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Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things


At least Obama was elected by a majority of American voters. You have to go back to Bush senior before you have a Republican who became president this way.

You are a confused Moon Bat.

Excuse me Moon Bat but your bitch Crooked Hillary lost the election 306-237. The majority of the people that are eligible to vote for the President of the US under the Constitution didn't vote for her.

The Kenyan Catastrophe was elected by a coalition of all the greedy worthless dumbasses in this country. Blacks that voted their race and welfare checks, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, White Guilt Libtards, welfare queens, union thugs, Feminazis, illegals, Limousine Liberals, confused college kids and their despicable Marxist professors and communists. The scum of America.

The Kenyan was a one trick pony being a Negro. His soul brothers and sisters did not come out of the woodwork to vote for the Crooked Hillary piece of shit, did they? The union rank and file broke with their bosses to vote for Trump, didn't they? The Democrats have lost the Presidency, Congress and over a 1000 seats since that asshole Obama failed the American people.

Trump will fix many of the things that the Kenyan screwed up and he will do a Reagan like economic boom with lower taxes and less regulations and it will be a cold day in hell before the Democrats become a credible party again. They will probably lose as many seats during the Trump administrations as they lost when the Kenyan was President.

You silly little pink pussy hat wearying Moon Bats better get use to the new reality that the Democrat Party is kaput. It is good to see all you little turdbrains out on the streets acting little butt hurt spoiled assholes. The last time you dumbasses did that Nixon won by almost the largest landslide in American history.
If you think the Trump/ Russian scandal is beating a dead horse you're in for a huge surprise.
Our intelligence agencies confirmed Putin meddled for Trump'sbenefit.
The American people and the press won't let this explosive matter go.
Trump will be hounded about it until the truth is revealed or he steps down.

Our intelligence agencies showed that? Have any proof that anything Russia did benefited Trump? Do you have a list of voters that said they voted for Trump because of some stupid emails that most Americans don't even know what they contained?

You mean the emails that were printed in every major media outlet? lol!

Yes those emails. Ask anybody if they know what one said. Go ahead, just try it.
And the Trump's having their products made in China helps?

Stop deflecting; Trump didn't move 70% of the manufacturing of the US overseas, he did not import 900K workers from India, China and Russia to steal the jobs of americans through the disgusting H1B jobs' theft program, nor did he encourage 35 MM + illegals from Honduras, Nicaragua and mexico to walk across the border and destroy the wages of the working class in this country - corporate america did, and you liberals are doing their fucking bidding by supporting the open borders agenda of the NYT and national democratic party.

You want to help the working and middle class? Get the illegals out, and stop importing them in.

You want big welfare/SS/medicare programs and single payer health coverage? Get the illegals out, and stop importing them in. You can't have both big welfare programs and open borders, its one or the other.

Its taken YEARS for many liberals to start getting it into their heads to realize that the mass illegal alien invasion is destructive for the US on so many levels, and was THE reason Trump was elected.
The middle and working class do not want to do the jobs that the illegals do.

No, they don't, but they will if the pay is right and we drastically cut down on our social goodies for people physically and mentally capable of working.
No, I'm arguing it was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with some stupid video that nobody seen before. The problem is Hil-Liar nor Obama really gave a shit. In fact, DumBama went to bed so he could wake up for a fund raiser the next day in Vegas. That's how concerned he was.

The video was a scapegoat for them not being able to lead in a time of crisis. But that's typical for the Democrat party; always find somebody else to blame.

Except a lot of people saw it (or at least heard about it) and there were demonstrations all over the world about it.


So you can argue the video had nothing to do with the attack, but you'd look silly.

Also, 65 Americans in the BUsh years died in attacks on Embassies and diplomatic offices. So it's kind of silly for you to claim this was a unique thing that you should really, really be upset about.


An email sent to officials from White House foreign policy adviser Benjamin Rhodes — with the subject line, “goals” — shows the Benghazi narrative was: “To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

But it was a broader failure of U.S. policy.

CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell said in a written statement to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence a few days later: “The critically important point is that the analysts considered this a terror attack from the very beginning.”

Benghazi report points out Obama, Clinton lies
There were 13 Benghazi investigations run by your people and they all exonerated her. Thanks for proving how stupid you are.

Really, c-nt idiot asshole? 13? Prove it, dogshit.
Were you born yesterday?
Everything is always new and exciting to idiots like you. You would think a Rhodes Scholar would be better informed.

Note: I was off by a couple of investigations but you didn't even know she was exonerated.
Watch too much Fox News?

House Republicans Spent Millions Of Dollars On Benghazi Committee To Exonerate Clinton | The Huffington Post
If the spineless GOP Congress appoints a special prosecutor as Darrell Issa recommended and they find out what the country already suspects...
that Trump is up to his eyeballs with Putin and was involved with Putin tampering in our election... Trump is done and you'll always deny you supported that criminal.
The country has the right to know if their president is a crook.
They will somehow try to blame the whole affair on the liberals.

Of course. In the modern world people aren't taking responsibility for their actions, but always blaming others. Trump is doing it, Nationalism is all about blaming others.

Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.

Well, yes it is.

Hitler was a Nationalist, a Germanic Nationalist. He went around blaming the Jews and blaming the victors in WW1. He was probably right about the latter, but the former... well, that was scapegoating massively.

The Argentinian Junta used the Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas as a way of diverting attention away from their failing economic policies, blaming the UK. This was also done by the previous leader of Argentina, the female Kirchner.

Milosevic in Serbia went all the way back to 1389 to bring up hatred for Kosovo, and decided to decimate Kosovo of Kosovan Albanians, he also went to war with others, turning neighbors against neighbors.

Hutus and Tutsis ended up hating each other in Rwanda.

I could go on and on and on.

I understand that you think Trump's nationalism is about serving American people. However the problem is it won't. The US is strongest when dealing with other countries. It's got rich of doing that. Thinking that turning around and being internal will work is not based on fact at all.

Think of states who are internal. They're not at the top of the GDP pile.

You say "common sense", generally people use "common sense" when they don't have anything to back up their argument.

GDP per country.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

According to the IMF

You have Luxembourg in number one. A country which has open borders all around, a country which is very much external. A country with 44.5% foreign population. Then you have Switzerland, while not in the EU, it's in the Schengen Agreement, very much an international country, again, with a high number of foreigners. Then you have Norway, the same as what I said for Switzerland.

Wow. with hundreds of nations and thousands of years of history, you manage to find FOUR examples of nationalism being used by bad people for bad things, and one of those was actually tribalism.

Here are 3 good examples to counter yours.

1. US defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

2. US defeat of Soviet Union in Cold War.

3. Winning the Space Race by putting a Man on the MOon.

The exporting of jobs, and importing of cheap labor has NOT benefited America or Americans.

Making simple assumptions doesn't get you very far.

I didn't post every instance of Nationalism. I picked 4 very high profile ones.

As for your "counter" argument. I don't see an argument at all. Do you have a point to make? If so, you might want to try making it.
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
The number one reason democrats lost the election is on display right here.

It's also why they will lose again in 18

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves.

What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.
Were you born yesterday? Everything is always new and exciting to idiots like you. You would think a Rhodes Scholar would be better informed.

More personal attacks from the vanquished with no ability to argue - or an argument. You're so weak you don't even get to be a notch in my belt, weakie.

Note: I was off by a couple of investigations but you didn't even know she was exonerated.

So you admit you lied, big surprise there.

Watch too much Fox News?

Do you, turd? Don't even own a TV, little liberal monkey.
That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves. What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.

Conservatives don't need to do such things as "make themselves feel good" - we ALREADY know we are correct, as history massively supports us. True Conservatives that is, not the corporate wing turds of the GOP or the fake conservatives/RINOs like Lindsay Graham and his lunatic open borders agenda.
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
The number one reason democrats lost the election is on display right here.

It's also why they will lose again in 18

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves.

What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.
If I told you I honestly cared about your input or feelings on this?

I would be lying

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
Another one of those after-the-fact analyses of what most of us already know. Probably written by someone who thought President Trump never had a chance of winning.

How did the man that millions laughed at for so many months become President Donald Trump?

It’s actually fairly simple when you study it.

The Three Factors Fueling Trump’s Improbable Rise

1. A Frustrated Middle-Class

2. An Unscripted Personality

3. Ability to Control the Media Narrative

No wonder the elitist Leftists hate him so much!

Read more @ Articles: Trump's Rise Was Rooted in These Three Things
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
The number one reason democrats lost the election is on display right here.

It's also why they will lose again in 18

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves.

What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.
If I told you I honestly cared about your input or feelings on this?

I would be lying

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

Great, so this is what you feel. You're allowed to feel things that are wrong, it's okay. But you're still wrong.
Something I have been waiting for, for several decades, is for the White Working and Middle Classes to realize that Democratic Party has nothing but contempt for them, and for them to come to the Republican Party where they belong.

THis election was a good first step in that.
Both parties have nothing but contempt for the people
they are elected and constantly re elected to serve,
and could care less about the hole they've thrown our country into!

This election was about being tired of politicians
on both sides... nothing changes if nothing changes!
Stop deflecting; Trump didn't move 70% of the manufacturing of the US overseas, he did not import 900K workers from India, China and Russia to steal the jobs of americans through the disgusting H1B jobs' theft program, nor did he encourage 35 MM + illegals from Honduras, Nicaragua and mexico to walk across the border and destroy the wages of the working class in this country - corporate america did, and you liberals are doing their fucking bidding by supporting the open borders agenda of the NYT and national democratic party.

except none of those things are true.

83% of manufacturing jobs disappeared because they were replaced by automation and process improvement.

We imported 900K workers from other countries because we let the Rednecks in Texas write the Science books that don't talk about evolution. Can't get people STEM jobs if they don't understand the basics.

And you've been debunked about the 35 MM Illegal number many times. Where are the other 24 million hiding, under your bed?
They will somehow try to blame the whole affair on the liberals.

Of course. In the modern world people aren't taking responsibility for their actions, but always blaming others. Trump is doing it, Nationalism is all about blaming others.

Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.

Well, yes it is.

Hitler was a Nationalist, a Germanic Nationalist. He went around blaming the Jews and blaming the victors in WW1. He was probably right about the latter, but the former... well, that was scapegoating massively.

The Argentinian Junta used the Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas as a way of diverting attention away from their failing economic policies, blaming the UK. This was also done by the previous leader of Argentina, the female Kirchner.

Milosevic in Serbia went all the way back to 1389 to bring up hatred for Kosovo, and decided to decimate Kosovo of Kosovan Albanians, he also went to war with others, turning neighbors against neighbors.

Hutus and Tutsis ended up hating each other in Rwanda.

I could go on and on and on.

I understand that you think Trump's nationalism is about serving American people. However the problem is it won't. The US is strongest when dealing with other countries. It's got rich of doing that. Thinking that turning around and being internal will work is not based on fact at all.

Think of states who are internal. They're not at the top of the GDP pile.

You say "common sense", generally people use "common sense" when they don't have anything to back up their argument.

GDP per country.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

According to the IMF

You have Luxembourg in number one. A country which has open borders all around, a country which is very much external. A country with 44.5% foreign population. Then you have Switzerland, while not in the EU, it's in the Schengen Agreement, very much an international country, again, with a high number of foreigners. Then you have Norway, the same as what I said for Switzerland.

Wow. with hundreds of nations and thousands of years of history, you manage to find FOUR examples of nationalism being used by bad people for bad things, and one of those was actually tribalism.

Here are 3 good examples to counter yours.

1. US defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

2. US defeat of Soviet Union in Cold War.

3. Winning the Space Race by putting a Man on the MOon.

The exporting of jobs, and importing of cheap labor has NOT benefited America or Americans.

Making simple assumptions doesn't get you very far.

I didn't post every instance of Nationalism. I picked 4 very high profile ones.

As for your "counter" argument. I don't see an argument at all. Do you have a point to make? If so, you might want to try making it.

And I posted 3 high profile examples of Nationalism being a force for good.

Which disproves your earlier point that Trump being nationalistic is inherently bad. or about blaming others.
Something I have been waiting for, for several decades, is for the White Working and Middle Classes to realize that Democratic Party has nothing but contempt for them, and for them to come to the Republican Party where they belong.

THis election was a good first step in that.
Both parties have nothing but contempt for the people
they are elected and constantly re elected to serve,
and could care less about the hole they've thrown our country into!

This election was about being tired of politicians
on both sides... nothing changes if nothing changes!

The reactions of BOTH parties establishments to the populist revolt of Trump/Sanders strongly supports your assertion.

BUT, consider how the two separate but similar revolts played out.

In the Democrat Party the anti-people in the Establishment won and the party and their voters and even Sanders, the leader of the populist revolt fell into line, nice and docile like.

IN the Republican Party the people were outraged by the ant-people actions of the Leadership and flocked to Trump, and won the battle and large portions of the defeated Leadership is properly cowed and following the People like they should.

Of course the battle rages on.

If Trump's Presidency is defeated by the POlitical Class and the Deep State, nothing will change, expect to grow increasingly worse with time.

Blind skepticism is just as Blind as Blind Faith.

As I said, the White Working and Middle Classes belong in the GOP where their voice can be heard.
Of course. In the modern world people aren't taking responsibility for their actions, but always blaming others. Trump is doing it, Nationalism is all about blaming others.

Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.

Well, yes it is.

Hitler was a Nationalist, a Germanic Nationalist. He went around blaming the Jews and blaming the victors in WW1. He was probably right about the latter, but the former... well, that was scapegoating massively.

The Argentinian Junta used the Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas as a way of diverting attention away from their failing economic policies, blaming the UK. This was also done by the previous leader of Argentina, the female Kirchner.

Milosevic in Serbia went all the way back to 1389 to bring up hatred for Kosovo, and decided to decimate Kosovo of Kosovan Albanians, he also went to war with others, turning neighbors against neighbors.

Hutus and Tutsis ended up hating each other in Rwanda.

I could go on and on and on.

I understand that you think Trump's nationalism is about serving American people. However the problem is it won't. The US is strongest when dealing with other countries. It's got rich of doing that. Thinking that turning around and being internal will work is not based on fact at all.

Think of states who are internal. They're not at the top of the GDP pile.

You say "common sense", generally people use "common sense" when they don't have anything to back up their argument.

GDP per country.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

According to the IMF

You have Luxembourg in number one. A country which has open borders all around, a country which is very much external. A country with 44.5% foreign population. Then you have Switzerland, while not in the EU, it's in the Schengen Agreement, very much an international country, again, with a high number of foreigners. Then you have Norway, the same as what I said for Switzerland.

Wow. with hundreds of nations and thousands of years of history, you manage to find FOUR examples of nationalism being used by bad people for bad things, and one of those was actually tribalism.

Here are 3 good examples to counter yours.

1. US defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

2. US defeat of Soviet Union in Cold War.

3. Winning the Space Race by putting a Man on the MOon.

The exporting of jobs, and importing of cheap labor has NOT benefited America or Americans.

Making simple assumptions doesn't get you very far.

I didn't post every instance of Nationalism. I picked 4 very high profile ones.

As for your "counter" argument. I don't see an argument at all. Do you have a point to make? If so, you might want to try making it.

And I posted 3 high profile examples of Nationalism being a force for good.

Which disproves your earlier point that Trump being nationalistic is inherently bad. or about blaming others.

Not really, you posted three things about the USA.

USA under Roosevelt was not Nationalism.
USA in the Cold War was not Nationalism.
USA putting man on the moon was not Nationalism.

We're not talking just doing something to make your country look good here. We're not talking about thinking your country is good. We're talking NATIONALISM here.

Nationalism - Wikipedia

"It is a political ideology oriented towards gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over a territory of historical significance to the group (such as its homeland)."

This was not the USA. The US was not about gaining governance or sovereignty over territory for one particular group. The US has Nationalism to try an blend the various groups that exist in the US, but the government was not a Nationalist government at any point from WW2 onwards.

There are different types of Nationalism

Civil and Liberal Nationalism
Ethnic Nationalism
Religious Nationalism
Socialist Nationalism (no, not the Nazis)
Territorial Nationalism
Anti-Colonial Nationalism (which the US had in the early days)
Racial Nationalism

List of figures in nationalism - Wikipedia

Here's a list of Nationalist regimes in the 20th Century

And Trump has been put in for the 21st Century, but I'm not so sure

But certainly Roosevelt wasn't, nor Kennedy, nor anyone under the Cold War period.
Ignorance in his followers should be number 1.
The number one reason democrats lost the election is on display right here.

It's also why they will lose again in 18

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves.

What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.
If I told you I honestly cared about your input or feelings on this?

I would be lying

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

Great, so this is what you feel. You're allowed to feel things that are wrong, it's okay. But you're still wrong.
This from a libturd that no doubt denies that an abortion kills a child and so denies their rights and personhood. LoL. But, don't let that stop you from claiming the higher ground on TRUTH. MMMMKAY?

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
Nationalism is not about blaming others.

In this context it is about having American policy crafted to serve Americans.

Crazy talk to a lefty. Common sense for everyone else.

Well, yes it is.

Hitler was a Nationalist, a Germanic Nationalist. He went around blaming the Jews and blaming the victors in WW1. He was probably right about the latter, but the former... well, that was scapegoating massively.

The Argentinian Junta used the Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas as a way of diverting attention away from their failing economic policies, blaming the UK. This was also done by the previous leader of Argentina, the female Kirchner.

Milosevic in Serbia went all the way back to 1389 to bring up hatred for Kosovo, and decided to decimate Kosovo of Kosovan Albanians, he also went to war with others, turning neighbors against neighbors.

Hutus and Tutsis ended up hating each other in Rwanda.

I could go on and on and on.

I understand that you think Trump's nationalism is about serving American people. However the problem is it won't. The US is strongest when dealing with other countries. It's got rich of doing that. Thinking that turning around and being internal will work is not based on fact at all.

Think of states who are internal. They're not at the top of the GDP pile.

You say "common sense", generally people use "common sense" when they don't have anything to back up their argument.

GDP per country.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

According to the IMF

You have Luxembourg in number one. A country which has open borders all around, a country which is very much external. A country with 44.5% foreign population. Then you have Switzerland, while not in the EU, it's in the Schengen Agreement, very much an international country, again, with a high number of foreigners. Then you have Norway, the same as what I said for Switzerland.

Wow. with hundreds of nations and thousands of years of history, you manage to find FOUR examples of nationalism being used by bad people for bad things, and one of those was actually tribalism.

Here are 3 good examples to counter yours.

1. US defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

2. US defeat of Soviet Union in Cold War.

3. Winning the Space Race by putting a Man on the MOon.

The exporting of jobs, and importing of cheap labor has NOT benefited America or Americans.

Making simple assumptions doesn't get you very far.

I didn't post every instance of Nationalism. I picked 4 very high profile ones.

As for your "counter" argument. I don't see an argument at all. Do you have a point to make? If so, you might want to try making it.

And I posted 3 high profile examples of Nationalism being a force for good.

Which disproves your earlier point that Trump being nationalistic is inherently bad. or about blaming others.

Not really, you posted three things about the USA.

USA under Roosevelt was not Nationalism.
USA in the Cold War was not Nationalism.
USA putting man on the moon was not Nationalism.

We're not talking just doing something to make your country look good here. We're not talking about thinking your country is good.....d.

WWII recruiting poster.


That's nationalism.
The number one reason democrats lost the election is on display right here.

It's also why they will lose again in 18

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

That's complete rubbish. But I guess it make the right feel intelligent and good about themselves.

What you're saying isn't intellectually honest. Kind of ironic really.
If I told you I honestly cared about your input or feelings on this?

I would be lying

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

Great, so this is what you feel. You're allowed to feel things that are wrong, it's okay. But you're still wrong.
This from a libturd that no doubt denies that an abortion kills a child and so denies their rights and personhood. LoL. But, don't let that stop you from claiming the higher ground on TRUTH. MMMMKAY?

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.

Oh, wow, insults, I didn't get past the fourth word.

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