Trump's Right---Census: Highest immigrant population in 100 years, over half Latinos

You are complaining about LEGAL immigrants...American citizens

And your problem is their SKIN color...
This is a serious national emergency. What is happening is colonization, not immigration! Our country, borders, language, and European culture and heritage is in peril. Open borders is of course to gain more Democrat votes, but more (MOST) importantly to effect, population replacement. It's imperative that the Wall gets built.

Census: Highest immigrant population in 100 years, over half Latinos

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

14% of your population is immigrants. So fucking what? What does it matter what colour they are?

Racism is a disease that is being eradicated. Go back under the rocks you crawled out from under.
Legal immigrants into this country are more than welcome. Illegal's need to leave.
This is a serious national emergency. What is happening is colonization, not immigration! Our country, borders, language, and European culture and heritage is in peril. Open borders is of course to gain more Democrat votes, but more (MOST) importantly to effect, population replacement. It's imperative that the Wall gets built.

Census: Highest immigrant population in 100 years, over half Latinos

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

14% of your population is immigrants. So fucking what? What does it matter what colour they are?

Racism is a disease that is being eradicated. Go back under the rocks you crawled out from under.

When we toss out the ILLEGALS that percentage may drop to 6%.
Racism is a may want to check with Mr. Smollett for further validation....dumbass.
Smollett has nothing to do with this other than his skin color

That seems to be your main issue
You are complaining about LEGAL immigrants...American citizens

And your problem is their SKIN color...

no hes knocking down all the bullshit that you guys keep saying.

like most immigrants aren't Hispanics or most are through visas and most come through ports of entry....all bullshot
Those lawns are not going to mow themselves
Before his death, Anthony Bourdain did a show on the service industry in LA.......he stated that the official figures were that 1 in 9 people living in Los Angeles was an illegal, working the service industry in lawn care, maid service, and restaurants.
This is a serious national emergency. What is happening is colonization, not immigration! Our country, borders, language, and European culture and heritage is in peril. Open borders is of course to gain more Democrat votes, but more (MOST) importantly to effect, population replacement. It's imperative that the Wall gets built.

Census: Highest immigrant population in 100 years, over half Latinos

Over a quarter of all American kids are of Hispanic descent. But by all means, keep up the hate hat boy

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