Trump's psychopathic behavior.....

But open to interpretation

True......right wingers have their own dictionaries and change definitions to suit their prejudices....Like racism is just a form of Darwinism.

Meh, considering your history and how utterly stupid you are anything you post means very little. You still don't recognize you get your ass handed to you on every thread you start. Think about it, toad
It was a surprise to hear Hilly saying that Trump hasn't paid any taxes. That was used on Romney with some success. Once the public learned what a lie that was, why would they use the very same nonsense in the very next election?
Because it worked last time? Because it may well be true this time?
I know, I know that picking on Trump seems a bit unfair, especially after last night's Donald's poor performance.

But, a trait of a psychopath (and I'm not talking about any criminal behavior...only SOCIAL behavior) is the ability and capability of lying and often not even knowing that you have lied......Here's an example from last night:

Hillary Clinton noted that Trump "paid nothing in federal taxes" in recent years.
"That makes me smart," Trump bragged.

Dana Bash (CNN):: “My question for you is, first of all, it sounds like you admitted that you hadn't paid federal taxes and that that was smart. Is that what you meant to say?

Trump: “No, I didn't say that at all.”

You judge.......
actually, he didn't say he didn't pay tax. He only stated that if that were the case, it would make him smart.
I don't think you have the proper credentials to diagnose somebody with a psychosis or schizophrenic to determine if they are a psychopath. But lets look at a few more indicators shall we?
A psychopath will put on the appearance of being friendly and likeable, even when they are not. Example might be Hillary pretending to be a nice person in public, yet when those around her in private recall her demeanor, they usually speak of an ignorant overbearing and just plain nasty woman.

They often think they are smarter and more important than they really are.
I think it only fare to say that both Hillary and Donald have exhibited signs of this behavior.
although, Donald does have the proof of wealth and business to back him up, Hillary not so much.

they will tell lies, little ones and big ones.
exiting a plane under sniper fire or Benghazi being caused by a video come to mind.

they are manipulative.
Again, both fit into this category to a certain extent,. Donald has to be manipulative in order to conduct business, Hillary is manipulative in order to maintain a life out of prison.
No feeling of guilt or responsibility for damage or trouble they have caused.
What difference does that make now? (ring a bell?)

lack of emotion
Hillary has never shown that she cares about anyone other than Hillary,
Donald at least claims he is going to try to get people back to work so they can support themselves.

they tend to depend on others to make them prosperous
Lets see, Donald built his own fortune starting with a loan that may or may not have been paid back.
Hillary was nothing, she married bill and he carried her to the top, she has stepped on people and used people all the way to get to where she is now. Left to her own resources 30 years ago, she would be flipping burgers somewhere in Arkansas today instead of running for president.

long term goals that are not possible
both Donald and Hillary fit this, although Hillary is a much better fit in this category.

There are a couple more things to look at in order to determine if further evaluation is warranted but these are a few of the main indicators.
My personal observation would be that while both seem to have traits that could be an issue, Hillary by far shows more of these traits and at a larger degree than Donald does.

Conclusion, since they are the only two actually running, would you rather have the one less or more stricken with this mental disorder.
Voting for Donald is the only reasonable answer.
actually, he didn't say he didn't pay tax. He only stated that if that were the case, it would make him smart.

Here's the exchange....

Hillary Clinton noted that Trump "paid nothing in federal taxes" in recent years.
"That makes me smart," Trump bragged.
actually, he didn't say he didn't pay tax. He only stated that if that were the case, it would make him smart.

Here's the exchange....

Hillary Clinton noted that Trump "paid nothing in federal taxes" in recent years.
"That makes me smart," Trump bragged.
I agree that it can be taken that way, but he did not actually say he paid no tax.
Sounded more like a jab at hillary if you ask me.

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