Trump's poll numbers are inflated by at least 5% due to...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Never did I think the Left was going to completely lose its mind like this. The raw, uncontrolled hatred is just stunning. It's hard to put into words.

Here I was, all comfy in the thought the Dems would win back the House, maybe the Senate, and this Trump thing would start to lose its edge. And then, just when I get to that point, the entire Left has become completely fucking unglued. It seems like they're getting worse every freakin' day, unable to control themselves, willing to debase themselves for anything.

If the Dems blow this, they deserve whatever they get. This has to be helping Trump's numbers, at least a bit.
Estimated Approval Ratings:

Head Lice---------------------------------------------------------16%
Victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome--------12%
New York Media+ Wapo------------------------------------09%
Obama Deep State/DOJ/FBI------------------------------05%
Anyone not seeing what the democrats and RINOS are, what they have always been, and what they will always be are blind fools.

This is NOT republicans vs democrats. This is about those who see the free market as the best friend to the ambitious in the SERF CLASS.

I got caught up thinking that republicans were conservatives who truly believed in personal responsibility and promoted free market enterprise. I thought people like Mccain or Bush etc were not a part of this left wing globalist agenda.

I was wrong. ALL DEMOCRATS and ALL RINOS are ALL A PART OF THE PROBLEM. No exceptions.

All of them use the suffering of the innocent for political gain. The globalists need more and more people dependent. They need less and less people independent.

How can any rational thinker not see this?
I do believe it's preelection bedlam to set the odds for the bets...Gambling now being legal, place yer bets...
Anyone not seeing what the democrats are, what they have always been, and what they will always be are blind fools.

This is NOT republicans vs democrats. This is about those who the free market as the best friend to the ambitious in the SERF CLASS.

I got caught up thinking that republicans were conservatives who truly believed in personal responsibility and promoted free market enterprise. I thought people like Mccain or Bush etc were not a part of this left wing globalist agenda.

I was wrong. ALL DEMOCRATS and ALL RINOS are ALL A PART OF THE PROBLEM. No exceptions.

All of them use the suffering of the innocent for political gain. The globalists need more and more people dependent. They need less and less people independent.

How can any rational thinker not see this?
Hello Mr. Elite, but not as elite as The Don...
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
This is Sally Moyer----who texted 'f**k Trump and called President Trump's voters 'retarded'


NO---she is not a Crack Whore who knows nothing of Shampoo.....SHE IS AN F.B.I. AGENT!!!!!!!!!!*---an important one---she "interviewed" Hillary Clinton in the Tanked F.B.I. Investigation.

*Also, Moonlights giving Posture Lessons to Hunchbacks.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
They've never gotten it. Not for one minute.
The left have no choice but to stay the course, the only alternative would be for them to lie to voters about who they are and what policies they really support. Because they sure as hell are not going to change.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.

Many people don't get that WE DIDN'T WANT A PROFESSIONAL POLITICIAN for president. Hello the pro politicians have created a giant freaking mess, shit trade deals, $20 trillion in out of control debt, sky high taxes, roads and bridges gone to shit, a whopping $400 billion in government waste and fraud in a single year. Trump isn't perfect and he's not a polished lowlife scumbag professional politician HELLO that's why we elected him.

You think these so call professional politicians are any different from Trump when the camera is turned off? Hell no. They lie to you about who they are, at least with Trump we know who the guy is.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.
Yeah, well the fact you see Trump like the main stream media and hollywood see Trump, only means you are a part of it also.

Trump is nowhere near the disaster you and they are insinuating he is. Not close.

I asked a long time ago for the long list of documented racist comments made by Trump. Since it is sooooo plain and obvious there must be a whole lot of examples.

Never got ONE EXAMPLE. Yet, that is ALL THE LEFT CLAIM.

Go ahead and list the reasons he has been "such a disaster" as president. Is it the peace he made with NK? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for blacks? Is it the lowest unemployment rate for Hispanics? Lowest ever!

Give us the long list of examples of how Trump has been sooooo terrible. The whole way you put the question tells me you buy into the identity politics that you claim you are sickened by.

You are weird.
My opinions on Trump are based on what I have actually seen him say. What he actually does. What his party actually says and does.

Unless you're suggesting that the video of Trump I have seen was CGI and didn't really happen - I'll guess some winger websites would claim that - you're just wrong.

You're going to protect him no matter what. That's how hardcore partisans are on both ends. That's fine with me.
List the things he ACTUALLY DOES that is bad FOR THIS COUNTRY and then explain WHY IT IS BAD FOR THIS COUNTRY.
You know the list I would provide. And you would say it wasn't good enough.

Let's just save the effort, shall we?

So you got nothing and your defense is well gee you won't listen.
You do know you just illustrated my point, right?
Not only is the hardcore Left completely oblivious to the role it played in getting Trump elected, it's doubling down on all the same shit. TRIPLING down.

Maybe decaf until the elections are over. That might work.

There was a Dem party leader in Ohio right after the election saying he told left wing Dem's they were going to lose, but they didn't listen. And after they lost he told them see and they refused to believe the loss had anything to do with the left. The guy was about to go postal on his own party.
The democrats cannot stop using identity politics. They have gone way too far and done way too much damage. Long term irreversible damage.

Let me ask you a question. Really a rhetorical question to illustrate how bad it is.

When are we going to see the educational system, Hollywood (all entertainment) and the main stream media NOT push identity politics?

Give an example. Black "history month." When will schools bring up the Trans Sahara slave Trade? How about the Barbary coast slave trade? How about the numbers of black slave owners in this country and how many blacks fought for the confederacy?

No, it is ALL IDENTITY POLITICS and that ALL THEY ARE. They are not just going to stop. The funny thing is Mac is making fun of that stuff, but he also believes it. All at the same time. Read carefully what he says. He plays both sides but he is a socialist.
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