Trumps team says PUNISH HILLARY NOT THE RUSSIANS.....And here we go

Russia interfered in the election, and HRC should be punished for what in the election?

I really would like to see just a shred of evidence that that is so. So far we have political hacks telling us it is a fact, but they have presented no facts. Just sayin...
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Last edited:
The Republicans have got themselves a large dose of Putin Love.
It's funny when they're traditionally the party that gets frightened and starts shooting at every rustle in the bushes...after all it could be a Communist, or a Mooslim, or a Gay...
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE CIA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
He worked for the NSA....................
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE CIA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
He worked for the NSA....................

Thank you. Fixed my post.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE CIA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
. The very fact that Snowden had to flee this nation, and all because he was tired of the corruption and direction this nation was heading into, could have caused him to seize upon the opportunity as an American to change the trajectory of the country in which I imagine he still loves. He may see promise in Trump making America great again, so can you blame him if he wants to return someday as a heroe instead of a traitor to the country that he loves ? There have been plenty of political refugees that were living in exile from other countries throughout time, and we have helped those political refugees become triumphant in their returns over the past to the nation's that had rebuked them, so you are thinking that this is the case with Snowden as well ??
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE CIA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
. The very fact that Snowden had to flee this nation, and all because he was tired of the corruption and direction this nation was heading into, could have caused him to seize upon the opportunity as an American to change the trajectory of the country in which I imagine he still loves. He may see promise in Trump making America great again, so can you blame him if he wants to return someday as a heroe instead of a traitor to the country that he loves ? There have been plenty of political refugees that were living in exile from other countries throughout time, and we have helped those political refugees become triumphant in their returns over the past to the nation's that had rebuked them, so you are thinking that this is the case with Snowden as well ??

Are you saying that if my theory is true, and Snowden DID somehow get the information required to influence the election, he should be greeted by Trump as a hero? You've gotta be kidding.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE CIA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
. The very fact that Snowden had to flee this nation, and all because he was tired of the corruption and direction this nation was heading into, could have caused him to seize upon the opportunity as an American to change the trajectory of the country in which I imagine he still loves. He may see promise in Trump making America great again, so can you blame him if he wants to return someday as a heroe instead of a traitor to the country that he loves ? There have been plenty of political refugees that were living in exile from other countries throughout time, and we have helped those political refugees become triumphant in their returns over the past to the nation's that had rebuked them, so you are thinking that this is the case with Snowden as well ??

Are you saying that if my theory is true, and Snowden DID somehow get the information required to influence the election, he should be greeted by Trump as a hero? You've gotta be kidding.
. What have we done to other nations in order to reintroduce exile's back to their nations in what we saw as their rightful place in the world ?? I think we have actually killed people in order to place people back into their nations in which we had supported their political views upon. Don't try and use my words in which your ideas are suggesting here that Snowden was involved, to try and accuse Trump of anything. I know that's how you people roll (looking for that strawman), but this is me just entertaining your thoughts for a moment. How do you see Snowden in what he has done, and should we have known about the things he had learned as a nation ? If he did try to do what you say he did, then it would be in hopes of and not in cullusion with is my opinion. Besides you all claim that Trump is to dumb to be in cohoots with anyone knowingly anyway.. LOL.
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.
Link for the underlined portion.

It is also interesting that you point out that the DNC is a private organization. You realize that the Russian involvement that is claimed as 'hacking our election process' by many here is also the Russians hacking that same private organization.
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Did Hillary win? or did she lose
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Roger Stone made the shot from the grassy knoll that killed Kennedy
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.
Link for the underlined portion.

It is also interesting that you point out that the DNC is a private organization. You realize that the Russian involvement that is claimed as 'hacking our election process' by many here is also the Russians hacking that same private organization.
If you read the leaks, the first question was Hillary's, the second question was Bernie s, the top of the email had names blacked out with a marker, so not to show us the names of all who received it that someone didn't want us to see....

Then, go to what Donna Brazille said when questioned about it....She said she did not play favorites, and Hillary and Bernie both got questions and info from her....

Then go to Bernie s comments on the Wikileaks of podesta/DnC and he was not upset about what was revealed and told the press he thanks goodness that his campaign's emails were not released because he's certain they would be filled with the same type of stuff....
Sean Spicer just tried to deflect on questions about Russia in the worst way possible

The most important question at this juncture, is what prison will be chosen for Hillary? Would the one that housed Martha Stewart be adequate? or perhaps Guantanimo Bay day spa, or again perhaps Sessions will allow for house arrest for the rest of her life.

Donald Trump’s press secretary claimed there should be more focus on “punishing” Hillary Clinton for her alleged manipulation of the election than on Russia’s alleged undermining of US democracy.

Sean Spicer questioned the “magnitude” of the scrutiny on Russia’s alleged cyber warfare against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to boost his boss into the White House.

He then attempted to deflect questions on an issue which is gathering bipartisan support by focusing on Mr Trump’s former Democratic rival.

“Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? That’s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election – somebody giving her debate questions and answers before an election,” he said, referring to former CNN commentator and DNC chair, Donna Brazile, allegedly handing over primary season debate questions to the Clinton team.

The entire Russia FAKE NEWS event is designed to take the focus off of the real criminal which is Clinton

Don't know if he said it, but it is correct. What the DNC and their operatives did was illegal. Prosecuting the DNC would be a load of fun, and seeing how many of their corrupt asses would be caught in the net. And they are so dumb, they basically admitted what they did by resignations after it was bought out.

Yep, Hillary and the DNC are WORSE than whomever hacked them, and of course, Obungles won't do anything about either, we are going to have to wait for Trump to sort this all out-)
Utter bull crap.

No laws were broken in the primary or with Donna Brazille... it was back handed, and not okay with her employer/CNN and was let go due to it, but not unlawful....the primaries are a private group's vetting process, it has NOTHING to do with our govt.... and BOTH Bernie and Hillary, got a view of what they were going to be was not just the Hillary team, it was ALSO the Bernie team....Brazille played no favorites.
Link for the underlined portion.

It is also interesting that you point out that the DNC is a private organization. You realize that the Russian involvement that is claimed as 'hacking our election process' by many here is also the Russians hacking that same private organization.
If you read the leaks, the first question was Hillary's, the second question was Bernie s, the top of the email had names blacked out with a marker, so not to show us the names of all who received it that someone didn't want us to see....

Then, go to what Donna Brazille said when questioned about it....She said she did not play favorites, and Hillary and Bernie both got questions and info from her....

Then go to Bernie s comments on the Wikileaks of podesta/DnC and he was not upset about what was revealed and told the press he thanks goodness that his campaign's emails were not released because he's certain they would be filled with the same type of stuff....

Roger Stone gave Booth the bullet that killed Lincoln.................................

Kid you need help
Roger Stone IS INVOLVED somehow, in these email leaks...two months before the Podesta leaks were aired, Roger Stone tweeted that the Podesta leaks were coming....

Don't you find that, in the very least, suspicious?
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Roger Stone made the shot from the grassy knoll that killed Kennedy
You obviously did NOT read the links I gave you, or did read them and are just trying to confuse others, because it ain't me, falling for your continual deflections and b.s.

Roger Stone said, in an interview,in his own words, that he was in contact with the person involved with wikileaks and the DNC and Podesta emails and that this person, who is his longtime friend, met with him often and TOLD HIM what was going to be in the emails that were stolen and were going to be released on to wikileaks. Roger Stone in August tweeted that the Podesta emails were going to be released....and they were not released to the Public until October as the October surprise....they were finally released by wikileaks on the day Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape was deflect from it. And in one of the articles, he said he spoke to Donad Trump at least once a week, even though he was supposedly fired by Donald and replaced with his long time partner, paul his new campaign manager.....

Roger Stone is HEAD DEEP in this....

What's funny, is it seems as though Donald is being set up to confess the dirty deed of his buddies....every time the press states that it was the Russians that hacked AND DUMPED the emails on wikileaks, and all of the blame shoots at Putin and Russia,

Trump can't stand it and keeps denying it and keeps saying HE KNOWS MORE about this than our intelligence community and it was not the Russians yadahdahdahdah....

Well, Trump is basically telling us, he KNOWS the Russians did not dump the leak on to wikileaks, he knows Roger Stone and Roger's friend dumped them on to wikileaks, and everytime our intelligence community states it is the Russians, Trump gets disturbed and can't help but say it was not the Russians.
There is absolutely no evidence that Roger Stone has the advanced computer skills that would enable him to do what you are alleging he did.

Kid you have fallen off your chair and are seeming to be seriously ill.

So please use your Obabblecare and get medical help
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Roger Stone made the shot from the grassy knoll that killed Kennedy
You obviously did NOT read the links I gave you, or did read them and are just trying to confuse others, because it ain't me, falling for your continual deflections and b.s.

Roger Stone said, in an interview,in his own words, that he was in contact with the person involved with wikileaks and the DNC and Podesta emails and that this person, who is his longtime friend, met with him often and TOLD HIM what was going to be in the emails that were stolen and were going to be released on to wikileaks. Roger Stone in August tweeted that the Podesta emails were going to be released....and they were not released to the Public until October as the October surprise....they were finally released by wikileaks on the day Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape was deflect from it. And in one of the articles, he said he spoke to Donad Trump at least once a week, even though he was supposedly fired by Donald and replaced with his long time partner, paul his new campaign manager.....

Roger Stone is HEAD DEEP in this....

What's funny, is it seems as though Donald is being set up to confess the dirty deed of his buddies....every time the press states that it was the Russians that hacked AND DUMPED the emails on wikileaks, and all of the blame shoots at Putin and Russia,

Trump can't stand it and keeps denying it and keeps saying HE KNOWS MORE about this than our intelligence community and it was not the Russians yadahdahdahdah....

Well, Trump is basically telling us, he KNOWS the Russians did not dump the leak on to wikileaks, he knows Roger Stone and Roger's friend dumped them on to wikileaks, and everytime our intelligence community states it is the Russians, Trump gets disturbed and can't help but say it was not the Russians.

You are clearly a delusional schitzo if one takes the time to read your manifesto
Would you stop playing STUPID, pretty please, silly one!

I did NOT say Roger Stone had the skills to hack in to the one has said that and you know it.

Stop deflecting.

You know, watching you and Bassman discuss this, I thought of someone who IS in Russia, who DOES have the computer skills to do a lot of stuff, at one time WORKED FOR THE NSA, and currently has an axe to grind against the US, as well as is kinda chummy with Putin.

Ever consider that Edward Snowden may have helped out, hacked whatever he needed to get, and he may have been the person to leak the stuff to Wikileaks? I mean, we already know that he has a penchant for doing stuff like that.

Maybe they were using Assange and Wikileaks as a smokescreen so that Snowden could do his stuff and they had plausible deniability.
Is he friends with Roger Stone, Trumps first campaign adviser? Enough so, that he would meet with Roger and tell him months in advance of the leaks, what the email leaks were about before wiki leaked them?
Roger Stone made the shot from the grassy knoll that killed Kennedy
You obviously did NOT read the links I gave you, or did read them and are just trying to confuse others, because it ain't me, falling for your continual deflections and b.s.

Roger Stone said, in an interview,in his own words, that he was in contact with the person involved with wikileaks and the DNC and Podesta emails and that this person, who is his longtime friend, met with him often and TOLD HIM what was going to be in the emails that were stolen and were going to be released on to wikileaks. Roger Stone in August tweeted that the Podesta emails were going to be released....and they were not released to the Public until October as the October surprise....they were finally released by wikileaks on the day Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape was deflect from it. And in one of the articles, he said he spoke to Donad Trump at least once a week, even though he was supposedly fired by Donald and replaced with his long time partner, paul his new campaign manager.....

Roger Stone is HEAD DEEP in this....

What's funny, is it seems as though Donald is being set up to confess the dirty deed of his buddies....every time the press states that it was the Russians that hacked AND DUMPED the emails on wikileaks, and all of the blame shoots at Putin and Russia,

Trump can't stand it and keeps denying it and keeps saying HE KNOWS MORE about this than our intelligence community and it was not the Russians yadahdahdahdah....

Well, Trump is basically telling us, he KNOWS the Russians did not dump the leak on to wikileaks, he knows Roger Stone and Roger's friend dumped them on to wikileaks, and everytime our intelligence community states it is the Russians, Trump gets disturbed and can't help but say it was not the Russians.

You are clearly a delusional schitzo if one takes the time to read your manifesto
i'll wear that with pride, since YOU :cuckoo: are the one saying it!!!

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