Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did

No problem...

1. Obama’s nominee to chair the National Intelligence Council, Chas Freeman, withdrew over questions about payments from the Saudi Arabian government, business ties to the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp., and negative statements he made about U.S. support for Israel. After he resigned he issued a combative public statement blaming the “Israel lobby” for “character assassination.” 

2. White House “Green Jobs” czar Van Jones resigned after he it was discovered he signed a statement in support of a 9/11 “Truther” group. 

3. Former Sen. Tom Daschle (D-South Dakota) withdrew his nomination to become Health and Human Services Secretary after it was discovered he failed to properly pay his taxes. 

4. Nancy Killefer, Obama’s nominee to serve as the government’s chief performance officer, withdrew due to tax problems.

5. Governor Bill Richardson (D-New Mexico) withdrew his nomination to become Commerce Secretary because of an ongoing investigation into whether he doled out government contracts in exchange for campaign money. 

6. White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers resigned after posing for photos at a White House dinner that a couple crashed through security to attend.

7. Jonathan Z. Cannon, nominated to serve as deputy director at the Environmental Protection Administration, withdrew over questions about a defunct non-profit, America’s Clean Water Foundation, where he served as a board member. In 2007, EPA auditors accused the non-profit of mismanaging $25 million in taxpayer funding.

8. Jide Zeitlin, Obama’s nominee to serve as U.S ambassador to the United Nations for management and reform withdrew his name while being accused of identify fraud and improper business practices. 

9. Erroll Southers, Obama’s nominee to serve as director of the Travel Security Administration, withdrew after refusing to answer questions about collective bargaining and false testimony he presented to Congress.

10. Maj. Gen. Robert A. Harding, Obama’s second nominee to service as director of the Travel Security Administration, withdrew his name after it was discovered he received “service disabled veteran” status for sleep apnea.
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did
Was Geithner prosecuted?
Nomination and confirmation[edit]
Main article: Confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet

Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary on January 26, 2009
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Geithner was rumored to be a possible choice for Treasury Secretary for both John McCain and Barack Obama.[1] On November 24, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Geithner to be Treasury Secretary, passing over Geithner's former superior Lawrence Summers.[47][48][49]

During his confirmation, it was disclosed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes from 2001 through 2004 while working for the International Monetary Fund.[50] The IMF, as an international agency, did not withhold payroll taxes, but instead reimbursed the usual employer responsibility of these taxes to employees. Geithner received the reimbursements and paid the amounts received to the government, but had not paid the remaining half which would normally have been withheld from his pay. The issue, as well as other errors relating to past deductions and expenses, were noted during a 2006 audit by the Internal Revenue Service[51][52][53][54] Geithner subsequently paid the additional taxes owed.[55][56] In a statement to the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner called the tax issues "careless," "avoidable," and "unintentional" errors.[55] Geithner testified that he used the software TurboTaxto prepare his 2001 and 2002 returns, but that the tax errors were his own responsibility.[57][58]

On January 26, 2009, the U.S. Senate confirmed Geithner's appointment by a vote of 60–34.[59][60] Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary by Vice President Joe Biden and witnessed by President Barack Obama.[61]
Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!

What I remember about Obama’s first year was the mess that Bush left him.

The only person who left the Obama Administration in the first year was his communications director. Same for Reagan.

Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 didn’t lose or fire anyone in the first year.

By this point in their administrations, both Obama and Clinton had confirmed about 300 executive level positions. Trump has confirmed 174 people.
The Democrats held a near super-majority control of both the House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years of the Obama Administration.

The only person or people Obama inherited anything from was his own Democrats.

The house controls the purse strings, the spending, the budget, and the economy. That means Democrats controlled all of that the last two years of the Bush Administration and the first two years during the Obama Administration.

Barry promise the smoothest transition ever and then had an extremely difficult time putting together his cabinet because almost everyone he nominated turned out to be tax evaders. Much like his promise to have the most transparent Administration ever, his promise to have the smoothest transition ever was also a lie.

There were only 3 withdrawals from Barry’s cabinet nominations. Trump has had 11 withdrawals.

As for the myth that Democrats caused the fiscal mess, they took office in January of 2007 at which point the housing bubble was about to burst.

It takes years of fiscal mismanagement to destroy the economy. The tax cuts, unfunded wars, Medicare Part D, out of control deficits and Wall Street deregulation lead to the stock market crashed, but nice try Evgeny.

As always Republicans fuck up the economy, and Democrats clean up their mess.
Lie, deny, justify, blame-shift, never accept personal accountability, always blame others, divide, incite...

Watching snowflakes / Democrats in action never gets old...


That is what Republicans do. They’ve even said that their plan is to give Trump enough rope to hang himself and then dump him before the mid terms and blame the entire mess on Trump and ask the American people to vote for them.

I don’t think it’ll work, but I didn’t think rank and file Americans were dumb enough to vote for Trump in the first place.
/——/ What Republicans said they want to give Trump enough rope, besides those imaginary Republicans living rent free in your head?
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)
not really ..must have gone over my head But in the interest of fairness as you seem to be a fan of ,can you tell me how many of Obamas people colluded with Russia connections? How many tried to get info on Romney?? to spread lies about him like republicans did with hillary?
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did
Was Geithner prosecuted?
Nomination and confirmation[edit]
Main article: Confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet

Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary on January 26, 2009
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Geithner was rumored to be a possible choice for Treasury Secretary for both John McCain and Barack Obama.[1] On November 24, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Geithner to be Treasury Secretary, passing over Geithner's former superior Lawrence Summers.[47][48][49]

During his confirmation, it was disclosed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes from 2001 through 2004 while working for the International Monetary Fund.[50] The IMF, as an international agency, did not withhold payroll taxes, but instead reimbursed the usual employer responsibility of these taxes to employees. Geithner received the reimbursements and paid the amounts received to the government, but had not paid the remaining half which would normally have been withheld from his pay. The issue, as well as other errors relating to past deductions and expenses, were noted during a 2006 audit by the Internal Revenue Service[51][52][53][54] Geithner subsequently paid the additional taxes owed.[55][56] In a statement to the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner called the tax issues "careless," "avoidable," and "unintentional" errors.[55] Geithner testified that he used the software TurboTaxto prepare his 2001 and 2002 returns, but that the tax errors were his own responsibility.[57][58]

On January 26, 2009, the U.S. Senate confirmed Geithner's appointment by a vote of 60–34.[59][60] Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary by Vice President Joe Biden and witnessed by President Barack Obama.[61]

No, Eddie...Geithner wasn't prosecuted! The man who couldn't figure out Turbo Tax was confirmed by a Democratically controlled Senate and sworn in by Biden. Have you ever used Turbo Tax? I have. For someone to claim that it was too hard to understand but wants to be Secretary of the Treasury is like someone wanting to be Surgeon General of the United States but not being able to figure out how to use a condom! That's the guy that BARRY put in office to run our economic recovery so spare me the criticism of Trump's choices!
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)
not really ..must have gone over my head But in the interest of fairness as you seem to be a fan of ,can you tell me how many of Obamas people colluded with Russia connections? How many tried to get info on Romney?? to spread lies about him like republicans did with hillary?

What "lies" were ever spread about Hillary Clinton? The thing that derailed her campaign is that the TRUTH was revealed about her and her campaign! Claiming someone took her down with "lies" is laughable!
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.
Breaking Update!

Trumps team is phenomenal

One Year After 2016 Election – Economy Is on Fire – Trump Keeps Promises – Americans Winning Again!
So out of the thousands of people that now work for the Trump Administration...Huffington Post selects four that are questionable and declares that Trump hasn't picked good people? Some of those people are low level aides! It's strings like this that show how desperate the left is when it comes to attacking Trump.

Well so many of the unqualified have already quit, been fired, or removed their names from consideration.

Flynn - Obama told Trump not to hire the guy, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bannon, Tom Price who was fired for taking private jets everywhere, a few aides who couldn’t pass the security clearance, Clovis who withdrew, Tom Marinaro who withdrew his nomination to head up the opioid crisis team after it was publicized that he received funding from drug companies sponsored legislation which made the opioid epidemic worse.

The Mooch seems to have been brought in to distract from the American businessman who claims that the Russian government stole $270 million dollars from his bank account. He was testifying before Congress the week The Mooch was hired and fired. The businessman’s testimony was barely reported on with the 3-ring circus going on with Scarramucci’s hiring, Spicer and Priebus leaving, and then when the businessman finished testifying, The Mooch was gone. I’m sure Trump approved the sale of his company to the Chinese as a thank you for his fine service.

Do you honestly think that the Trump Administration is any different than the Obama Administration when it comes to people quitting, getting fired or removing their names from consideration for positions? How quickly you seem to have forgotten how bad it was in the first years of Barry's run!
why don't you give us a run down on how bad it was? Dragon did
Was Geithner prosecuted?
Nomination and confirmation[edit]
Main article: Confirmations of Barack Obama's Cabinet

Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary on January 26, 2009
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Geithner was rumored to be a possible choice for Treasury Secretary for both John McCain and Barack Obama.[1] On November 24, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama announced his intention to nominate Geithner to be Treasury Secretary, passing over Geithner's former superior Lawrence Summers.[47][48][49]

During his confirmation, it was disclosed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes from 2001 through 2004 while working for the International Monetary Fund.[50] The IMF, as an international agency, did not withhold payroll taxes, but instead reimbursed the usual employer responsibility of these taxes to employees. Geithner received the reimbursements and paid the amounts received to the government, but had not paid the remaining half which would normally have been withheld from his pay. The issue, as well as other errors relating to past deductions and expenses, were noted during a 2006 audit by the Internal Revenue Service[51][52][53][54] Geithner subsequently paid the additional taxes owed.[55][56] In a statement to the Senate Finance Committee, Geithner called the tax issues "careless," "avoidable," and "unintentional" errors.[55] Geithner testified that he used the software TurboTaxto prepare his 2001 and 2002 returns, but that the tax errors were his own responsibility.[57][58]

On January 26, 2009, the U.S. Senate confirmed Geithner's appointment by a vote of 60–34.[59][60] Geithner was sworn in as Treasury Secretary by Vice President Joe Biden and witnessed by President Barack Obama.[61]

No, Eddie...Geithner wasn't prosecuted! The man who couldn't figure out Turbo Tax was confirmed by a Democratically controlled Senate and sworn in by Biden. Have you ever used Turbo Tax? I have. For someone to claim that it was too hard to understand but wants to be Secretary of the Treasury is like someone wanting to be Surgeon General of the United States but not being able to figure out how to use a condom! That's the guy that BARRY put in office to run our economic recovery so spare me the criticism of Trump's choices!
Yes old Please tell me how wonderful all the presidents choices have been. Clean the swamp?? He brought them to the WH with him Guess you believe them all meeting with the russians doing business with them is all well and good?
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)
not really ..must have gone over my head But in the interest of fairness as you seem to be a fan of ,can you tell me how many of Obamas people colluded with Russia connections? How many tried to get info on Romney?? to spread lies about him like republicans did with hillary?

What "lies" were ever spread about Hillary Clinton? The thing that derailed her campaign is that the TRUTH was revealed about her and her campaign! Claiming someone took her down with "lies" is laughable!
Uranium BS for one
Trump's 'Phenomenal Team' Is Actually Severely Unqualified

The majority of Obama's 1st cabinet appointees we're tax cheats, to include Secretary of the Treasury Little Timmy 'tax cheat' Geithner.

So what's the OP's point again...?

Geithner? Who's excuse for filing a fraudulent tax return was that he couldn't figure out Turbo Tax? That's ALMOST as amusing as a Secretary of State who isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand the regulations for email security!
lol lol now we have a president afraid to show his taxes. Don't you wonder why?

I'm curious, Eddie...did you have the same sense of "wonder" over Obama's refusal to show his college transcripts? :)

No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.
And I find it hilarious that these dolts think trump is smarter ,a better politician , more presidential than Obama is and was
And I find it hilarious that these dolts think trump is smarter ,a better politician , more presidential than Obama is and was
Of course you do...because you are one of the snowflakes Gruber described many times... :p
No President has ever shown his college transcripts. Every President has shown his tax returns.
I don't think any former President has ever sealed every personal record, though. (But he seemed to almost brag about his tutoring by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studying Socialist Saul Alynski, and his mentoring at the hands of anti-American, racist, hate-spewing Jeremiah Wright...)

There is nothing in a college transcript which is germain to the candidacy, but much in a tax return that is.
Yes, who needs Obama's actual grades / GPA, while he claimed in his book he was a stoner - part of the Chumba gang, and tried about everything in include guys... :p

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