Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

Trump is arguably the most audited person on the planet.
He's been continually audited by every Federal Agency you can name for years, and they haven't found anything to use against him for prosecution.
Nothing, nada, zilch, zip, zero
But the looney liberal Democrats keep trying and trying. .. :bang3:
you make a good point…nobody has been vetted more then him…so far the most they got is he raised money for vets, but had his campaign instead of his foundation hand the money out, so NY came after his charity…and the other thjng being his company gave out too many benefits to his employees and didn’t account for it correctly….two things that would be a nothing burger if he hadn’t beat clinton.
Biden has not released his tax returns.

How about Biden's corporate tax returns? Where are they?
Biden has not released his tax returns.

How about Biden's corporate tax returns? Where are they?
he continues not to release them…two decades of trump’s were released…along with his personal ones, by the NYT years ago.

what is xiden hiding?
The court addressed that law, word for word. And found that the Rules of the House of Representatives allowed for the disclosure to the public with a vote by the committee.

"However, despite no guarantee of confidentiality in the Chairman’s Request, the statute does address the Trump Parties’ concerns. “[A]ny return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.” 26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)(1). What occurs during an executive session of a committee may not be disclosed to the public without a vote of the committee. Rules of the House of Representatives, 117th Cong., Rule XI, cl. 2(k)(7) (2021).

And the SCOTUS upheld the ruling above......without a single dissent.

Laughing....but tell us again how no court has ever found that Trump’s tax returns can be released to the public.

For the giggles.

........the house cannot just make rules that violate the law.....are you suggesting that if a law says that one thing, that congress can simply just create a rule that negates that law?
Trump taxes have been released and it shows that he was gaming the system ... like a whole lot of wealthy people do. That's why those people have a slew of CPAs who know the tax code better than the head of the IRS. Where's the link to Russia that we've heard & read for years would be discovered with the release? Another case of something full of sound and fury signifying nothing. To quote Marvin the Martian, "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom."
Trump taxes have been released and it shows that he was gaming the system ... like a whole lot of wealthy people do. That's why those people have a slew of CPAs who know the tax code better than the head of the IRS. Where's the link to Russia that we've heard & read for years would be discovered with the release? Another case of something full of sound and fury signifying nothing. To quote Marvin the Martian, "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom."
By "gaming the system" you mean he was following the law. On the other hand, Hunter and Joe were breaking the law. You can't claim you paid $50k/month in rent if your landlord doesn't report it on is taxes.

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