Trump's supporters really do fit the mold of the stereotypical republican

Trump has built a constituency of low information Republicans, racists and bible thumpers

Seems to be working so far
If Trump's constituency is as you say, then what is Hillary's constituency made up of?

Glad you asked

Labor, women, minorities, gays, urban population
That is a lot of idiots.

If your beloved Cankles wins, it will only prove how successful the left has been in dumbing down America.

You are the poster doufus for the Dumb American.
Trump has built a constituency of low information Republicans, racists and bible thumpers

Seems to be working so far
Exactly, look how many of them on this site love him. And this site is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
They are uneducated (stupid), poor, and old white men.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Sure, lacking a college education doesn't necessarily mean you are stupid, but I'm sure we call all agree the large majority of stupid people are uneducated.

It all makes sense considering Trump - an 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body - only has the support he has based on his rhetoric of Muslims and illegal immigrants. An actual intelligent person would care about, you know, actual policy ideas? Intelligent people would want to know HOW their favored candidate would grow the economy, boost wages, defeat ISIS, improve international relations, and deal with Putin in a diplomatic (mature) manner.

Of course any intelligent person wouldn't vote republican at all because they know cutting taxes for the wealthy will not do jack shit to create jobs for the poor and middle class. They would also know that dealing with ISIS or Russia would require a complex and nuanced strategy that would go beyond simply hinting that we should drop a goddamn nuke.

Rubio supporters fit the mold of drooling drunks. They like ass droppings of open border billionaire donors.
Trump has built a constituency of low information Republicans, racists and bible thumpers

Seems to be working so far
Exactly, look how many of them on this site love him. And this site is literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Nah the bottom of the barrel is ricky ricardo licking up the feces of open border billionaire donors.

Let me check....nope Trump supporters are still the very bottom.
They are uneducated (stupid), poor, and old white men.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Sure, lacking a college education doesn't necessarily mean you are stupid, but I'm sure we call all agree the large majority of stupid people are uneducated.

It all makes sense considering Trump - an 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body - only has the support he has based on his rhetoric of Muslims and illegal immigrants. An actual intelligent person would care about, you know, actual policy ideas? Intelligent people would want to know HOW their favored candidate would grow the economy, boost wages, defeat ISIS, improve international relations, and deal with Putin in a diplomatic (mature) manner.

Of course any intelligent person wouldn't vote republican at all because they know cutting taxes for the wealthy will not do jack shit to create jobs for the poor and middle class. They would also know that dealing with ISIS or Russia would require a complex and nuanced strategy that would go beyond simply hinting that we should drop a goddamn nuke.
That's weird.....because it appears his strongest supporters are registered Democrats.

Trump’s strongest Republican supporters: Registered Democrats?

As a matter of fact, Trump is strongest in New York.
I'd rather be considered uneducated, than to need a safe zone if I get offended. Colleges have become a liberal joke that rips young people off.
They are uneducated (stupid), poor, and old white men.

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Sure, lacking a college education doesn't necessarily mean you are stupid, but I'm sure we call all agree the large majority of stupid people are uneducated.

It all makes sense considering Trump - an 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body - only has the support he has based on his rhetoric of Muslims and illegal immigrants. An actual intelligent person would care about, you know, actual policy ideas? Intelligent people would want to know HOW their favored candidate would grow the economy, boost wages, defeat ISIS, improve international relations, and deal with Putin in a diplomatic (mature) manner.

Of course any intelligent person wouldn't vote republican at all because they know cutting taxes for the wealthy will not do jack shit to create jobs for the poor and middle class. They would also know that dealing with ISIS or Russia would require a complex and nuanced strategy that would go beyond simply hinting that we should drop a goddamn nuke.
That's weird.....because it appears his strongest supporters are registered Democrats.

Trump’s strongest Republican supporters: Registered Democrats?

As a matter of fact, Trump is strongest in New York.
My grandson pointed this out and said this guy (mudwhistle) is most of the far right: they make up thing and fail to connect facts and outright lie.

Trump is the lowest among the GOP candidates with crossover appeal, in fact.
I think it's the threat to their monolithic doctrine of PC that upsets them.
This PC crap you go on about is so stupid. You Trump peons are the only idiots who parrot it. I don't give a shit if Trump is "PC" or not. Either way he is a moron who is completely incompetent for any level of public office.

The irony is reading drek like Billy's and then getting preached to about how smart "they" are..... hint... 12 year degree in basket weaving doesn't make one smart.
The fact remains that the great majority of Americans earn more with post high school vocational and college training.

Anyone who suggests that is not so is a loon.

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