trump's Racist Words Can & Will Be Used Against Him In Court

a few random thoughts on race:

JFK played both sides of the race equation. Trump is doing the same to this day!

Republicans take advantage of the social conservatism of blacks.

JFK didnt want to alienate "the white base". 2016 was a referendum on working class white people.

black women have tried to save this country, and will be rewarded when Kamala is elected president in 2020!
What about a congressperson calling the President of the United States a MF in public? That's OK?

What about death cult members of Congress ranting about Jews?? That's real racism.

Don't see Congress censoring them or taking a vote on their racism.

What a bunch of cement headed hypocrites. Real racism doesn't mean a damned thing to them.
trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words. will actually help Trump...not hurt him, to say the least. If the court is smart enough, they would "listen" first before making any judgments.

trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words. will actually help Trump...not hurt him, to say the least. If the court is smart enough, they would "listen" first before making any judgments.


It already has.

They will listen but they will also not believe what they're told and remember all the things that trump has said.

Read the article.
a few random thoughts on race:

JFK played both sides of the race equation. Trump is doing the same to this day!

Republicans take advantage of the social conservatism of blacks.

JFK didnt want to alienate "the white base". 2016 was a referendum on working class white people.

black women have tried to save this country, and will be rewarded when Kamala is elected president in 2020!
Race bait much?
trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words.

Trump’s racist comments can be used against him in court as judges cite them to block policies

And that judge will get old and die. It makes no difference. Your wetbacks are having all the doors slammed in their faces. You should calm down. You have another 4 years of freaking the hell out after 2020.
"your wetbacks" racism here, folks.
trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words.

Trump’s racist comments can be used against him in court as judges cite them to block policies

And that judge will get old and die. It makes no difference. Your wetbacks are having all the doors slammed in their faces. You should calm down. You have another 4 years of freaking the hell out after 2020.
"your wetbacks" racism here, folks.

Not at all. Brown skinned folks who work for a living absolutely hate trash that come here illegally. If you went out and got a job instead of sitting on the couch all day you would know that. Latino Americans don't want illegals, and hate them more then I do typically.
Democrats are proving they are out of step with America when they go to court to block Trump's popular policies.

Trump wanted to protect us by enacting the Muslim ban, Dems filed a lawsuit.

Trump wants to stop invaders at the border by building a wall. Dems filed a lawsuit.

Trump wanted accurate data from the census. Dems filed a lawsuit.
trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words.

Trump’s racist comments can be used against him in court as judges cite them to block policies

Trump is not a racist.
Democrats are the racist
The Democratic Party's corruption and bigotry has alienated educated middle class voters.
Therefore the racist Democratic Party needs to import as many poor uneducated anti-American voters as possible.
Here is what's really racist
sanctuary cities are racist
open borders is racist
blocking voter ID laws is racist
refusing to accept that America is a sovereign country is racist
refusing to fund the border wall is racist
saying that we don't have a border is racist
abolishing ICE is racist
amnesty is racist
La Raza is racist
Brown Berets is racist
Aztlan Nationalist are racist
Mecha is racist
AOC is a racist....
trump's Racist Words Can & Will Be Used Against Him In Court

"in Court" that is some funny shit right there I tell ya.
trump doesn't have a good track record in court thus far and he's only hurting himself with his own words.

Trump’s racist comments can be used against him in court as judges cite them to block policies
1. those are ALL not races -Mexican/Haitian/etc --hahahhahahahahh
2. he NEVER said '''POC''' ---another hahahhahahahahahah
'''''So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......''''
3. he's not racist or said anything racist and you CAN'T prove it

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