Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

The threat is only when BleachBit Hillary is unarmed....ordinary citizens are just peasants

That's how they massage the facts about Trump's fortune. They keep claiming he inherited it from his father when he was already a billionaire by the time his father died.
The man is insane. Encouraging the assination of his competitor ( Hillary ) is just a stutter step short of Stalins tactics.

Trump's Second Amendment Rhetoric Again Veers Into Threatening Territory

Donald Trump hit Hillary Clinton on Second Amendment rights during a Miami rally Friday night, but made a controversial statement while doing so — suggesting her Secret Service detail should stop carrying guns and "see what happens to her."

"Now, you know she's very much against the Second Amendment, she wants to destroy your Second Amendment — guns, guns, guns, right? I think what we should do is, she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before," the GOP nominee said, deviating from his prepared remarks on the teleprompter. "I think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons, they should disarm, right? I think they should disarm. Immediately, what do you think? Yeah, take their guns away. She doesn't want guns. Take their – let's see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It'll be very dangerous."

He's pointing out that the hypocrite Hitlary is protected by guns, he isn't threatening her you stupid fuck. Damn you people are gullible. And wow, you ever considered a diet?
That's how the Far Righties are, pwjohn. The only way they can deal with opposition is with violence.
Trump is dumb white trash.
Is that why you liberal shooters kill us in movie theaters, schools, night clubs, churches, malls, and other liberal gun-free zones....
Hillary invited the Pulse shooters father to the DNC
And Trump invited a known Pedophile/ Page raping and disgraced ex Florida Republican congressman Mark Foley! :D
Hillary believes in the 2nd amendment but as with ALL of the bill of rights, she believes the govt can regulate them, as the 2nd amendment states....

you have freedom of religion but if your religion says it's okay to have 10 wives, or required to marry 11 year old girls when you are 30 etc, or to kill a dog or cat as sacrifice, you don't have that freedom....

We have the right to free speech, but we can not yell FIRE in a theater when there is one....

we have the right to not incriminate ourselves, but if the gvt gives the suspect their Miranda rights, what is said by the suspect can and will be used against them by our gvt....

We have a right to privacy, but the govt dictates what that privacy is....

We have the right to bear arms, but you can NOT own a can't go in to a court room can't be armed in prison...etc...

ALL of these cases are constitutional rights...yet they are all regulated by our gvt...

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on.

But even more basic, what grade is your reading level?

2nd amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

If you could read your native language, you would realize that "well regulated militia" is an explanation, not a condition.

It says BECAUSE a well regulated militia is necessary to a free State, we have the uninfringable right to keep and bear arms. It does not say IF it's a regulated militia.

It's really sad having to point that out to an adult
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That's how the Far Righties are, pwjohn. The only way they can deal with opposition is with violence.
Trump is dumb white trash.
Is that why you liberal shooters kill us in movie theaters, schools, night clubs, churches, malls, and other liberal gun-free zones....
Hillary invited the Pulse shooters father to the DNC
And Trump invited a known Pedophile/ Page raping and disgraced ex Florida Republican congressman Mark Foley! :D

Mark Foley never raped anyone, and was writing to government pages who were not children. However, Billy BJ did a lot more than write to his page, Monica Lewinski. Aren't you glad you posted this lie?
She won't do it because he is right, and everyone of you screaming like little hurt bitches knows he is right. Good God just shut the fuck up already. He did not call for someone to shoot her. Pointing out hypocrisy, plain and simple.
Her security detail is the Secret Service, she doesn't pick them or pay them.....the same secret service as Trump gets for free.....they are not her own body guards....

He's an idiot!

I'm glad he's back in to being himself and off the teleprompter!!!! :D

Polls should be shifting in Hillary's favor again.
So, are you saying her security detail does not have guns since she is against them?
It's our security detail on her....

And trump is lying, she doesn't want to and never has even remotely suggested eliminating the second amendment.
No silly, hitlery wants to ban guns.....

Do you even listen to your hitlery? Or just blindly follow her like a sheep? :lol:
You kidding? Obama took all our guns already...

Snarky, stupid, no point. Your normal fare. He would have if he was able to, but he wasn't. How does that lead to your snotty conclusion?
That's how the Far Righties are, pwjohn. The only way they can deal with opposition is with violence.
Trump is dumb white trash.

That's how Far Lefties are, old biddy. The only way you can deal with opposition is with stupid. He's just pointing out her hypocrisy that she gets to be protected by guns, but we, her subjects, do not. I mean duh
Hillary believes in the 2nd amendment but as with ALL of the bill of rights, she believes the govt can regulate them, as the 2nd amendment states....

you have freedom of religion but if your religion says it's okay to have 10 wives, or required to marry 11 year old girls when you are 30 etc, or to kill a dog or cat as sacrifice, you don't have that freedom....

We have the right to free speech, but we can not yell FIRE in a theater when there is one....

we have the right to not incriminate ourselves, but if the gvt gives the suspect their Miranda rights, what is said by the suspect can and will be used against them by our gvt....

We have a right to privacy, but the govt dictates what that privacy is....

We have the right to bear arms, but you can NOT own a can't go in to a court room can't be armed in prison...etc...

ALL of these cases are constitutional rights...yet they are all regulated by our gvt...

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on.

But even more basic, what grade is your reading level?

2nd amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

If you could read your native language, you would realize that "well regulated militia" is an explanation, not a condition.

It says BECAUSE a well regulated militia is necessary to a free State, we have the uninfringable right to keep and bear arms. It does not say IF it's a regulated militia.

It's really sad having to point that out to an adult
registering the sale of guns is not infringing on your right to own one....doing a back ground check is not infringing on your right to own one....
Trump,Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway are laughing their asses
off at how easy it has been to get people to follow the con man Trump....

Whatever they throw out there the Tumpsters just eat up.
Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on
Time to go back to remedial English, boy


  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
A law, or constitutional right, can be regulated without being infringed upon
That's how the Far Righties are, pwjohn. The only way they can deal with opposition is with violence.
Trump is dumb white trash.
Is that why you liberal shooters kill us in movie theaters, schools, night clubs, churches, malls, and other liberal gun-free zones....
Hillary invited the Pulse shooters father to the DNC
And Trump invited a known Pedophile/ Page raping and disgraced ex Florida Republican congressman Mark Foley! :D

It's amazing how Hillary takes money from governments who murder gay men, then invites the father of the Pulse shooter to sit at the DNC.

Now you reply: a) Boooooooooooooosh, or b) Trump
Hillary believes in the 2nd amendment but as with ALL of the bill of rights, she believes the govt can regulate them, as the 2nd amendment states....

you have freedom of religion but if your religion says it's okay to have 10 wives, or required to marry 11 year old girls when you are 30 etc, or to kill a dog or cat as sacrifice, you don't have that freedom....

We have the right to free speech, but we can not yell FIRE in a theater when there is one....

we have the right to not incriminate ourselves, but if the gvt gives the suspect their Miranda rights, what is said by the suspect can and will be used against them by our gvt....

We have a right to privacy, but the govt dictates what that privacy is....

We have the right to bear arms, but you can NOT own a can't go in to a court room can't be armed in prison...etc...

ALL of these cases are constitutional rights...yet they are all regulated by our gvt...

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on.

But even more basic, what grade is your reading level?

2nd amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

If you could read your native language, you would realize that "well regulated militia" is an explanation, not a condition.

It says BECAUSE a well regulated militia is necessary to a free State, we have the uninfringable right to keep and bear arms. It does not say IF it's a regulated militia.

It's really sad having to point that out to an adult
registering the sale of guns is not infringing on your right to own one....doing a back ground check is not infringing on your right to own one....

Registering is definitely infringing on your right. So you willing to apply your standard for the second to the first? You have to register and pay a fee to have free speech or freedom of religion? What about freedom from illegal search and seizure, you OK with registration and a fee for that?

Also, I don't want government to know what guns I have. Why should I have to tell them if I did nothing wrong?

My issue with background checks is that I don't want them recording the check and I want people who fail it to be arrested. Right now it is an infringement because there's no consequence, it's just a hurdle to buy guns legally
Hillary believes in the 2nd amendment but as with ALL of the bill of rights, she believes the govt can regulate them, as the 2nd amendment states....

you have freedom of religion but if your religion says it's okay to have 10 wives, or required to marry 11 year old girls when you are 30 etc, or to kill a dog or cat as sacrifice, you don't have that freedom....

We have the right to free speech, but we can not yell FIRE in a theater when there is one....

we have the right to not incriminate ourselves, but if the gvt gives the suspect their Miranda rights, what is said by the suspect can and will be used against them by our gvt....

We have a right to privacy, but the govt dictates what that privacy is....

We have the right to bear arms, but you can NOT own a can't go in to a court room can't be armed in prison...etc...

ALL of these cases are constitutional rights...yet they are all regulated by our gvt...

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on.

But even more basic, what grade is your reading level?

2nd amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

If you could read your native language, you would realize that "well regulated militia" is an explanation, not a condition.

It says BECAUSE a well regulated militia is necessary to a free State, we have the uninfringable right to keep and bear arms. It does not say IF it's a regulated militia.

It's really sad having to point that out to an adult
registering the sale of guns is not infringing on your right to own one....doing a back ground check is not infringing on your right to own one....

Oh so you support a background check and ID for voters
Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on
Time to go back to remedial English, boy


  1. actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
A law, or constitutional right, can be regulated without being infringed upon

That's just stupid, tottie poo. To regulate is specifically to limit a right while uninfringed means unlimited. The only exception is due process as the Constitution specifically states as the standard for limiting someone's liberty. I've never been even arrested much less convicted of a crime. There is no basis to limit my rights
Hillary believes in the 2nd amendment but as with ALL of the bill of rights, she believes the govt can regulate them, as the 2nd amendment states....

you have freedom of religion but if your religion says it's okay to have 10 wives, or required to marry 11 year old girls when you are 30 etc, or to kill a dog or cat as sacrifice, you don't have that freedom....

We have the right to free speech, but we can not yell FIRE in a theater when there is one....

we have the right to not incriminate ourselves, but if the gvt gives the suspect their Miranda rights, what is said by the suspect can and will be used against them by our gvt....

We have a right to privacy, but the govt dictates what that privacy is....

We have the right to bear arms, but you can NOT own a can't go in to a court room can't be armed in prison...etc...

ALL of these cases are constitutional rights...yet they are all regulated by our gvt...

Another sad product of government schools. Yeah, they put in the second amendment that government can regulate a right they can't infringe on.

But even more basic, what grade is your reading level?

2nd amendment: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

If you could read your native language, you would realize that "well regulated militia" is an explanation, not a condition.

It says BECAUSE a well regulated militia is necessary to a free State, we have the uninfringable right to keep and bear arms. It does not say IF it's a regulated militia.

It's really sad having to point that out to an adult
registering the sale of guns is not infringing on your right to own one....doing a back ground check is not infringing on your right to own one....

Oh so you support a background check and ID for voters

Yes, of course she does. Those don't infringe on anyone's rights, she just said so. What do you think the odds are this standard is about to change ...
The Republican Convention, where Trump accepted that party's nomination, was a gun-free zone. They needed their safe space. I say let the pussies have their safe space but they should keep their yappers shut when it comes to others. Sorry Republicans, the rest of the country has 2nd amendment rights, which we know you really despise, but you'll have to live with it. People need guns to protect themselves from YOU.

Go find your safe space.
That's how the Far Righties are, pwjohn. The only way they can deal with opposition is with violence.
Trump is dumb white trash.
Is that why you liberal shooters kill us in movie theaters, schools, night clubs, churches, malls, and other liberal gun-free zones....
Hillary invited the Pulse shooters father to the DNC
And Trump invited a known Pedophile/ Page raping and disgraced ex Florida Republican congressman Mark Foley! :D
Clinton invited menendez and or course, himself...:lol:
The Republican Convention, where Trump accepted that party's nomination, was a gun-free zone. They needed their safe space. I say let the pussies have their safe space but they should keep their yappers shut when it comes to others. Sorry Republicans, the rest of the country has 2nd amendment rights, which we know you really despise, but you'll have to live with it. People need guns to protect themselves from YOU.

Go find your safe space.

Yes, clearly crimes in this country are committed mostly by Trump supporters. What a fucking retard. Oh, and here you go:


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