Trump’s SCOTUS is laying the smackdown….is this good for his reelection campaign?

And yet the latest member to the court doesn't even know what a "woman" is. Brilliant!!
She did not meet the 60 vote threshold either. Why didn't some brilliant Neo Republican ask her the difference between a female and a woman, if there is a difference?
She did not meet the 60 vote threshold either. Why didn't some brilliant Neo Republican ask her the difference between a female and a woman, if there is a difference?
Don’t all sane people know a woman is a female? That the two are synonymous?
She did not meet the 60 vote threshold either. Why didn't some brilliant Neo Republican ask her the difference between a female and a woman, if there is a difference?
If she couldn't answer the simpler question: "What is a woman" why confuse her with a compound question? She'd have to try to define both "woman" AND "female." I'm guessing that a question that difficult could lead to a mental breakdown or something.
If we were judging her and A J on the merits of their character and the contents of their achievements, A J would be raking her lawn.
If we were judging her and A J on the merits of their character and the contents of their achievements, A J would be raking her lawn.
And charging her $1000.00 per hour. She'd be too dumb to know the difference. Kinda hard to count to a thousand using just 10 fingers.
Trump, like any GOP’er will never gain the black vote as they’ll never offer enough free shit nor will they engage in the hate whitey, hate our history rhetoric that makes blacks all warm and fuzzy.

Then in what way could this help his reelection.
Then in what way could this help his reelection.
Fence-sitters always proclaim to be hardcore constitutionalists… I figured with the court getting things back to constitutional that might drive independents to vote Trump … No?
Fence-sitters always proclaim to be hardcore constitutionalists… I figured with the court getting things back to constitutional that might drive independents to vote Trump … No?
A few do, most do not. The decisions will hurt him deeply as voters cast their votes anywhere but for Trump.
Fence-sitters always proclaim to be hardcore constitutionalists… I figured with the court getting things back to constitutional that might drive independents to vote Trump … No?

As I said, some were good rulings, others were not. It was a mixed bag so I cannot see it swaying many people one way or the other
Just for shits and giggles which rulings were unconstitutional?

The one requiring a private business to give a religious accommodation unless the employer can show " substantial increased costs".

No where does the Constitution state that a private individual needs to give a shit about your religion.

So now the Govt cannot force a baker to make cake they do not wish to make, but they can make that same baker give people off so they can "worship".

It is bullshit.
Will independents, fence-sitters and moderates give credit to Trump for the recent rulings handed down by the high court or will they see the rulings a different way?
If Trump somehow miraculously gets elected again, he would be able to appoint more judges.

What do you think that does to motivate the Left?
If Trump somehow miraculously gets elected again, he would be able to appoint more judges.

What do you think that does to motivate the Left?
More judges to help get things back to a constitutional state?
What do you think that does to motivate fence-sitting fools?
The one requiring a private business to give a religious accommodation unless the employer can show " substantial increased costs".

No where does the Constitution state that a private individual needs to give a shit about your religion.

So now the Govt cannot force a baker to make cake they do not wish to make, but they can make that same baker give people off so they can "worship".

It is bullshit.

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