do results. The fact is...since leaving Harvard Law School as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review...Barack Obama has been a nondescript lawyer...a non exceptional college lecturer...and an abysmal legislator. If not for Emile Jones taking him under his wing and feeding him other people's bills to put his name on...Obama might NEVER have passed a single piece of legislation while serving in the Illinois State Senate...he was THAT inept! He didn't become a US Senator because of his political skills...he became one because he looked and sounded the part!
or perhaps old you really believe a moron like trump could even enter a fine college much less graduate from one? MONEY talks and talks loudly

I know you've bought into the narrative that Barack Obama is an "intellectual powerhouse", Eddie but I'm one of those people who judge others by what they DO and not by how they portray themselves. Money talks. So do results. The fact is...since leaving Harvard Law School as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review...Barack Obama has been a nondescript lawyer...a non exceptional college lecturer...and an abysmal legislator. If not for Emile Jones taking him under his wing and feeding him other people's bills to put his name on...Obama might NEVER have passed a single piece of legislation while serving in the Illinois State Senate...he was THAT inept! He didn't become a US Senator because of his political skills...he became one because he looked and sounded the part!
looked and sounded is 100% more than the slug we have now
So you're basically admitting that Barry was an empty suit...but you like him better than Trump anyways? Noted...
So you're basically admitting that Barry was an empty suit...but you like him better than Trump anyways? Noted...
no old just didn't want to get into the many obvious reasons Obama was far superior

What accomplishment of Barack Obama's did you want to cite as proof of his "superiority", Eddie? Something he did as a lawyer? Good luck on that! A scholarly work that he published when he was lecturing at the University of Chicago? Barry didn't appear to understand the "publish or perish" mantra that every other college professor understands quite well because he never published ANYTHING dealing with constitutional law! A well crafted piece of legislation that he drew up and got passed? Don't make me laugh! Before Emile Jones rescued him by giving him other legislator's work to sign his name on, Barack Obama had ZERO bills sponsored by him pass in the Illinois legislature despite being there for years! Or perhaps you're desperate enough to claim a Nobel Peace Prize as "proof" that Barry's superior? You know...the prize he got for showing up?
So you're basically admitting that Barry was an empty suit...but you like him better than Trump anyways? Noted...
no old just didn't want to get into the many obvious reasons Obama was far superior
AND Obama wasn't a vindictive spiteful nasty ill spoken pos like trump is.....

Hmmm..."vindictive, spiteful, nasty..." that's a perfect description of Hillary Clinton! Along with corrupt and entitled!

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