Trump's "preemptive" attacks on Clinton...

Perfect synopsis of Trump's "platform".....

Trump : More flip flops than a Beach side tourist shop in the Florida keys...

Yesterday I heard an interesting (and somewhat expected) report regarding our beloved Donald's flip-flop, that usual.....would not impact on his followers one iota.

Trump has of late argued that "global warming" is a total hoax (to the cheers of his dumbed-down and ignorant acolytes.)

HOWEVER, Trump's managers at his Ireland's golf resort have asked the respective county executives to approve the building of a sea-wall (yes, another wall) around the golf course because (as outlined in the written request) global warming seems to affect a constant rise in the ocean's levels, rises that could flood the golf course (paraphrased).....

Cute, ain't it......???

He has flip flopped on the Clinton s themselves...he is calling Bill a rapist but invited him to his wedding...he has also said some flattering things about both Bill and Hillary available on you-tube and elsewhere on the internet... I mean he is a true weather vane candidate ...
He has flip flopped on the Clinton s themselves...he is calling Bill a rapist but invited him to his wedding..

Great point......Why would a Christian, ethical Trump invite a "rapist" to his wedding? LOL
Wow, Trump really is the king of GOP conspiracies.

The GOP never did care about policy. They elected George W. Bush, the man who destroyed the economy and took us into Iraq. One they consider their most admired and successful president. With Trump, they hope to finish the job started under Bush.

With Trump we have to start unfucking all the fuck ups Obama has made. Much work to do there so Bush will have to wait


Examples??? Right wingers don't need any stinkin' examples. If Limbaugh and Hannity have concluded that Obama did nothing but fuck ups....then that's good enough for dim witted right wingers.
f Trump thinks this line of attack has merit, why bring it out now?

It'll be a worn out story in a month, with 4 months before the election. Nobody will be talking about this in October.

Agreed, and that is why I think that his smarter handlers must be telling him to shut the hell up...But, Trump being Trump, would probably (if he could) nominate himself also for the V.P. slot because of his arrogance and ego.
Agreed, and that is why I think that his smarter handlers must be telling him to shut the hell up...But, Trump being Trump, would probably (if he could) nominate himself also for the V.P. slot because of his arrogance and ego.
or John Miller for VP ...or John Baron... a 2 Fer
Nat,while Senetor and Secutary of State

Couple questions:
Why do dislike Hillary? What is she actually guilty off?
I was saying this to a few friends during the weekend.. Hillary has been on the presumptive future president nominee list for over two decades... The GOP/Right have been attacking her for this time...
But look at her track record, her approval ratings while Senetor and Sec. of State where high and for the later very high. While she is not the greatest campaigner, she is good at goverance. She is serious person for a serious job, she won't be doing Bill's Sax, GW folksyness or Obama singing... She got Bill for that, she is going to run the country...

As for Trump, he is still a lightweight... Hillary has him on actual daft stuff... Good example, he said he would cut $300bn of phara costs for the government, Medicare only spends $62 billion on pharma...
Hillary will go for the fisical conservatives,
'Ridiculous and frankly shameful': CNN’s Jake Tapper squelches Donald Trump’s 'outrageous' attack on Clintons

"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. "I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Tapper brought up the fact that five separate investigations all came to the same conclusion — that Foster was not murdered.

"The notion that this was a murder is a fiction born of delusion and untethered to reality and contradicted by evidence reviewed in at least six investigations, one of them by Ken Starr, hardly a Bill Clinton defender," Tapper said during the segment.

"To say otherwise is ridiculous, and, frankly, shameful," Tapper continued, adding that his scrutiny of Trump's comments wasn't "pro-Clinton" or "anti-Trump," but "pro-truth."
"I don’t bring [Foster] up because I don’t know enough to really discuss it," Trump told The Post. " I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair."

Which begs the question (regarding the above bolded part) WHO the hell does Trump hang around with???
Certainly not people to better advise him on how a decent president should act or know.....So basically, he is just hanging around tabloid journalists.

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