Trump's plan for America


YES, yes he did specify Muslims.

Is there a massive push for refugees coming from Norway? Finland? Did CAIR or a Latino group declare they would infiltrate immigrants crossing the border of 'refugees' coming into the US then perpetrate terrorist attacks on the US? Did an IRISH group, Italian group, or Swedish group? Did any of those perpetrate 4 successful attacks in the US, perpetrate the attacks on France?

Was it reported recently that Greenland has it's own Passport-making machine and can make fake passports to get into the US? Were the people recently caught making sketched of US ports who happened to be on a certain list from Switzerland? Were they Buddhist Monks?

NO, they have all been MUSLIM. They have been from a nation in the midst of civil war, a nation that is the home of ISIS, a group that has sworn to invade this country and carry out attacks like the ones in France...and the one in Ca...and the one at Fort hood...and the one at the Boston Marathon...and the one in Chattanooga, Tn!

Yes Trump specified that considering all of these attacks are being perpetrated by MUSLIMS (and no, I do not think all Muslims are terrorists who want to kill us) and seeing as how our visa program is broken and the Obama administration couldn't catch a terrorist with a tattoo on his forehead that says 'I am a terrorist' with his FAILED vetting process, I agree with Trump that there probably should be a hiatus on allowing ANY Muslim or ANYONE from the nation where this civil war is being fought into the country FOR NOW - TEMPORARILLY...UNTIL our vetting process is FIXED. I especially believe we should NOT be IMPORTING terrorists, as Obama wants to do.

(Question: Will Liberals identify SEPARATE 'Sanctuary Cities' for Terrorists, or will the Terrorists just have to use the SAME Sanctuary Cities designated as such for violent and criminal illegal aliens?)

You first claimed it was not about religion and here you are stating it is about religion.

I have no problem with baring immigrants from terrorist nations. Trump has not said anything of the sort though. You can come from a terrorist nation just not if you are a Muslim. From the UK. And you are a doctor.

IOW, it is an asinine statement and , AGAIN, impossible to enforce.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading

Trumps ONLY plan has always been this.


And if you have figured this out yet, then you're some kind of special needs adult.

No candidate goes into a race doing the exact opposite of what he stated went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior. Donald Trump did. Trump is on several records blasting Republicans for losing in 2012, citing the reason for the loss was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right. G.W. Bush won with 44% of the Hispanic vote, Romney lost because he only captured 27% of that voting block.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants

After speaking with Bill Clinton, Trump jumps in this race and goes balls out on Hispanics, calling them every name in the book. He and his supporters have successfully chased off Hispanics, or 17% of the population right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the largest voting block representing 40% of the entire electorate. Historically the GOP nominee, since Reagan has to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is currently polling at a Negative 75%. In fact it is so bad right now, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see Republicans lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Donald Trump has made a FOOL out of every single one of his supporters. Regardless of who the nominee of the Republican party is going to be, this is going roll over onto them. Since the right wing of the Republican party chased off women in 2012, losing them by double digits, and younger women by a whopping 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton, and now another 17% of the population is in her column.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Therefore--the only outcome will be:

Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.
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Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Your party, buddy boy! You echoed the idiocy condemning anything that our President did, not because of policy disagreements, but because it was the President's policy. You created this bed, and you get to sleep in it. Your side is now siding with Putin against the US. You should be proud.
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Your party, buddy boy! You echoed the idiocy condemning anything that our President did, not because of policy disagreements, but because it was the President's policy. You created this bed, and you get to sleep in it. Your side is now siding with Putin against the US. You should be proud.
As asinine a statement as Trump's daily comments
Build a wall
Ban Muslims from America
Create a registry of Muslims
Kill innocent women & children to prevent terrorism (just unbelievable)
Ban or block the Internet
Make America great like me

And this fucking lunatic is leading
Your party, buddy boy! You echoed the idiocy condemning anything that our President did, not because of policy disagreements, but because it was the President's policy. You created this bed, and you get to sleep in it. Your side is now siding with Putin against the US. You should be proud.

Why is it that those that disagree with Obama cannot be doing so because they disagree with policy but they must simply be disagreeing 'because it was the President's policy.'
Before the 2008 presidential campaign, for example, Democrats were much more likely to raise concerns about electing an older presidential candidate. A February 2007 Pew poll showed, for instance, that 60 percent of Democrats said they would be less likely to support presidential candidates in their 70s — far more than Republicans (42 percent) and independents (43 percent).

These differences were presumably related to the prospects of John McCain, a top Republican presidential contender who would have been 72 when he took office. It’s not surprising, then, that 36 percent of Democrats said Mr. McCain was too old to be president in a September 2008 Pew pollcompared with 21 percent of independents and 11 percent of Republicans.

The same pattern of partisan differences over the importance of candidate age occurred in 1996 when Bob Dole was the Republican presidential nominee. A July 1996 CBS/New York Times poll found that 48 percent of Democrats thought Mr. Dole’s age (he would have been 73 upon taking office) was an obstacle to him being an effective president compared with 37 percent of independents and 17 percent of Republicans. And before Mr. Dole, it was Ronald Reagan (age 69 at his first inauguration) who Democrats suggested might be too old to be president.

Hillary would be 69 when she took office
Sanders would be 74.
based on the democrats reasons for discounting past candidates, I dont think we have to worry about either of these two winning.
Unless,, democrats are hypocrites as suggested?

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