Trump's plan for America

Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

So you are saying Obama has been targeting innocent women and children through his Un-Constitutional personal drone assassination program?

Or are you talking about the 500 innocent people killed by Mexican Drug Cartels after Obama tried to 'contain' them by giving them thousands of guns?
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

So you are saying Obama has been targeting innocent women and children through his Un-Constitutional personal drone assassination program?

Or are you talking about the 500 innocent people killed by Mexican Drug Cartels after Obama tried to 'contain' them by giving them thousands of guns?
I am talking about TRUMP.

Why do you HAVE to play diversionary games? Why can't Trump be held to account for his own bullshit? The same bullshit many of you have been blasting Obama for.

I am talking about TRUMP.
Why do you HAVE to play diversionary games?

Why so pissed? Diversionary games are what Liberals love best. They must because they do it all the time. Moderators love when they do it. Just yesterday I reported konrad for continuously trying to hijack a thread and talk about 'b...b...b...but Buuuuuush'. The moderators responded by taking away my ability to report that's funny.

If it's relevant to the conversation but you just don't want to talk about it that doesn't mean it's a diversion, granddad. I don't make up the's your playbook. I'm just following it.
I am talking about TRUMP.
Why do you HAVE to play diversionary games?

Why so pissed? Diversionary games are what Liberals love best. They must because they do it all the time. Moderators love when they do it. Just yesterday I reported konrad for continuously trying to hijack a thread and talk about 'b...b...b...but Buuuuuush'. The moderators responded by taking away my ability to report that's funny.

If it's relevant to the conversation but you just don't want to talk about it that doesn't mean it's a diversion, granddad. I don't make up the's your playbook. I'm just following it.
So because you got bitch slapped by the mods for something you thought someone else was doing you're now gonna do the very thing you were complaining about in my thread?

So because you got bitch slapped by the mods for something you thought someone else was doing you're now gonna do the very thing you were complaining about in my thread?

That's YOUR interpretation, granddad. I was just adding to the conversation when you wet your depends...
So because you got bitch slapped by the mods for something you thought someone else was doing you're now gonna do the very thing you were complaining about in my thread?

That's YOUR interpretation, granddad. I was just adding to the conversation when you wet your depends...
Those were your exact words. They were not open to interpretation.

You said he kept bringing up Bush so YOU reported him for off topic. And what are you doing here? Going off topic with talk about Obama.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
You are either intentionally altering what he said to excuse it or you didn't understand what he said.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
You are either intentionally altering what he said to excuse it or you didn't understand what he said.
I remember what he said. You liberals are guilty of altering it.
Trump repeatedly said he would do things....not any specific things. You are the ones making the assumptions on what he meant.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
You are either intentionally altering what he said to excuse it or you didn't understand what he said.
I remember what he said. You liberals are guilty of altering it.
Trump repeatedly said he would do things....not any specific things. You are the ones making the assumptions on what he meant.
Now I'm a liberal?

Some of you are insufferable
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
You are either intentionally altering what he said to excuse it or you didn't understand what he said.
I remember what he said. You liberals are guilty of altering it.
Trump repeatedly said he would do things....not any specific things. You are the ones making the assumptions on what he meant.
That is the scary thing. Trump is rarely specific on the issues, his vagueness indicates he really doesn't have a plan at all
Those were your exact words. They were not open to interpretation. .
You made a false accusation regarding intent and reason for doing something, basically because you exercised your right to suck at trying to speak for someone else. THAT was your own false interpretation. (Changed those depends yet or did you just soil another pair?)
Those were your exact words. They were not open to interpretation. .
You made a false accusation regarding intent and reason for doing something, basically because you exercised your right to suck at trying to speak for someone else. THAT was your own false interpretation. (Changed those depends yet or did you just soil another pair?)
You didn't properly place your parentheses, therefore your argument is not valid. It no longer matters if you're correct in what you're saying, the focus will now be on your punctuation. Someone should report you for this.
It really is close enough. Trump essentially wants a religious test to immigrate or visit the US. That is pretty damn far out there (not to mention impossible).

It's close enough? Yeah, for a liberal.

It is not about religion. Syria is in the middle of a civil war and is a country that has inside it's borders a powerful terrorist group that has declared it WILL infiltrate the US as it did in France and WILL kill Americans, as they did Parisians. We now know that ISIS has it's own passport-maker. So common sense says it's pretty STUPID to admit Syrians into the country right now.

Trump, as well, is talking about a temporary halt to ALL 'immigrants' from coming into this country until the BROKEN 'thorough Obama administration vetting process' that just let terrorist into the country resulting in the deaths of 14 more Americans is FIXED. That alone destroys your false claim that Trump seeks to single out any 1 religion. Your accusation is what is 'pretty damn far out there' because it is based on ignorance and lies.

'Yeah, that's NOT REALLY what Trump said, BUT IT'S CLOSE ENOUGH'.
No, he SPECIFIED MUSLIMS. If he had said Syrians and other terrorist nations then there would not be a whole lot of controversy surrounding the issue. Instead he went for religion.

That makes his gasbag comment not only impossible to enforce but asinine. I still find it interesting that you would throw a huge hissy fit over those 14 deaths but no one is talking about banning cars or any of the other hundreds of things/reasons that kill 10 times that number per DAY.
Everyone knows you can't win a war by being nice.
Everyone know you don't stop terrorism by intentionally targeting & killing innocent women & children.

I think Trump said he would go after their families, not target them. Prosecute them.

Obama targets them.....has been for years.

I wonder how many weddings he's blown to smithereens with a Hell-fire missile.
You are either intentionally altering what he said to excuse it or you didn't understand what he said.
I remember what he said. You liberals are guilty of altering it.
Trump repeatedly said he would do things....not any specific things. You are the ones making the assumptions on what he meant.
Now I'm a liberal?

Some of you are insufferable
Yup - you DARED question a partisan here. That makes you a liberal. Welcome to the club :D

YES, yes he did specify Muslims.

Is there a massive push for refugees coming from Norway? Finland? Did CAIR or a Latino group declare they would infiltrate immigrants crossing the border of 'refugees' coming into the US then perpetrate terrorist attacks on the US? Did an IRISH group, Italian group, or Swedish group? Did any of those perpetrate 4 successful attacks in the US, perpetrate the attacks on France?

Was it reported recently that Greenland has it's own Passport-making machine and can make fake passports to get into the US? Were the people recently caught making sketched of US ports who happened to be on a certain list from Switzerland? Were they Buddhist Monks?

NO, they have all been MUSLIM. They have been from a nation in the midst of civil war, a nation that is the home of ISIS, a group that has sworn to invade this country and carry out attacks like the ones in France...and the one in Ca...and the one at Fort hood...and the one at the Boston Marathon...and the one in Chattanooga, Tn!

Yes Trump specified that considering all of these attacks are being perpetrated by MUSLIMS (and no, I do not think all Muslims are terrorists who want to kill us) and seeing as how our visa program is broken and the Obama administration couldn't catch a terrorist with a tattoo on his forehead that says 'I am a terrorist' with his FAILED vetting process, I agree with Trump that there probably should be a hiatus on allowing ANY Muslim or ANYONE from the nation where this civil war is being fought into the country FOR NOW - TEMPORARILLY...UNTIL our vetting process is FIXED. I especially believe we should NOT be IMPORTING terrorists, as Obama wants to do.

(Question: Will Liberals identify SEPARATE 'Sanctuary Cities' for Terrorists, or will the Terrorists just have to use the SAME Sanctuary Cities designated as such for violent and criminal illegal aliens?)
So because you got bitch slapped by the mods for something you thought someone else was doing you're now gonna do the very thing you were complaining about in my thread?

That's YOUR interpretation, granddad. I was just adding to the conversation when you wet your depends...
Those were your exact words. They were not open to interpretation.

You said he kept bringing up Bush so YOU reported him for off topic. And what are you doing here? Going off topic with talk about Obama.
Friendly bump to make sure everyone has the opportunity to see easyt65's ignorance. He likes to whine to the mods by his own admission if you go off topic in a thread but doesn't even recognize he is doing the same shit himself. When called out for it he gets mad and demands you change his adult diaper.
[QUOTETH "Grampa Murked U, post: 13046706, member: 30538"]

Build a wall
- A promise made over a decade ago, one that neither party has any intention of keeping but is instead a 'carrot' dangled in front of morons to get them to support Amnesty and other B$. 'No, SERIOUSLY - if you support Amnesty for THIS group of 10 million voters we will FINALLY build that wall so this never happens me."

Ban Muslims from America

Create a registry of Muslims
- CREATE ONE FOR EVERYONE ENTERING THE US ILLEGALLY OR REQUESTING A VISA. The govt simply releases illegals into the country...and forces us to pay for their 'relocation'. A BUNCH of suspected terrorists who had visas that were just revoked are now GONE - no one knows where. We need a database to identify and track these people, shared between ALL agencies - local, state, and Federal Law Enforcement.

Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
- Not what he said in the context you are impying, and nothing Obama hasn't been doing for years.

Ban or block the Internet
- An idea that has already been proposed by Liberals

Make America great like me
- If you mean uneducated and easily manipulated by propaganda then that too has been going on for years by both parties[/QUOTE]

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