Trumps team says PUNISH HILLARY NOT THE RUSSIANS.....And here we go


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
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Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
There is not one bit of evidence that Russia did anything, except in Obabbles babbles. Remember when Obabble told us that Trump would never get elected? Why is this more credible? It's not

LOL nothing Obabble says has any meaning, Trump will toss his sanctions, Fuck Irans reactor, and burn Obabblecare for Mexicans.

It;s over kid
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Can we get a little jail time for the snake in the Oval Office who actually told illegal aliens to vote, and there'd be no penalty?
Russia interfered in the election, and HRC should be punished for what in the election?
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.
She didn't do the same for Trump, so yes she played favorites.
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton
. It's true that there was a huge concerted effort on the liberal/leftist/democrat side of things, to manipulate the American electorate into thinking that Trump was a baffoon and not suited for office, and therefore it had no choice but to elect Hillary by default. But when Trump tapped into the American's common sense, and their understanding of what was going on, then this is when the manipulating and the influencing by any ways or any means nessesary went into overdrive on the democrats side. Obama has allowed the corruption of the old order within the democrap party to trash his transparency pledge from the get go, and from of his administration foward. Once corrupted or corrupt, it's almost impossible to get away from it (just gets worse and worse), and the Democrats having to use so much spin to cover their bull crap up in their daily operations, has led them right to where they are right now as a party on the outs with the American people.
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?

Blue collar, working men got Trump elected..get it straight:slap:
. And we know how democraps hate the blue-collar working class in this country, and how they loved stealing their money through heavy over burdening taxes in order to fund all kinds of added bull crap in which the American working class would never have agreed to if asked.
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?

I have asked this question before----but none of my beloved fellow cyberspace
family has answered. Here it is again------why would POOOTIN want Trump
to be president rather than the charming HILLARY?
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?

I have asked this question before----but none of my beloved fellow cyberspace
family has answered. Here it is again------why would POOOTIN want Trump
to be president rather than the charming HILLARY?
. I know right.. They just got to have a boogeyman to attach to Trump because nothing else was working. Well they figure they achieved their goal of attaching their Boogeyman to Trump, and one that will keep the Americans guessing about for years to come, but isn't this what they wanted ?? If they hadn't tried so much prior to this, then Putin might be looked at more seriously upon this one issue, but who at this point believes anything the democrats say or do ? And McCain and Graham having the hurt feelings that they have in all of this, then who can believe what they are trying to pull in the heat of this thing also ? It's all pathetic at this point, because instead of these people working with the incoming president on this, they have or still are attempting to use it against him. This is what makes it all political or dirty politics to me.
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Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?

"Russia got Trump elected..."

1. Your avi proves you're a liar.
2.Your post proves you're a fool.


....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election....

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????
Russia got Trump elected ....why would Trump punish them?
There is not one bit of evidence that Russia did anything, except in Obabbles babbles. Remember when Obabble told us that Trump would never get elected? Why is this more credible? It's not

LOL nothing Obabble says has any meaning, Trump will toss his sanctions, Fuck Irans reactor, and burn Obabblecare for Mexicans.

It;s over kid


Isn't he the one who won the earlier "Lie Of The Year" award???
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)

What the DNC did was so bad that they tossed Wasserman Putz the morning after it was understood what she did. However resigning from the DNC does not absolve anyone of crimes they have committed.

Martha Stewarts cell is gonna need an addition
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.

You lost kid, and your heroes are going to jail

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