Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

It was mandatory for Trump to turn over his taxes to the Ways and Means Committee as they engaged in investigative and legislative processes.

It is partisan political like all of the failed attacks on Trump.
For you to feign anything else is highly disingenuous, but this is who you are!!
You should hear the multi millionaires on Faux News like Lumpy Sean howl over restoring IRS funding which their buddies like Lyin Ted slashed. They're scared shitless & outraged that THEY may face an audit. And of course gullible idiots nod in agreement when aholes like Lumpy Sean claim that the IRS is coming for THEM, i.e. the middle class which is total bullshit.
Who says that legislation being drafted or put forward is the threshold of Congressional investigative and legislative processes?

Not the court.

Your pseudo-legal standard has no relevance to this issue as they aren't the standards that Congress is held to.

Feel free to point to the word "investigate" in Article 1.

And we've reached the part where you ignore the judiciary and insist that you know better.

Show me in Article 3 where the judiciary can ignore the mandates of the Constitution. I don't think you understand want the "supreme law of the land" means.

Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

Do you have any idea what the word "voluntary" means?

Show me in Article 3 where the judiciary can ignore the mandates of the Constitution. I don't think you understand want the "supreme law of the land" means.


Who says that the Judiciary ignored the mandates of the constitution?

You've lost the debate on whether the Ways and Means Committee has the authority to release Trump's tax returns. Of course they do.

"The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome. It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes."

What mandate of the constitution was ignored......and according to who?

Let me guess? You citing you as a supreme legal authority again?
Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

What we see is that Trump was lying about his taxes being ‘audited.’
I don't care wtf you want.
I don't expect you do, but I still don't think you read it and I'm not going to wade through your wild goose chase to find your answer. If you want us to what you are talking about, please be a little more clear.
I don't expect you do, but I still don't think you read it and I'm not going to wade through your wild goose chase to find your answer. If you want us to what you are talking about, please be a little more clear.
Here is something for yous to argue with.
awwww. How's that workin' out for ya?? TRUMP"S TAXES!!!! WE GOT IT!!!

awwww. How's that workin' out for ya?? TRUMP"S TAXES!!!! WE GOT IT!!!

Notice there have been no nuclear revelations from MSM?

Merry Christmas, assholes.
I'm thinking....we need to see the Biden family taxes. particularly Joke, Humpers and Taco Jill's.

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