Trump's Sec of Labor Andrew Puzder opposes a $15 minimum wage, government regulation & Obamacare.

Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
Back in 1976 minimum wage was $2.10 an hour. McD's sold a hamburger, Fries , and small drink and that would only cost you 95 cents. A trans Am Firebird was $6,000 with a 400 cubic inch engine.
Today minimum wage is around $7.50 an hour. McD's hamburger, Fries and small drink are over $3.75 and if there was a Firebird it would be over $45,000. When minimum wage goes up, INFLATION goes up also, and the minimum wage earner still is a bottom feeder.

Minimum wage was created to be entry level employment, so college kids or elderly could earn extra cash. Today with liberals inflating dollars, giving welfare to those here illegally, even when minimum wage would go up to $15.00 an hour, soon all goods would go up also, and still the minimum wage employees, wouldn't have a livable wage. \

I used to be a minimum wage earner at McD's, never graduated from college, have created a fortune with skills developed while in the military, not sitting on my ass, complaining how unfair life is, because I only know how to flip burgers. I get sick and tired of shits, who never step up and use their God given gifts, but rely on the government to take care of their sorry asses.

If you want $15.00 as a livable wage, then you do NOT get anymore welfare.

Adjusted for inflation the minimum wage has FALLEN for 48 years.
The BS contents in you and most other liberals posts, adjusted for the lies they contain, are still overflowing with BS.

Show me where I've lied, or go eat a big Fuck you.
Look at most of your posts. There it is. All liberals make up crap just like you do.
Then when cornered:

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.
Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
Back in 1976 minimum wage was $2.10 an hour. McD's sold a hamburger, Fries , and small drink and that would only cost you 95 cents. A trans Am Firebird was $6,000 with a 400 cubic inch engine.
Today minimum wage is around $7.50 an hour. McD's hamburger, Fries and small drink are over $3.75 and if there was a Firebird it would be over $45,000. When minimum wage goes up, INFLATION goes up also, and the minimum wage earner still is a bottom feeder.

Minimum wage was created to be entry level employment, so college kids or elderly could earn extra cash. Today with liberals inflating dollars, giving welfare to those here illegally, even when minimum wage would go up to $15.00 an hour, soon all goods would go up also, and still the minimum wage employees, wouldn't have a livable wage. \

I used to be a minimum wage earner at McD's, never graduated from college, have created a fortune with skills developed while in the military, not sitting on my ass, complaining how unfair life is, because I only know how to flip burgers. I get sick and tired of shits, who never step up and use their God given gifts, but rely on the government to take care of their sorry asses.

If you want $15.00 as a livable wage, then you do NOT get anymore welfare.

Adjusted for inflation the minimum wage has FALLEN for 48 years.
The BS contents in you and most other liberals posts, adjusted for the lies they contain, are still overflowing with BS.

Show me where I've lied, or go eat a big Fuck you.
Look at most of your posts. There it is. All liberals make up crap just like you do.
Then when cornered:

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

Show me a lie. That's all I ask.
Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
Back in 1976 minimum wage was $2.10 an hour. McD's sold a hamburger, Fries , and small drink and that would only cost you 95 cents. A trans Am Firebird was $6,000 with a 400 cubic inch engine.
Today minimum wage is around $7.50 an hour. McD's hamburger, Fries and small drink are over $3.75 and if there was a Firebird it would be over $45,000. When minimum wage goes up, INFLATION goes up also, and the minimum wage earner still is a bottom feeder.

Minimum wage was created to be entry level employment, so college kids or elderly could earn extra cash. Today with liberals inflating dollars, giving welfare to those here illegally, even when minimum wage would go up to $15.00 an hour, soon all goods would go up also, and still the minimum wage employees, wouldn't have a livable wage. \

I used to be a minimum wage earner at McD's, never graduated from college, have created a fortune with skills developed while in the military, not sitting on my ass, complaining how unfair life is, because I only know how to flip burgers. I get sick and tired of shits, who never step up and use their God given gifts, but rely on the government to take care of their sorry asses.

If you want $15.00 as a livable wage, then you do NOT get anymore welfare.

Adjusted for inflation the minimum wage has FALLEN for 48 years.

Inflation has zero effect on the quality of work by entry level employees.
Secretary Puzder will follow 2 simple rules:

our trade deficit is a chronic drag on our growth and a total destroyer of our wealth and jobs.

Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
He loves robots and is good with hiring women by the size of their tits. Home Run.

The Trumpschmucks deserve this. Personally it works for me, though. LOL I love self check out, and cheap pizza ... I don't care about the boobs though. Well, they're nice to look at, but I have a daughter, which limits my naturally pig instincts.
Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
He loves robots and is good with hiring women by the size of their tits. Home Run.

The Trumpschmucks deserve this. Personally it works for me, though. LOL I love self check out, and cheap pizza ... I don't care about the boobs though. Well, they're nice to look at, but I have a daughter, which limits my naturally pig instincts.

I consciously shun the self checkouts 90% of the time.

Putznuts is the textbook example of a special interest. His anti-labor views are directly connected to his own money interests.
If there was a Hardees in my city, I'd stop by just to celebrate. This nomination is a fcuk you to every schmuck in rural PA and Oh who voted for the guy. LOL
I think over time you will discover that most of the Trumpbots' praises for what appeared to be Trump's pro-labor stances during the campaign will turn out to have been quite phony on their part,

and they will quite happily slide right into the old Republican establishment (as Trump is doing)

which is where most of them came from in the first place.
If there was a Hardees in my city, I'd stop by just to celebrate. This nomination is a fcuk you to every schmuck in rural PA and Oh who voted for the guy. LOL

This on top of Trump's bashing of the steelworker's guy the other day.

I'm confident labor is paying attention. Labor giveth and labor taketh away.
I think over time you will discover that most of the Trumpbots' praises for what appeared to be Trump's pro-labor stances during the campaign will turn out to have been quite phony on their part,

and they will quite happily slide right into the old Republican establishment (as Trump is doing)

which is where most of them came from in the first place.
In the South for sure. Trump was barely closeted in his racist appeal. But I think the folks who put him over the top in PA and OH had labor roots.
I think over time you will discover that most of the Trumpbots' praises for what appeared to be Trump's pro-labor stances during the campaign will turn out to have been quite phony on their part,

and they will quite happily slide right into the old Republican establishment (as Trump is doing)

which is where most of them came from in the first place.
In the South for sure. Trump was barely closeted in his racist appeal. But I think the folks who put him over the top in PA and OH had labor roots.

I cited it the day after the election or thereabouts.

The exit polls ask if you're from a union household. I call that the union vote.

In 2012, in Ohio, Obama won that union vote by 23 points.
In 2016 in Ohio, Trump won that union vote by 13 points.

That's a 36 point swing. That's the election in Ohio in one shift. That pattern played out similarly in other states in the so-called rust belt.
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination
This may be the first Sec. of Labor to be lynched by trade unionists. In fact, I don't know why he is being coy about it. He might as well just come out with a proposal to ban unions altogether.

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