Trump's "Standing Order" for Declassification: Complete Bullshit

So actual named persons are anonymous "as far as you're concerned".

You people are certifiable
Nice try. I don't care whom you name. You are hanging on a thread here, actual verifiable PROOF is more important than anecdotal he said-she said allegations. You don't have that. THAT, friend, was my point.
Hey moron
Gotta keep it on a level you can understand.

That's 18 members of his Admin
You guys are slipping up, only 18 RINO spies this time? Still waiting for you to show me a picture of Trump in leg-irons. Lemme guess: any day now right, Doosh-nozzle?

Save your TDS, flunky, at least I was smart enough not to vote for Joe Aneurysm.

Nice try. I don't care whom you name. You are hanging on a thread here, actual verifiable PROOF is more important than anecdotal he said-she said crap. You don't have that.
WHAT the fuck are you saying. Those were his Chiefs of Staff. Had that been a standing order when they were there...they would have known about it.

So who do you have that HAS heard of this standing order?
Oh, let's see what NPR and Politifact said back in 2017, shall we?

WITTES: Well, so the president controls classified information. The - almost the definition of classified information is material the president wants to protect. So if the president wants to disclose it, he gets to disclose it. And disclosures that would be a very serious crime if anyone else did them are almost certainly not if the president does them. So, you know, if the question is, is there a criminal problem here, the answer is almost certainly not.

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The President is the head of the Executive Branch. As such, he is the utmost authority on classification of documents.


Trump is in legal jeopardy having nothing to do with whether the documents were de-classified or not – this is nothing but a red herring.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he failed to properly secure national security and military intelligence documents.
Trump can declassify anything he wanted while president.
Just as all other presidents have done.

It doesn't need to be a written order or law either. It can be verbal.
It's part of the prestige of the presidential office.

The information or the declassified information just cannot leave the country.
Precisely. The other part of this scam is that DOJ will refuse to clarify ANYTHING about the accusations against him. They will follow the same plan they used for 4 years and the hateful unibrows that cheered them on in their quest will reliably back them up. This will likely make its way up to SCOTUS because even if they manage to indict and get the trial in overwhelmingly democrat DC, a conviction under those circumstances will boost his popularity to the point where he cannot be beaten.

They still believe that a conviction on some federal statute is sufficient to overcome the clear language in the Constitution regarding qualifications for the office of POTUS. Idiots... They'll still be saying he took "nuclear secrets" for years to come. That's how they roll. ANYTHING he is accused of, no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary, is forevermore a true story in their hate fevered minds. FOK 'em and the media they rode in on.
WHAT the fuck are you saying. Those were his Chiefs of Staff. Had that been a standing order when they were there...they would have known about it.

So who do you have that HAS heard of this standing order?
Dude, you tell ME what possible reason the feds raided Mar-a-logo. I am not seeing a justifiable reason.
Great. Still no evidence that he ever actually declassified anything

Oh and based on the charges in the doesn't matter anyway

Even if all the documents were de-classified, Trump is still in violation of the law.
Trump is in legal jeopardy because he failed to properly secure national security and military intelligence documents.
The same FBI agents who raided him were there a couple of weeks before and saw everything he had and made no move to take it. They told him to add a lock and he did. Seems to me that makes THEM complicit as well.

Trump is in legal jeopardy having nothing to do with whether the documents were de-classified or not – this is nothing but a red herring.

Trump is in legal jeopardy because he failed to properly secure national security and military intelligence documents.
"Irrelevant" would be a good screen name for you.
Trump can declassify anything he wanted while president.
Just as all other presidents have done.

It doesn't need to be a written order or law either. It can be verbal.
It's part of the prestige of the presidential office.

The information or the declassified information just cannot leave the country.
You obviosly have no idea what you are talking about
Dude, you tell ME what possible reason the feds raided Mar-a-logo. I am not seeing a justifiable reason.
Illegal possession of Top Secret SCI documents...for starters
Lets see, the FBI subpoena was hush hush, the affidavit redacted to infinity and nobody bats an eye over that? Raiding the home of a former president for vague reasons because...they say so? Sorry, that doesn't work anymore.

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