Trump's Sec of Labor Andrew Puzder opposes a $15 minimum wage, government regulation & Obamacare.

Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
Maybe he'll name the Robots "Juan" and "Carlos" to tell Trump voters that Mexicans are taking their jobs to distract them
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.

This dude is staring at reality and yelling that its not.
Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
Don't you just love how these right wing assholes --- like the OP --- try to sneakily manipulate shit like the fact that puzder doesn't want ANY minimum wage increase? The scumbag would like to do away with the minimum wage altogether.

Sure, these bullshit thread titles work with their brain dead fellow nutters, but they are just idiots that roll with whatever they are spoon fed by other idiots. Most likely they have such poor reading and comprehension skills they can't even get past the subject line without causing themselves a headache.

It doesn't work with people who actually have a brain, and can see through their lies and think for themselves.
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.

This dude is staring at reality and yelling that its not.
"This dude" referring to yourself, of course.
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.

This dude is staring at reality and yelling that its not.
I dunno. He sees the half-truth he wants to see.

The dems have signed onto globalization and given up on saving high wage/low skill industrial maftring. The problem was that there is no other rational path. As the Boss wrote, "those jobs are going boys, and they ain't comin back."

Had the dems really really raised taxes on the .1% and 1% when they had 60 senate seats, and provided healthcare, retirement and more college/trade aid ... then we might be seeing something different. But, the paper losses people like Mitt showed, scared them too much. And that ship sailed. A supermaj is a once in a generation thing. It gave us medicare, but the dems squandered this one, and medicare will be sailing into the .1% greedy pockets soon.

Trump is rolling back overtime pay before he's even sworn in. We're already seeing the beginning of pay raises from full employment. But bet you're bottom dollar that the .1% gets the big "pay raise"
another home run by President Trump!
They should rename the cabinet position, as it sure as heck has nothing to do with working Americans.

Keep wages too low to live on, cut overtime, reduce health care, ensure the end of collective bargaining, end equal opportunity law, ...

Yet, the title makes it sound like someone, somewhere cared about workers!!
Andy Putzder favors robots and illegal aliens over American workers. Republicans should block his nomination

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.

This dude is staring at reality and yelling that its not.
I dunno. He sees the half-truth he wants to see.

The dems have signed onto globalization and given up on saving high wage/low skill industrial maftring. The problem was that there is no other rational path. As the Boss wrote, "those jobs are going boys, and they ain't comin back."

Had the dems really really raised taxes on the .1% and 1% when they had 60 senate seats, and provided healthcare, retirement and more college/trade aid ... then we might be seeing something different. But, the paper losses people like Mitt showed, scared them too much. And that ship sailed. A supermaj is a once in a generation thing. It gave us medicare, but the dems squandered this one, and medicare will be sailing into the .1% greedy pockets soon.

Trump is rolling back overtime pay before he's even sworn in. We're already seeing the beginning of pay raises from full employment. But bet you're bottom dollar that the .1% gets the big "pay raise"
:boohoo: your incessant whining never stops, does it
Putz opposes any minimum wage increase.
Back in 1976 minimum wage was $2.10 an hour. McD's sold a hamburger, Fries , and small drink and that would only cost you 95 cents. A trans Am Firebird was $6,000 with a 400 cubic inch engine.
Today minimum wage is around $7.50 an hour. McD's hamburger, Fries and small drink are over $3.75 and if there was a Firebird it would be over $45,000. When minimum wage goes up, INFLATION goes up also, and the minimum wage earner still is a bottom feeder.

Minimum wage was created to be entry level employment, so college kids or elderly could earn extra cash. Today with liberals inflating dollars, giving welfare to those here illegally, even when minimum wage would go up to $15.00 an hour, soon all goods would go up also, and still the minimum wage employees, wouldn't have a livable wage. \

I used to be a minimum wage earner at McD's, never graduated from college, have created a fortune with skills developed while in the military, not sitting on my ass, complaining how unfair life is, because I only know how to flip burgers. I get sick and tired of shits, who never step up and use their God given gifts, but rely on the government to take care of their sorry asses.

If you want $15.00 as a livable wage, then you do NOT get anymore welfare.
Yes - the idea is to get people off of welfare.

But, that happens when they get a wage that is sufficient for support. Also, I really see it working better when we aren't taxed to support those working for companies that then don't have to pay their employees a living wage.

In some places, $15 might be more than enough. In others, that still could be low.

I don't care what you did. I DO like that you did it, but you can't argue that everybody on minimum wage can follow your path. The military just isn't that big, and there are people who don't qualify for military service. So, you aren't presenting a solution when you talk about your own successes.

I dont think there is any action that Trump can take that Republicans wont agree with. Its come so far I dont think offending them is possible
Republicans are FOR cheaper workers. More profit, higher stock prices. Trump's just fine. Now the trump voters .... they're well and truly focked, but where's the surprise in that. LOL
You seem to be living in a time warp. Today it is the Democrats who want to bring in cheap labor from Mexico and beyond, send US factories south to increase corporate profits and stock prices and it is he Republicans who want to protect American workers from all this foreign cheap labor and keep American factories here. Since the Clinton administration the Democrats have demonstrated a studied indifference the problems of poor and working class Americans.

This dude is staring at reality and yelling that its not.
I dunno. He sees the half-truth he wants to see.

The dems have signed onto globalization and given up on saving high wage/low skill industrial maftring. The problem was that there is no other rational path. As the Boss wrote, "those jobs are going boys, and they ain't comin back."

Had the dems really really raised taxes on the .1% and 1% when they had 60 senate seats, and provided healthcare, retirement and more college/trade aid ... then we might be seeing something different. But, the paper losses people like Mitt showed, scared them too much. And that ship sailed. A supermaj is a once in a generation thing. It gave us medicare, but the dems squandered this one, and medicare will be sailing into the .1% greedy pockets soon.

Trump is rolling back overtime pay before he's even sworn in. We're already seeing the beginning of pay raises from full employment. But bet you're bottom dollar that the .1% gets the big "pay raise"
:boohoo: your incessant whining never stops, does it
Nor does your inanity, granny
You are going to throw 30mill off of their insurance ?

Well the 6 million or so can go back to there old insurance that obama threw them off of

No. That option doesn't exist anymore. The regulations making up the system that was in place before the ACA don't exist anymore.

Plus, people like what is in the ACA.

They like it so much so thats why the democrats lost in 2010,2014,2016

Yea ok buddy you say so..they were fucking happy with their old plan and old doctor...and that option exsists just get rid of obozo care and fuck the other few million people they didnt vote republican any ways

You are going to throw 30mill off of their insurance ?
They can become adults and BUY THEIR OWN insurance.

You idiots worry about the 20 million at the expense of the other 280 million.
Absolutely we do!! So does every other industrialized nation.

Every industrialized nation in the world provides food for those who can't afford food, too!

So, what gave you the idea that such a huge percent of the world population is comprised of "idiots"?
You are going to throw 30mill off of their insurance ?

Well the 6 million or so can go back to there old insurance that obama threw them off of

No. That option doesn't exist anymore. The regulations making up the system that was in place before the ACA don't exist anymore.

Plus, people like what is in the ACA.

They like it so much so thats why the democrats lost in 2010,2014,2016

Yea ok buddy you say so..they were fucking happy with their old plan and old doctor...and that option exsists just get rid of obozo care and fuck the other few million people they didnt vote republican any ways

No, you need to actually come up with a plan.

The pre-ACA regulations were deleted and don't exist anymore.

In fact, they would have required modification to keep up with advances in health care and how it fits with other programs America has, and obviously that hasn't been done - because they were DELETED!!

Trump and congress recognize that we aren't going to go back.

You just got duped by your own candidates - and you STILL don't know it!!

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