Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon

YOUR opinion, Elmo.

WRONG AGAIN, buttwipe. Better go look up your facts. Not one of them released them under threat of prosecution if they didn't otherwise, not until the Democrat gestapo Brownshirt thugs invaded our country.
Toodumb, do you know what VOLUNTARY means. All Presidents since Nixon have released their taxes VOLUNTARILY. Trump chose not to for some reason. What was the reason.
Toodumb, do you know what VOLUNTARY means.
Of course. It means someone didn't use a court like the gestapo as a witch hunt to steal private information you didn't want shared with your enemies. Trump is not only not in office but has been gone from office for two years! So what possible need does anyone have NOW to justify stealing his returns? Ahha: In case he tries to run AGAIN, to do EXACTLY what the democrats impeached Trump for in 2019 claiming HE was trying to do. Do you know what hypocritical double-standard means, El Crudo?

All Presidents since Nixon have released their taxes VOLUNTARILY.
So, 9 out of 46 VOLUNTEERED them, less than 20%--- not because of any law saying they had to.

Trump chose not to for some reason.
And the fascist democrat gestapo told Trump that he doesn't have that same right to choose to volunteer or not like the other 45.
Of course. It means someone didn't use a court like the gestapo as a witch hunt to steal private information you didn't want shared with your enemies. Trump is not only not in office but has been gone from office for two years! So what possible need does anyone have NOW to justify stealing his returns? Ahha: In case he tries to run AGAIN, to do EXACTLY what the democrats impeached Trump for in 2019 claiming HE was trying to do. Do you know what hypocritical double-standard means, El Crudo?

So, 9 out of 46 VOLUNTEERED them, less than 20%--- not because of any law saying they had to.

And the fascist democrat gestapo told Trump that he doesn't have that same right to choose to volunteer or not like the other 45.
Laws are usually written because people refuse to conform to societal norms. Without bad actors there would not be a need for laws.

I predict there will be a law requiring the President to provide their recent tax return and all returns during while in office.

Biden provided his returns. if he did not expose any monies from foreign governments he will be subject to prosecution. Legal tax returns provide information we all should have to understand where the President's money is coming from.
Laws are usually written because people refuse to conform to societal norms.
Idiot, laws are written to DEFINE societal norms! How can you conform to something unless you all agree on what those norms ARE, first? Blindly, you've managed to clumsely stumble upon the essence of the very central flaw of the Left--- In their mad passion to get Trump and every male Trump child for seven generations of TDS, they've exposed who they really are. They object to the "Rightwing" for merely wishing to always error on the safe side of preserving and respecting the very societal norms our fathers have taught us to obey for 20 generations! And some would say effectively, 200 generations, while the Left have flagrantly shown contempt for the accepted norms throughout history for a new one they just invented a few years ago, more akin to Caligula's last reign.

Without bad actors there would not be a need for laws.
Without laws, you'd have no definition for bad actors as the very meaning of being a "bad actor" is someone who steps beyond the boundaries of the Law!

Biden provided his returns.
Gee, I'm glad that someone has finally listed something about his being in office that I can admit is actually NOT a NEGATIVE accomplishment!
Who says that the Judiciary ignored the mandates of the constitution?

You've lost the debate on whether the Ways and Means Committee has the authority to release Trump's tax returns. Of course they do.

"The Trump Parties insist that the Request imposes too great a burden because it threatens to expose private financial information of the Trump Parties and will deny the Trump Parties their due process rights by interfering with an ongoing audit. These certainly are burdens on the Trump Parties. As discussed above, should the Committee find it necessary, it is possible that the information turned over to the Chairman might be made public. This is certainly inconvenient, but not to the extent that it represents an unconstitutional burden violating the separation of powers. Congressional investigations sometimes expose the private information of the entities, organizations, and individuals that they investigate. This does not make them overly burdensome. It is the nature of the investigative and legislative processes."

What mandate of the constitution was ignored......and according to who?

Let me guess? You citing you as a supreme legal authority again?

You've already admitted the word investigate appears nowhere in article 1, beyond that, see the 10th amendment. It's pretty clear, if the Constitution doesn't grant an authority to any branch of the feds to do something, it simply doesn't exist.

Trump's taxes to be released to the public just like every President since Nixon.
If there is nothing big to expose, why did he not want them released.
We will see.

Not like any other president, NAZI. They weren't released voluntarily.
Laws are usually written because people refuse to conform to societal norms. Without bad actors there would not be a need for laws.

I predict there will be a law requiring the President to provide their recent tax return and all returns during while in office.

Biden provided his returns. if he did not expose any monies from foreign governments he will be subject to prosecution. Legal tax returns provide information we all should have to understand where the President's money is coming from.
Laws that are not agreed to are no societal norms, NAZI.
Idiot, laws are written to DEFINE societal norms! How can you conform to something unless you all agree on what those norms ARE, first? Blindly, you've managed to clumsely stumble upon the essence of the very central flaw of the Left--- In their mad passion to get Trump and every male Trump child for seven generations of TDS, they've exposed who they really are. They object to the "Rightwing" for merely wishing to always error on the safe side of preserving and respecting the very societal norms our fathers have taught us to obey for 20 generations! And some would say effectively, 200 generations, while the Left have flagrantly shown contempt for the accepted norms throughout history for a new one they just invented a few years ago, more akin to Caligula's last reign.

Without laws, you'd have no definition for bad actors as the very meaning of being a "bad actor" is someone who steps beyond the boundaries of the Law!

Gee, I'm glad that someone has finally listed something about his being in office that I can admit is actually NOT a NEGATIVE accomplishment!
People without morals and ethics need laws to to determine societal norms.
Your statement about societal norms proves you lack morals and ethics. You are so stupid, you don't realize your own statements show what a pathetic human you are.
So Blue's statement, "Fuck off, fascist loser!!" is in the Constitution? The fact you think "Fuck off, fascist loser!!" is a legal argument is amazing.
People like Bripat redefine stupid.
I never said anything like that, douchebag.

I love the was you make up things I never said and then call me stupid because of those things. Can a person get any sleazier than that?
People without morals and ethics need laws to to determine societal norms.
Ha! Now you just agreed with me and diametrically contradicted yourself! :auiqs.jpg: EVERYONE needs laws to determine societal norms by which morality and ethics are defined.

Your statement about societal norms proves you lack morals and ethics.
Your statement proves you are a lying idiot brainless ass.

You are so stupid, you don't realize your own statements show what a pathetic human you are.
You are so pathetically stupid, you need to resort to ad hominems to cover for the fact that you've never had a single smart thing to say in your entire life. :banana:
The 4th Amendment, moron.

That's the stupidest thing you've said in a while. Tax returns are documents that are prepared and turned over to the government. You're literally arguing that the government can't look at documents that have been turned over to the government.

Yes, yes they can.

Remember, you're clueless. It tends to hamper your legal arguments.

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