Trumps Staff Forgets to Register Plane, FAA Grounds It

For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet
Yor a serious dumbass.

Trump doesn't fly in a Cessna....

He flies in a Boeing 757-200 registration #N757FA.

Indeed. The last I heard, Trump had eight airplanes. He has been using the Boeing for the last 6-8 months.
Where was Drumpf on 7/11??
For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet
AND he's changed 9/11 into 7/11 ,,,what an idiot He should fire himself

Are you talking about Obama's many gaffes or Biden's?
Try to pay attention, if you can, asshole. The whole thread is about trump. Damn, you are stupid.

Just pointing out your obvious double standards and hypocrisy. Sorry if that makes you angry, you'll get over it.
For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet
AND he's changed 9/11 into 7/11 ,,,what an idiot He should fire himself

Are you talking about Obama's many gaffes or Biden's?
Try to pay attention, if you can, asshole. The whole thread is about trump. Damn, you are stupid.
Nope....this thread is about retards trying to elect Hillary.
Dude, you've been getting the shit kicked out of you this whole thread. Just tuck your tail and run.
Only in your mind, numbnuts.

I kicked the crap out of your ass and it's not my fault you're so dishonest you can't admit it.

I checked the registration number on Trump’s Jet and it didn't match the one in the op. The OP even linked to the story that admitted that his campaign jet isn't the plane mentioned. There isn't any proof that the Registration matches any aircraft belonging to Trump. We just have to take some jackass's word for it. Well I feel that after all of the lies the media has told us, I have plenty reason to not take everything they say at face value. has been proved by Factcheck that there really are 57 states.
Speaking of factcheck
Certainly, many politicians stretch the truth – the practice of political fact-checking began long before the 2016 election cycle. But none so much as Trump. These untruths – strung together as they are in all of his speeches – have helped drive one of the most rapid ascents in modern presidential campaign history. Stephen Colbert once invented a word to define the political discourse of the time. “Truthiness,” the comedian declared on his debut episode in 2005, was the truth as felt in one’s heart and gut, not what was written up in reference books. A decade later, Trump has taken the idea and run (for president) with it.

The Trump campaign did not respond to attempts to get comment for this story or these individual instances of inaccuracies.

Here’s POLITICO’s run-down of a week in the life of a Donald Trump fact-check:



“$500 billion a year trade deficit with China.” (March 7 rally in Concord, N.C., and at least four other times last week)

That’s overstating the case by $134 billion. The imbalance peaked at $366 billion in 2015.

“You have Japan, where the cars come in by the hundreds of thousands, they pour off the boats. ... [W]e send them like nothing. We send them nothing, by comparison, nothing.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C. and at least one other time)

The United States exported $62 billion worth of goods to Japan last year.

“We have a trade deficit with Japan of over $100 billion a year.” (March 8 victory press conference in Jupiter, Fla. and at least one other time)

The trade deficit with Japan in 2015 was about $69 billion.

“We’re losing our jobs and the politicians don’t tell you that.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

Politicians from both parties rail against unemployment and outsourcing. For example, the Obama White House in 2012 put out a fact sheet with “outsourcing” in the title.

“We don’t win at trade. We lose to everybody at trade. Trade we lose to everybody.” (March 11 in St. Louis)

In 2015, the U.S. had trade surpluses with a number of countries including Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the UAE and Australia.

“Remember we used to have Made in the USA, right? When was the last time you’ve seen it? You don’t see that anymore. You don’t see that anymore.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

The U.S. Economics and Statistics Administration authored a report called “What Is Made In America?” in 2014 that found that U.S. manufacturers sold $4.4 trillion of goods that classify as “Made in the U.S.A.” Manufacturing contributes $2.17 trillion to the U.S. economy and employs 12.33 million Americans.

“We have lousy health-care, where it’s going up 35, 45, 55 percent.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

Premiums rose by an average of 5.8 percent a year since Obama took office, compared to 13.2 percent in the nine years prior, Politifact found in October.

“If you look at the jobs reports, which are totally phony, because if you stop looking for a job you are essentially considered employed.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

In the way the unemployment rate is calculated, discouraged workers who give up on looking for a job leave the workforce so they don’t count toward unemployment, but they don’t count as employed either.

“I know there are some companies where the people were full time for 25 years. Now they’re part-timers and they go out and get another job, and that has to do solely with Obamacare.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C. and at least one other time)

There are many reasons Americans tend to change jobs more often and work on a part-time basis more than they used to, and the trend predates Obamacare.

Read more: Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
Yet this same source graded Hillary more honest than everyone else running.



Give me a friggen break!!!!!!
you're very selective in who and what you believe,,Hill is more honest than liars like drumpf
Spare me. Hillary hasn't been honest since she first popped out of the womb. She claims she's never lied, blamed her husband's activities on a vast rightwing conspiracy....knowing full well she was lying. Anyone in Arkansas can tell you she's full of shit.
She claimed everyone had a private server and that it was legal...but it turns out the only communication from Colan Powell that wasn't on the State Department servers was less than a dozen emails on Gmail that he neither deleted or tried to hide.
Obama said that we would save $2500 each because of the ACA. That turned out to be patently false. My premiums have tripled since it went into law, and I have less coverage because of it. Every time I see the doctor they tell me of yet another treatment that is no longer covered. But I can get a sex-change and free birth control. What was the Gruberism? He said they used "Tortured Language" to write 900 pages of the ACA, basically lies, to trick people into thinking they were getting this great deal....only to find out they were getting fucked. Obama’s giving free medical to "refugees" instead of the people that were forced to pay for it.

So STFU about Trump. Nothing that is said during a campaign is 100 true....I don't care who it is. If it weren't for lies some of them wouldn't be able to open their mouths.....Hillary included. But her lies have mattered more, because if she doesn't lie, she's going to end up doing the perp - walk in an orange pantsuit.
Her lies worse than gwb's lies about the iraq war???

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!! has been proved by Factcheck that there really are 57 states.
Speaking of factcheck
Certainly, many politicians stretch the truth – the practice of political fact-checking began long before the 2016 election cycle. But none so much as Trump. These untruths – strung together as they are in all of his speeches – have helped drive one of the most rapid ascents in modern presidential campaign history. Stephen Colbert once invented a word to define the political discourse of the time. “Truthiness,” the comedian declared on his debut episode in 2005, was the truth as felt in one’s heart and gut, not what was written up in reference books. A decade later, Trump has taken the idea and run (for president) with it.

The Trump campaign did not respond to attempts to get comment for this story or these individual instances of inaccuracies.

Here’s POLITICO’s run-down of a week in the life of a Donald Trump fact-check:



“$500 billion a year trade deficit with China.” (March 7 rally in Concord, N.C., and at least four other times last week)

That’s overstating the case by $134 billion. The imbalance peaked at $366 billion in 2015.

“You have Japan, where the cars come in by the hundreds of thousands, they pour off the boats. ... [W]e send them like nothing. We send them nothing, by comparison, nothing.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C. and at least one other time)

The United States exported $62 billion worth of goods to Japan last year.

“We have a trade deficit with Japan of over $100 billion a year.” (March 8 victory press conference in Jupiter, Fla. and at least one other time)

The trade deficit with Japan in 2015 was about $69 billion.

“We’re losing our jobs and the politicians don’t tell you that.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

Politicians from both parties rail against unemployment and outsourcing. For example, the Obama White House in 2012 put out a fact sheet with “outsourcing” in the title.

“We don’t win at trade. We lose to everybody at trade. Trade we lose to everybody.” (March 11 in St. Louis)

In 2015, the U.S. had trade surpluses with a number of countries including Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the UAE and Australia.

“Remember we used to have Made in the USA, right? When was the last time you’ve seen it? You don’t see that anymore. You don’t see that anymore.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

The U.S. Economics and Statistics Administration authored a report called “What Is Made In America?” in 2014 that found that U.S. manufacturers sold $4.4 trillion of goods that classify as “Made in the U.S.A.” Manufacturing contributes $2.17 trillion to the U.S. economy and employs 12.33 million Americans.

“We have lousy health-care, where it’s going up 35, 45, 55 percent.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

Premiums rose by an average of 5.8 percent a year since Obama took office, compared to 13.2 percent in the nine years prior, Politifact found in October.

“If you look at the jobs reports, which are totally phony, because if you stop looking for a job you are essentially considered employed.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C.)

In the way the unemployment rate is calculated, discouraged workers who give up on looking for a job leave the workforce so they don’t count toward unemployment, but they don’t count as employed either.

“I know there are some companies where the people were full time for 25 years. Now they’re part-timers and they go out and get another job, and that has to do solely with Obamacare.” (March 7 in Concord, N.C. and at least one other time)

There are many reasons Americans tend to change jobs more often and work on a part-time basis more than they used to, and the trend predates Obamacare.

Read more: Trump’s Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
Yet this same source graded Hillary more honest than everyone else running.



Give me a friggen break!!!!!!
you're very selective in who and what you believe,,Hill is more honest than liars like drumpf
Spare me. Hillary hasn't been honest since she first popped out of the womb. She claims she's never lied, blamed her husband's activities on a vast rightwing conspiracy....knowing full well she was lying. Anyone in Arkansas can tell you she's full of shit.
She claimed everyone had a private server and that it was legal...but it turns out the only communication from Colan Powell that wasn't on the State Department servers was less than a dozen emails on Gmail that he neither deleted or tried to hide.
Obama said that we would save $2500 each because of the ACA. That turned out to be patently false. My premiums have tripled since it went into law, and I have less coverage because of it. Every time I see the doctor they tell me of yet another treatment that is no longer covered. But I can get a sex-change and free birth control. What was the Gruberism? He said they used "Tortured Language" to write 900 pages of the ACA, basically lies, to trick people into thinking they were getting this great deal....only to find out they were getting fucked. Obama’s giving free medical to "refugees" instead of the people that were forced to pay for it.

So STFU about Trump. Nothing that is said during a campaign is 100 true....I don't care who it is. If it weren't for lies some of them wouldn't be able to open their mouths.....Hillary included. But her lies have mattered more, because if she doesn't lie, she's going to end up doing the perp - walk in an orange pantsuit.
Her lies worse than gwb's lies about the iraq war???
Which lies are those?

Are you faggots gonna use WMDS as an excuse for all eternity?

"Yeah.....well.......BOOSH didn’t find any there!!!"
I ALMOST want to see drumpf president...I'd love seeing republicans choking on their own feces Like they did with boooosh the AH
For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet
Yor a serious dumbass.

Trump doesn't fly in a Cessna....

He flies in a Boeing 757-200 registration #N757FA.
Correct, Trump does not fly in his private Cessna jet.
It's been grounded by the FAA for failure to register.
Are you really this stoopid????

For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet
Yor a serious dumbass.

Trump doesn't fly in a Cessna....

He flies in a Boeing 757-200 registration #N757FA.
Correct, Trump does not fly in his private Cessna jet.
It's been grounded by the FAA for failure to register.
Are you really this stoopid????
Trump exiting his Cessna Jan 23. That's the problem with Trump followers, they're like Jim Jones followers.
View attachment 72312
Link the pic or stfu..Dickhead.
For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet

The article fails to explain why the registration is late.
Probably because he doesn't fly in a pos Cessna very often. It's probably in a hanger somewhere covered with Pigeon poop.
Trump has this crazy habit of frugal spending. Why re-register an aircraft he rarely expects to use....

You have no idea what you're talking about. His Cessna offers something his 757 can't. Versatility.
If you say so.

How many journalists is he gonna be able to cram onto a Cessna during a presidential campaign?

How many one stoplight towns do you think they can land a 100,000 pound 757 at?

Hint, hint. The answer is none.
I found this online......apparently the FAA claims they sent the notice to Trump, but sent notice to the previous owner instead:

The F.A.A. warned Mr. Trump that the Cessna’s registration was set to expire, records show.

On Dec. 1, DJT Operations CX LLC, the limited liability company owned by Mr. Trump that operates the Cessna, received a “final notice” from the F.A.A., according to records reviewed by The Times.

Then, on March 1, DJT Operations CX was notified that the registration had expired.

“The aircraft’s registration and airworthiness certificates no longer support the aircraft’s operation,” the F.A.A. wrote in its March letter.

These notices, records show, were sent to National Registered Agents; it is not a company Mr. Trump owns. Rather, it is the Delaware firm that was listed as the “registered agent” when DJT Operations CX was incorporated in 2012, the year Mr. Trump bought the plane.
Donald Trump’s Jet, a Regular on the Campaign Trail, Is Not Registered to Fly
Clearly it is the fault of the FAA that Trump didn't have his plane registered. lol
For the worlds smartest business man he sure has a lot of morons working for him. Plus his own kids didn't even get to vote for him because they forgot to register to vote.

Oops. Someone might get fired over this one. The plane which Donald Trump sometimes uses to jet from campaign event to campaign event has been grounded. It can’t fly. Not because of anything mechanical, but because of a serious paperwork problem. According to records obtained by The New York Times, the Cessna jet has been flying with an expired registration for nearly two months. An FAA official put a stop to this on Wednesday, telling the plane’s pilot that the jet is going to have to stay put until it’s re-registered.

“F.A.A. inspectors have contacted the chief pilot of N725DT about the aircraft’s expired registration. The aircraft’s owner is currently working with the F.A.A’s Aircraft Registry and will re-register the aircraft before further flight,” said FAA spokesperson Laura J. Brown in a statement to The Times.

No More Flying, FAA Grounds Donald Trump’s Jet

Since I'm confident Dump will lose, I'm not to worried about his "experts" being any less competent than Hitlery's sycophants.
Clearly it is the fault of the FAA that Trump didn't have his plane registered. lol sure looks like that.

Had the same thing happen to me.....a business license was issued to me by the county, but turns out they shouldn't have. The application needed to go to the state. Problem is....the laws were in transition during the time of my application when new regulations came down. The county should have sent me to the state to apply for a license......but instead issued me a license that was not valid. I didn't know this of course. Then some schmuck who wanted to take my business reported this to the state.....the state walked in one day and closed the doors. Started demanding copies of all of my transactions. Used up my toner and reems of paper on my copier. Turns out the error (by the county) was discovered and that I could have sued them. They quietly offered an out of court settlement to keep me from suing their balls off.
Trump has this crazy habit of frugal spending. Why re-register an aircraft he rarely expects to use....

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Sure he knows what he is talking about. His cult leader had a screw ups within his staff and now he must spin and lie to deflect from the issue.
I would be interested in it if his Trump Force One was grounded......but obviously it wasn't.

This is what they call a red herring.

A non-issue.
Stop your whining. Shrug your shoulders and ignore the failure of his staff.
Sorry, spermlips.....this is another red herring, just like when Trump said we need to build a wall is supposed to be racist. Or Islamophobic for wanting to properly screen Syrian refugees that have no damn business coming here in the first place. What's the rush to bring them here for if not to transport terrorists into the United States.

CBS claimed today that Trump Force One was grounded, a boldfaced lie. You people are perpetrating a fraud. That's all this is, you sniveling cocksuckers.

Oh come on now. It's not all that.
Clearly it is the fault of the FAA that Trump didn't have his plane registered. lol

It HAD TO BE someone else's fault. Dump only surrounds himself with great brilliant winners, they love him cause he's a winner too, and they're great and they're going to do such a great job, you're going to get so sick of what great jobs they're doing you're going to destroy one of our embassies yourselves you'll be so sick of how competent these great people are who love Dump.

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